Do you prefer to use Emacs on GUI or on terminal? And why?

Do you prefer to use Emacs on GUI or on terminal? And why?

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How is this even a question?

Yeah, and just 'cuz.

it gets people solving capchas to ask questions like yours silly

I wish there was a more modern Emacs UI, something like VsCode or Sublime. Tabs on top, file pane on the side, terminal panel on the right that can be hidden.

Emacs isn't called programmable IDE for no reason, you can make it do whatever the fuck you want, with just a few lines of Elisp.

Attached: 1390944507633.jpg (480x480, 62K)

Then why didnt nobody have done it yet?

I use it in the terminal like a boss.

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I've been trying to use Emacs but I'm having an awful time adjusting to it, even with that CUA-mode thing. I'm vaguely considering looking into rebinding a bunch of keys, since I'm sure that's possible.

Do it. It sucks that the defaults are shit, but customizing everything is kind of the emacs way anyway. There's no point in forcing yourself to learn the defaults for most things.
All of the key bindings I use I set myself to what works for me..

If you're new and looking for a good starting point, I recommend Casey's basic emacs tutorial from a few years ago.

because emacs lisp sucks

we almost had a modern emacs alternative: lighttable.

But people prefered sublime clones like Atom/VS Code.

What happened to it? The website is up at least.

I just think that Spacemacs is based. You whatever you want. If you're just going to program, use CLI, if you're gonna use it for PDFs or something like that, use GUI.

Tried both, liked it better, couldn't really explain why
God no, it's all so cluttered I can't stand that shit.
>Tabs on top
No need, Projectile allows you to brows all the buffers open in a project's context and context switch projects
>file pane on the side,
Ugly and redundant once you use Projectile to brows the project's files. If you feel like you must for some arcane reason there are multiple packages which do this, for example, treemacs.
>terminal panel on the right that can be hidden.
Several solutions for this exist, emacs has both eshell and ansi term, you can open them at any directory, Projectile also lets you open a terminal at a project's root or execute a shell command, blocking or in the background.
Emacs doesn't need the features of other editors because it solves these problems in a different and much more pleasant way.

I have never use it on terminal but I have only 1 year of trying it. That said, most people recommend the gui version and use TRAMP for remote terminal stuff or ansi-term / term for your terminal needs.

if you are having problems with vanilla Emacs just try Spacemacs. It has a lot of shit by default but they are more comfortable for new users. If you are a vim user even better.

Later, after you have learned a little bit and see the possibilities you can try vanilla Emacs to suit your needs.

I also started with vim (amateur stuff nothing professional) tried Emacs, failed, returned to vim, tried Emacs + evil, succeeded , then I tried Emacs with default keybinds and never came back.

*never looked back

I probably will

nope, ex-winfag. I ran notepad++ in Wine for like two years.

then just try Spacemacs, it's mostly the Ubuntu of Emacs.

Spacemacs is literally spyware.


it phones home every time you fire it up

Emacs is a joke created by Stallman to troll vi users into using a pile of shit. Way to fall for it.

Use it in the terminal burbs. It'll grow hair on yer chest.

Attached: 1558304814973.png (606x504, 160K)

But only because that's how it starts by default
Also I think in the terminal you can't use the line highlighting feature, which I quite like
Tramp works pretty well for remote editing, except for very long lines

Doesn't it just check github?
But anyways, it's bloated as fuck

I couldnt stop ricing vanilla emacs so I went back to spacemacs.

because "just a few" means "literally over 9000"

how so?

Install Witchmacs

Attached: marisahover.png (940x1100, 56K)

I'll give it a try user

so I just learned about tramp mode and that it works over putty, but I saw that you need to specify this cryptic path every fucking time you want to go fetch a file remotely, any way to make this less painful?

Bookmark the file with C-x r m. List all bookmarks with C-x r l. You're welcome.

No, people preferred lighttable, it just wasn't developed.

Put this in your init file
(defun connect-{server} ()
(interactive) (dired"/ssh:{user}@{server.domain}#{port}:/home/{user}"))

You could even bind it to a key

i use nano
and for gui i use atom or gedit..
i dont see any use on emacs/vim
not in desktop/server envirioments
It's just not convenient

read this:

> i dont see any use on emacs/vim

that is because you are some 12 yo ignorant degenerate

smart people, not like you, could see decades of refinement and reducing to an optimum.

really smart people (like me) could appreciate the evolved chord of emacs and key binding of vim, the DLSs of emacs which makes modules small and manageable and easy to create and modify and understand that vim's DSLs is making fucking PHP look nice

So, fuck off, pleb. VScode and NodeJs is what you deserve

I use GUI Emacs, because I like to read documents inside of it. It also looks better.

The terminal has a bunch of features that I wouldn't mind having, but emacs gui has some kind of font smoothing that I don't care enough to figure out how to get rid of.
It makes the text just a little too blurry for extended periods.
Ex: GUI on top, terminal on bottom
If anyone knows how to fix in gui tell me

Attached: i_swear_im_not_being_nitpicky.png (941x1031, 88K)

Fuck i meant that the gui has a bunch of features I wouldn't mind having.

A buddy of mine was trying to convince me to use spacemacs, so I don't know what package spacemacs used, but it is possible to bookmark the buffer. When you selected the bookemarked connection, it essentially does all the heavy lifting for you/

lol at each emacs in the world being its very own personality through customization

>really smart people (like me)
you are really smart just because you say it, is very convincing..
you dont need vim or emacs to develope thats a fact you mongoos

if you use emacs or vim you are ahead of your pack - most dont care about tools - because they are not that smart

make your visual experience consistent, you idiot

Emacs could be compiled with GTK3 and Xft which does proper antialiasing an hinting.

So, use Gnome Terminal (yes, no minimalist bullshit) to have the same features and proper fonts.

Fonts could be pirated from Apple or there are Source Code Pro fonts from adobe.

You just have different font in GUI. You use bitmap font in terminal, vector font (or whatever it's called) in GUI. That's why it looks different. I'm not sure if that's what you meant, because it's kinda obvious. You can use M-x menu-set-font to adjust the GUI font. You can save settings with M-x customize-save-customized.

I am retard. Thanks


its subjectively better
there is no reason to use the terminal version unless you are sshing or something

visual studio code with remote ssh editing feature

Attached: emacs.png (699x995, 158K)

fucking zoomers, fucking zoomers everywhere

well, idiots could be writers too

I don't know. I use GUI when I need, for specific documents, but I just find terminal apps to more sexy. And yeah, I know that's a huge faggotry.

it might be sexier
but when you want to be productive and have a job

Not him but what does GUI does that makes you more productive?

We don't use Emacs here
we use vim you plebian

This is now a Vim thread.
Have you given the mandatory 10% cut from your wage to starving children in Uganda?

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terminal emacs just uses the terminals font (looks like Terminus in your case).
For gui emacs you need to specify it in your init.el. There are different ways to do it, the most straight forward is (set-frame-font "Terminus-12"). You can also select it via the emacs gui menu if you prefer that.
If you don't specify your font, the gui just loads the default Monospace font of your system (looks like source code pro in your case).

Gui, given I can scroll faster

>you can tell the author knows what he's talking about because it's in a serious pdf with layout and serif fonts.
By claiming there is an emacs trap causing you to over-configure pointless things, you can tell that he never actually learned how to use emacs. Yet he still thinks he knows better than the people actively using it, so he writes bullshit statements like "emacs treats editing as an end rather than a means."
Fuck you, just go and use notepad.

Attached: siaFuckYou.jpg (370x370, 21K)

What do you guys use for jumping around a single project with a somewhat complicated directory structure?

we who?
What makes you people prefer Vim? I like it very much, just asking out of curiosity.

Using internet is spyware, user

so what do you offer aside from a-

>cute witch dashboard


the only thing that sucks is the lack of package namespacing
but with lexical scoping enabled and cl-lib it's basically common lisp. totally usable

not necessarily, there are a lot of competent and master programmers that use common "normie" tools and they do big contributions to open source.

Using vim or emacs and saying you are a master programmer/hacker is like saying that if you drive a Ferrari you are a master wheelman.

>if you are having problems with vanilla Emacs just try Spacemacs
This is good advice. Alternatively, try doom-emacs.
Just to get a feel for Emacs and see what's possible. Then strip the fat and start your own config from scratch.

They have, I am sat on the shitter right now and can tell you how to do it from memory
>M-x package-install neotree
>M-x neotree
>C-x 3
>C-x o
>M-x term
If you must have tabs (tabs are legitimately for plebs)
>M-x package-install awesome-tab
>M-x awesome-tab

Or you could skip the all of that and install spacemacs or doom, emacs distributions that set up all this shit for you.

Inb4 some retard comes along and says this is too complicated or too much effort. The strength of emacs lies in its configurability and extensibility. Yeah, you might have to fiddle a little to get how you like it, but you can have it be exactly how you want. That and the fact you'll want different layouts for different types of work. I've never seen anyone use vscode for editing config files, writing documents, writing latex, using irc, using the shell, file management, or playing tetris, all of which emacs is perfect for, and each of which will want a different (evsn if only slightly) configuration.

I use plantuml-mode a lot and the preview feature does not work on CLI.

tabs are trash, end yourself

How do i learn emacs? Should I use spacemacs? Are.there alternatives?

First do the emacs tutorial so you grasp basic concepts.
Then watch uncle Dave's video series.
Then watch Rainer's org mode series.
Then you'll be set enough to read emacs blogs and write your own elisp snippets.
Zimmerman's videos are too lengthy and /Reddit/ for my opinion. Uncle Dave is more straightforward.
Xah Lee is autistic AF but most oftentimes he's pretty good. Other times his autism is too strong (e.g. his rant on the multi cursors package)
Sasha has some nice snippets too but it's more like finding a needle in a haystack.
Also there are tons of emacs config online from academics so take a peek at those too. Usually these are pretty good.
Kitchin is also a nice reference for org mode stuff.
Emacs subreddit is not half bad and worth lurking too.

you mean like this?

Attached: 2019-05-23-193851_1762x1914_scrot.png (1762x1914, 415K)

Mostly GUI because
>better clipboard integration
>can view images in RSS feeds
>variable-pitch fonts for reading books in nov-mode
>theme background colors fill the window properly if the WM is ignoring size hints
>I don't see a reason to deprive myself of the option to use a mouse for some things
But if I'm in a terminal already and just want to make a quick edit, I probably wont bother with the GUI. On of the nicest things about Emacs to me is the availability of both, and that they can be customized differently.

What's the point of tabs if you can just switch between buffers? I'm not ironic of sarcastic, just curious.

Only the terminal for me.

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I just use them to see whats currently opened.
And switching between buffers is as easy as M-h or M-l.
I find manually selecting buffers annoying.

Yes, make that and call it doom emacs.

Installing emacs so you can edit text in evil mode sounds as dumb as installing windows 10 because you can run gnu+linux in wsl.

>sounds as dumb
Perhaps to a dumb person (which you seem to be).

how do I turn emacs into java ide (only want autocompletion)

just use jetbrains

but I want to use emacs

Because people who use Emacs aren't Windowsbabbies who need disgusting gamer interface to make them able to tab out from Twitch.

It's alive again

Check out meghanada emacs or jdee

>I just use them to see whats currently opened.
Do you not have a mental map of every buffer opened in your head?

Not really no, I prefer to have my active memory on the contents of the files/project instead of something as trivial as workspace management.

>active memory
Do you even understand how memory works? You don't have to actively think about something to have a complete map of it in your head.
>something as trivial
Trivial things don't require a constant visual reminder.

whatever you prefer user, I just like to focus on what Im actually doing instead of how Im going to do it.
I do the same with workspaces in my WM, those get a little icon with what I usually put in there so I can look at it and see in 1 brain "cycle" whats what instead of actively trying to remember every single thing I have opened.

there was a thread about emacs java development not to long ago, check the archives.

Thanks kind user.
Wasn't expecting such a good answer

Thanks for introducing me to meghanada, now I have very neat java autocompletion in Emacs

Attached: nice.png (129x198, 6K)

Also, check out for a nice collection of packages.

How do i get good at basic emacs usage/customazation?


The other advantage is Spacemacs makes it crazy easy to quickly configure a basic IDE for some specific languages with its system of layers.
I first fell in love with Emacs vanilla and customizing it myself. I fell in love a second time with Emacs when I discovered Spacemacs.