If you answer wrong, it'll cost you your life.

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Good question user. Right now I'm using XFCE but thinking about making the switch to KDE. My system only has 4 GB of ram though. What do you recommend besides my inevitable death?

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Windows 7

KDE with bspwm.

wrong, family gets murdered as well because youre so far off

i3-gaps + polybar + urxvt + rofi + ranger

KDE, baby.
Xfce is as useless as gnome, but doesn't hog as much ram.


xfce. Never had a reason to try another DE after switching from mate.

KDE, or course.

Attached: ee26faed8e4595bd2211fc63b303ce23.jpg (774x1000, 131K)

XFCE for the default Desktop experience
KDE for the full /comfy/ Desktop experience with KDE Connect


>can do everthing kde can do in 1/8th of the ram with no bugs
>can do 1/8th of what xfce can do with 8 times the ram, full of bugs.

Attached: 1554662105050.jpg (300x300, 19K)

i3 gaps is retarded, and so are you

Ma nigga.
>i3-gaps is retarded
Absolutely, especially on laptops. Why df go through the trouble of using a tiling wm if you waste screen real estate for 'muh aestethics'. Jeez.

whatever version of gnome comes with elementary os. i think it's like a gnome fork or something but it uses less ram and runs faster.


The only two usable DEs
The impossible choice
Nice gambit OP


I think it's called Pantheon

kde crashes too much

Mind posting your comfy desktop and major themes/programs used to achieve it?

gnome or lumina or lxqt. quit being a fucking furfag


still unsure...

For me, it's KDE


xfce bitch, what the fuck kind of question is that? KDE is like, 50% bloat

DEs were a mistake.
>t. Richard Torovalds


Every day I fantasize about installing KDE Neon but I keep playing WoW on windows 10


KDE for the rice, XFCE for actually getting shit done

KDE,XFCE with a WM like i3 is the real shit

Nowadays KDE consumes about the same amount of RAM XFCE does with the same features
But you can bloat up and customize KDE much more
Stop living in the past user, the KDE it's bug ridden and RAM hungry meme nowadays belongs to Gnome
I would drop XFCE for KDE if they had well maintained traditional looking themes instead of the modern look, the XFCE community keeps those themes well maintained

You know how I know you're a faggot?

You still play the steaming shitpile that is WoW.

You know how I know you're a retard?