Anyone else got /air conditioner/

Anyone else got /air conditioner/

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Or are u cooking alive with a laptop in your lap

Didn't turn on my AC all last summer. I'm more heat-resistant than borosilicate lab glassware.

I was fucking freezing all winter long though

I got two heatpump units that doubles as an AC or heat
Also got two wood stoves in the house

None of my neighbors have turned their air conditioners on yet, and I don't want to be the first, so I have to wait.

Of course user.
Don't you?

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yes, fuck summer

my room hit 95f today and its not even june yet

No, but I am /dehumidifier/.

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For me, its 22 degrees C

Got that shit set to 63F. Cozy as shit under my comforter.

For me it's 72f

63? Are u an eskimo? Set that shit to 70-73

oh, that burger degrees

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I have a whole house heat pump with ac and heat obviously. But it's so nice here that my windows are open right now.


>and the Freon leaks so I have to get a new unit

Still cold here so it's a future problem

My power bill was $180 for me and two roommates last month
didn't even run the AC fuck the electrical jew

Mines higher
Big house tho

fuck that's cheap, where?

I only pay $60-100 a month in the pacific northwest

you can see russia from my house

I just had to turn it down even colder now im drinking coffe

>60 bucks a month
I-Is this suppose to be a lot?

t. poor person

>tfw it's almost christmas

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Oh yeah, gaming with 68 degrees F, now we're talking

skinnyfag detected

I have a tower fan and a standing fan with the window open and mosquito nets over them.
tfw bong

Based, 21-22 is GOAT.
Also very based.

I do but I'm not running it so the heat suppresses my hunger and I won't have to spend money on electric or food

Have dinner.

During summer, they raise the rates for electricity here.


Im dropping it down to 64f because of coffee
Wish me luck

I live in south florida. Why the fuck wouldnt I have one?

Have air conditioner turned 74F running when home.

I'm very prepared for humid Tokyo summer.

I've got your "air conditioner" right here, frog!

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I've only had to turn mine on a couple of times this year, this has been the coolest and wettest spring SoCal has had in years, maybe ever. Normally it'd be bone dry and in the 80s (>25c) or higher by now, instead it's been raining a couple of times a week and mostly stays in the 60s. (15-20c or so)

Wanna know how i know youre a tranny

It's winter here so

Nah, German summers are nothing a fan and some nekkidness can't fix.

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No. I'm not a sandnigger nor a pajeet.

Its the sandniggers that are acustomed to the heat retard
White people like to stay cool

Frog website


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i not need it

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Wait, aircons still use cfc gasses?! That shit is more harmful to the atmosphere than ch4 and co2! Is your ac unit 20 years old or something?

imma be moving south, further away from the equator so i can still be comfy in 20 years time when china has really ramped up their mining and coal burning operations

The modern ones use HFCs instead of CFCs. The chlorine atoms (which get knocked off the atoms by UV radiation in the upper atmosphere) are what react with and destroy ozone. Making them better for the ozone layer has made them worse for the greenhouse effect though, since their stability means they hang around longer, and they retain heat like a few hundred times better than CO2.

So why are they still used? Basically because all the other chemicals you can make a practical air conditioner out of have some other, worse drawback. Ammonia works pretty well but you better hope it doesn't leak in your room. You can use non-halogenated hydrocarbons like isobutane. Those are flammable, though, and if it leaks, the vapor is explosive. You can actually use plain carbon dioxide, too, but the problem with that is that it needs a much higher pressure than conventional refrigerants to liquefy it, which means your AC unit has to be more heavily and expensively built.

Yes, we turned it on back in March. Fuck floriduh.

Thank you for this explanation user. I'll go to sleep smarter thanks to you!

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it's six degrees outside at the moment

tfw moved to bay area and still have to run the heater at night

it's 4 degrees out so i had to turn on my oil heater

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No, I don't live in a third-world shithole.

found the down syndromite

My room does fine with just a fan until August usually.
Sadly the room is bitter cold in the winter because of the windows.

>Sadly the room is bitter cold in the winter because of the windows.
Seal them, you retard.

Yeah, I will this year.
Last year I just improvised by stuffing them with plastic bags I filled with rags and wadded up newspaper and then stapling over my curtains with a gigantic plastic sheet to form a seal. I rent otherwise I would have already replaced these windows; they're likely older than my Mom.

>they're likely older than my Mom.
and just as loose

raining cats and dogs here, tree falled on street, and all cars drived directly besides my house, so if i want i can get a bus directly from my house

yeah & pass as much wind