Update this image.
Update this image
"no, u."
>Chrome wants to eat RAM, spy on you, and disable problematic extensions
>FF wants to spy on you less, deprecate XUL, and disable all extensions in the name of interracial tranny couples
>Edge wants to be Chrome
>Opera wants to sell your soul to China
>Brave wants your money and pretends to donate to your favorite sites and e-celebs
>Waterfox wants to plant trees
>Pale Moon wants to jack off to furry porn in peace and quiet
t. vivaldi user.
Firefox was and is still the slowest of all of those
>muh Jow Forums memes
You don't belong here, magapede.
based and browserpilled
Drink bleach, shit stain.
>anything I don't like is Jow Forums
Why do Jow Forumsfags and /lgbt/fags have to shit up this board. Here:
Is your subreddit down, faggotpede?
Based and GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 MPL-2.0 pilled.
kill yourself
>we have too many white men
Quiet, edgy mutts.
Ever since Drumpf became idiot in chief, all the little idiots seem to think it's cool to be an idiot.
>voted a crooked hillary instead of someone who actually wants to bring our jobs back
>hillary changes her stance constantly to keep with the times
>trump has maintained the same position for 30 years
you can't be a bigger idiot
You stupid nigger mutt. You faggot amerinigger. Trump register the oposite political party from the year beforehand to garentee success. Get your political facts straight and stop lying on an image board, you stupid faggomutt.
I didn't vote for Hillary. I'm not a burger.
Drumpf is a fucking goof.
Deal with it.
>emotional outbursts
Exactly what I'd expect from a filthy sjw. Go assault people because they disagree with you
>Can't use anything Chrome related, botnet
>Can't use anything Firefox related, botnet
So other than Lynx, what can I use?
m-muh diversity!!!!!1111
fuck off and kill yourself you fag
>Go assault people because they disagree with you
Stop whining, pussy. Fight back.
>muh buzzwords
After you, reddipede.
Fucken based, especially the qutebrowser one
kys tranny
>filthy sjw
Would I be a SJW if I said "nigger"? No, now stop being a faggot and either go back OR you could learn how to have a open mind instead of being a ignorant americoon. Your choice.
describe this open mind
despite all the bullshit this remains the only reasonable option, dark times my friends
google chrome should be changed to chromium. fuck google.
The sad truth
Best post. Hard not to /thread here unless someone posts an IceCat version.