Github Sponsors

Github is literally patreon now.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-23-14-03-57-103_com.brave.browser.jpg (1200x1827, 216K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>microsoft won't corrupt open sou-

Attached: file.png (290x153, 3K)

I'm seething

Time to move to Savanna I guess

Microsoft is shekelizing Github.

>devs will now hold pull requests hostage unless they're paid


Attached: github.png (837x800, 46K)

Tier 3 sponsor:
Get your pull requests in without waiting the 50 days cooldown!

What a glorious future!

Have sex, incel.

Back to Jow Forums where you belong, buddy

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-23 GitHub Sponsors.png (453x317, 80K)

rent free

Attached: soylette_soylatte.jpg (460x460, 25K)

time to switch to gitlab

A database of both of them?

So now I can make some woke and socially responsible github repo and idiots will donate $$$ to me??

That's why everyone left for gitlab.

You mean the 3.5 people?

What should this be called? Crowd Source?

>not using sieg, heil as pronouns
Git gud

>Github will match contributions up to $5000 per project

Why can't they just tie their faggot hands and host source codes? Why do they try to ruin it all?

Attached: 1545894514014.jpg (1280x842, 162K)

It's called building a competitive advantage, retarded /v/irgin/. There would be little reason to use Github instead of Gitlab or any other competitor if they didn't try to come up with exclusive features.

More than you know.

It's called leveraging & eventually capitalizing over their "monopoly". We cannot let open source communities be centralized by single, large corporations; especially given the historical track record of Microshaft with open source. But, regardless of which company, it should not be allowed to centralize. Let the payment/sponsorship duty be handled by another pre-existing options (Libre & Open Collective) Keep open source open!
Go play video gaymes faggot.

I might set this up for my project. I’m already using Patreon but having as well this wouldn’t hurt.

Tech Wars 2 Electric Boogaloo

How is this not getting more discussion here, this will be the downfall of open source projects

Oh no if I can't contribute code to a project I now have the option to contribute money to them? Oh the humanity!

>In the future, we may charge a nominal processing fee.

it seems like microshit can't fucking decide wheter github is a code hosting site or a social network

>In the future, we will definitely charge a nominal processing fee, stop matching donations and take cuts from payments.

Attached: 1553825016673.png (750x730, 560K)

considering LinkedIn failed and is only monitored by the lowliest of corporate anus sniffers, GitHub is the best chance they have at a social network

> LinkedIn failed

>Thanm you for watching, leave a like if you did, favorite if you loved it and fun me on github if you want to support the show directly

Oh god no.

At which point onwards, devs having an iq of more than 95 will switch over to other forms of payment.

lol what

Or just don't buy into this shit in the first place unless you and your buddies are in it to get free M$ dollars

If you click on some of those profiles, people are using tiers for priority support and feature requests.

Microsoft damage control already arrived.

>make a FOSS project on github
>microsoft gets paid
Another step forward with Microsoft's software as a service revenue model. I'd bet on sponsored developers having priority in the Windows store next.

How is making it easier for open source developers to receive contributions a bad thing?
You're a bunch of commie faggots.

It promotes a model where an army of cuck opens source developers write the software for microsoft to run its cloud, for peanuts.

It's already the model in infosec, where vulnerability researchers get ridiculous token bounties for reporting security issues.

>LinkedIn failed
imagine being this much of a jobless shut-in

>tfw you switched to gitlab a long time ago

Attached: 1558408574144.jpg (499x499, 26K)

>needing LinkedIn to get a job
tell me you don't do this Jow Forums

>Nice implementation here! Let’s get it into our next release.

Are those cunts trying to turn software development into Facebook?

So people being paid for work you disagree with is the issue? Let me guess, it should be illegal (the wrong think)? Literally free software models of development should be illegal, fine with me.

software development has long been normalfag shit
Ken & Rob et. al are about the only greybeards left who are respected by the current culture.

There's nothing wrong with developers receiving contributions for their work. That's not what this is. This is another revenue stream for Microsoft based on software they did not write. Microsoft is trying to move away from selling software as much as possible and is now primarily trying to build their cloud and be a middle man for development. Monetizing GitHub != supporting developers.

Middle man eventually takes a cut. Its only wrong when microsoft does it. You guys are so ideologically broken its astounding.

Why not he, she?

>Force code of conduct for open source projects
>Only JS libs or autistic hispters games get money
>SJW minimum tantum will fuck you

Building their cloud with other people's work and using the money to maintain their cloud services is bad no matter what company does it. Sponsored developers building shit to run in Azure will be prioritized over some devs writing a typical open source project.

Why do you care? You can barely design a logo.


woah libtards = PWNED!!

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>github sponsors [beta]
i'll say

>SJW minimum tantum will fuck you
Or maybe just don't be racist and "ESSS JAYYY DUBBOW YUUZZ" won't fuck with you? Problem solved.

Attached: 1548022108968.gif (256x256, 1.38M)

Will you sponsor me if I code a new Jow Forums mobile app?

>have bagina
>get loads o money

>be competent dev
>get nothing

The best part is that you never have to finish it either since it's in your best interest to keep your sponsors for as long as possible

without linkedin profile, i had to make a CV, send it to companies..
last time i just made a simple linkedin profile, switched a single "available for hire" button and let the HR qts spam me

although not needed, it is just more comfortable to have a profile for lazy fucks as me

My preferred pronoun is definitely "you" I like how it started out as plural but developed a singular version along the way, outcompeting "thou" in the process.
You is a pretty cool pronoun.


>[x] of colour
why the FUCK do they FUCKING say this holy shit, all nonwhites are the fucking same: poo-colored skin, black or brown hair, black or brown eyes





Has anyone noticed a bunch of bot-like accounts giving "Stars" to their projects?
I have some git repositories on Github that I never advertised anywhere and they have Stars from people. The same people Star everything.

What for? Pepping up resumes?

But why do they give stars to random accounts? Pretty sure they're bots, because I have a project exclusively useful in my obscure native language yet some people from Korea liked them.

What will be the first project banned from Sponsors for politics reasons?

ublock origin
anti adobe shit
but nothing related to windows piracy or anti spy because it would make them look bad, and they don't care about it anymore

Impossibly based

anything related to piracy as well

I star repos that look interesting, so I can go back and have a deeper look at it at a later point. Clicking watch means that my email inbox and the notification thing is going to run amok, so I use stars as kind of a bookmark.

Pretty smart. Now if only there were a way to bookmark arbitrary URLs...

How is this a problem? This seems cool, I'm probably going to send some money to the nouveau guys. They do great work. I might cherry-pick a few more projects to contribute to.

you use "literally" like a woman

>imagine relying on Linkedin for job instead of you personal network of contacts
greasy neckbeard detected

A woman who drinks onions ought to become more womanly if the theory of xenoestrogens is to be believed, but is it possible that they actually become less?

Because money is going to corrupt the open source scene.

what happenned to mascot?
why microsoft made it retarded?

Attached: octocat.jpg (1731x636, 72K)

Attached: octocat.jpg (2309x849, 150K)

Good GOD it's like they intentionally made it worse

>what happenned to mascot?
Drunk too much onions

Attached: octocat.svg.png.jpg (2283x800, 277K)

>His Royal Excellence
>Most Exalted One
>His Majesty

Do the needful sirs and provide with donations sirs

Attached: 1558650677791.jpg (1280x960, 185K)

When your wife's boyfriend buys you NINTENDO SWITCH after vasectomy!!!

Attached: YAAAAAAAYYY.png (1694x1582, 322K)

Have sex.

that first one looks exactly like clark duke

my name is javascript ninja
I am evangelist market disruptor
please donate on github

Thanks for believing in me, I definitely will!

Have kids.

Drink more onions faggot.

Don't have sex.

I will, soon. Thanks.

holy shit that's cute


They kept him locked in a basement and injected him with S O Y for weeks