Japanese Text Input

Anthy vs Mozc

Which is better for an offline Linux user?

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I use mozc but I'd like to know if anthy is any better as I never tried it

>runes on the back side of the moon

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feeling positively ancient right now

Never triedAnthy, but Mozc does piss me off since it defaults to direct input when you switch to Japanese, so you can't actually type in Japanese until you set the input to be Hiragana or Katakana.

I'll try out Anthy later today to see if it's got better defaults.

Using Anthy with fcitx is pretty good. Default is romanji, but easy enough to change the default to hiragana/katakana

is there a keybind to change between romanji/hiragana/katana on the fly? mozc doesn't have this as far as I'm aware and it's pissing me off

Unsure, only installed last night as I'm a total beginner with moonrunes

Mozc with ibus. anything else is buggy shit. Works both distros that i use(debian and arch).
If you want to know if the dictionary is updated, "reiwa"/れいわ should convert to 令和

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kys weeb


weeb website

My apologies.

if you are using an American keyboard, replace the keybindings for the hankaku/zenkaku(半角・全角) key with what you want. In a Japanese keyboard, its the key that switches kana mode to normal input(by default).

The computer I'm using came with a japanese keyboard and mozc defaults work flawlessly for me. (YMMV)

mozc 先輩

She is very cute!

imagine writing disgusting jap language and not chad 中文

>*suddenly stops working with Qt apps*
Heh nothing personel linweebfags

ibus and debian works out of the box with qt

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I use Fcitx.

But isn't mozc botnet?

its offline. you clone it from github and be done with it. you can even look at the source code to be sure.

Got zero problems with anthy

The pre-built version from Google surely is. It's on github, so you can check it.

>getting software from a M$ controlled platform
Sure is technocuck in here tonight