How do I get access to my girlfriend computer?

How do I get access to my girlfriend computer?

Attached: b3217385a5c772ea25be80cc58d96faa.png (512x512, 51K)

get a girlfriend

>if (sad() === true)

>sad is a function and not a variable

flowers and chocolates.

>sad isn't variable

Attached: 1339550542697.jpg (266x239, 10K)

// TODO: stop being such a faggot
void beAwesome()

sad is an object if I'm not retarded

the function can return something, looks like shitty es6 or something gay like that, either way this dumb shit is probably made by someone with nominal CS knoweledge and shipped off to chinkland to be made on a t-shirt for :O gaping mouth nu-males

if (race == white & sex == male ) {
} else {

incel cope have sex!!!

Attached: 1545500610372.jpg (1336x1520, 534K)

more like

while (self.sad) {
self.sad = true;


Attached: james.jpg (300x300, 30K)

Live boot into linux
You can probably install spyware directly from that point. I heard replacing magnifier.exe with cmd.exe gives you root access from the login screen on Microsoft winshit.

How can sad be an object if it's trying to do sad()
You can't reference an object like that

install rat on her PC and smartphone
monitor what she is doing, realize she is not what it seems. leave her


>making it a variable and not a constant

>yfw constants are variables

You don't.

aaaaaaaaa what font is that


buffer: .space 20
str1: .asciiz "Who is this?"
str2: .asciiz "(You)"
str3: .asciiz "Literally anyone else"
out1: .asciiz "Happy life with fun job, qt gf , blue skies and a gorillion dollars"
out2: .asciiz "lol go fuck yourself *delays bus by 30 minutes*"


la $a0, str1
li $v0, 4

li $v0, 8

la $a0, buffer
li $a1, 20

move $t0, $a0
beq $t0, str2, helloSadness
la $a0, out1
li $v0, 4

j end

la $a0, out2
li $v0, 4

li $v0, 10

Attached: 1374210777575s.jpg (250x250, 15K)

OP, we know you're a homosexual.

with the -mgfni flag

ask the chad she's fucking to let you in

What did he mean by this?

That picture just shows me that having sex causes more problems instead of solving them.

It's not the having sex part itself, it's the reproduction.

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Somehow I knew this would be the first post and also the best post.

Isn't it supposed to be "&&" or am I retarded? Only had a few coding courses in high school.

Then there are two options, both equally stupid. Either “sad()” returns a Boolean, as implied by if (sad() === true) above. I’m this case, sad().stop() couldn’t exist because a bool does not has member function. Or sad() returns an object or class or something in which case the conditional above will always return true or just straight up throw an error. The fact that the conditional and the subsequent call to sad().stop() each use a new instance of whatever sad() returns rather than setting
obj sadInstance = sad()
Seriously bothers me

>the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer
what about the pleasure of the devoured animal?
t. vorarephiliac

Not real
Go get eaten by a bear and try to feel good. Spoilers: you can't.

IQ = 200

feels bad man

Just use violence and force her.

Install an ssh server on it. I do it (but only for jokes -- I've never looked at any of her files -- think `say` command on macos).

>Either “sad()” returns a Boolean. I’m this case, sad().stop() couldn’t exist because a bool does not has member function.
Oh boy. Looks like you haven't been properly exposed to the horror that is javascript.

let sad = () => true
Boolean.prototype.stop = () => 4

sad() === true // true
sad().stop() // 4

>prototype monkeying
I envy the dead who no longer risk witnessing those horrors

Attached: 1DFFE58A-18D1-42AC-B1BB-EDA0E432C24D.jpg (157x117, 3K)



You can
Lookup method chaining. Absolute state of Jow Forums.
The code is still wrong since sad returns boolean and not an object that has methods
Is there a single person in this thread that wrote a line of product code?

That's what you get when you stick a dick into crazy

>Is there a single person in this thread that wrote a line of product code?
Read the fucking thread you lazy groid.
You didn't say anything new that wasn't said in this thread before.

I'll fucking rape you stupid faggot

If you don't stick it into crazy, you'll either die a virgin or gay. Not that it's bad or anything, but still.

You're too lazy to rape anyone, you'll just lie down and take it

#define SAD 1

You ask her.

This works. Though if you are in Linux already, you can simply copy the files you need to review.

install gentoo

>sad() returns true
>proceeds to call stop() on true

inb4 sad() has side effects, returns bool/object every other time

based and best post.

this was clearly made by someone who just shoved that into a "epic code generator"
if (sad()) could return an instance of sad or, if that's not defined, the conditional would fail.
then on sad().stop() you're calling a method of that instance (but only if it exists)

it's still gay and lame and i hate it and also ES6 is great fuck you phpajeets

>fucking with prototypes
>intentionally doing something retarded
>f-fucking javascript!

>not setting the state as sad : true then updating the state to false when you mount the component gf