Attached: tabbed-windows-terminal-2060x1186.png (2060x1186, 869K)

Other urls found in this thread:

have you never used terminal before? or just a kinda dumb person who finds self worth from purchasing products.

its free u dumb ass

>nig music



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Why is it that entry level help desk analysts and NEETs are the only people that give a shit about some riced out terminal lmao

The powershell console is fine. Microsoft needs to not focus so much on a tabbed terminal and spend their resources focused on letting you group applications together in tabs. This is just stupid

>only ships with wangblows
>wangblows requires you to pay a license

>The powershell console is fine
>cant tab

pick one

no, its just bundled with windows. It certainly isn't free

>not being able to crack software in 2019

loonix tards forever BTFO'd

The source code is released under the MIT license, you autistic spergs.

Oh please. :rolleyes:

Go get a job

they are dumb
so dumb user

Good night, freetards.

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This. When. I've been learning powershell lately and it's pretty cool, also very well paid. Gonna start moving a bit more into the Windows ecosystem

Shut up and go back to 9fag.

no. what are u gonna do little boi? gtfo

show me it

I shouldn't spoon feed your dumbass but here you go

nobody pays for windows anymore.

Except OEMs, business, and big corporations, which is where all the money is
The only people who don't pay for Windows are cheap ass gaming PC builders

Found the NEET :^)

No idea the point you're trying to make here

>Windows Terminal will be delivered via the Microsoft Store in Windows 10 and will be updated regularly, ensuring you are always up to date and able to enjoy the newest features and latest improvements with minimum effort.
>delivered via the Microsoft Store
Guess I'm stuck with cmder

It might be open source but it certainly isn't free

Even if the telemetry there is nothing stopping it from being free
Free software is nothing more than licencing, there is no requirement for it to be "botnet free" or anything else

Apparently you have cognitive dissonance and "free" means something completely different.
It's MIT licensed. It's FOSS.
Any other autistic definition you come up with has no consensus amongst the community and is therefore wrong and irrelevant.

Just compile it.

No. It's not free. Free software is software that respects the user's freedom. Windows Terminal and its baked-in telemetry does not respect the user's freedom.

Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye. Always on DRM

It is respecting the user's freedom
If you don't like something in it, change it, you have the freedom to

Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye. Always on DRM

dumb teaser showing off aesthetics and no useful features while zoomer music is playing.
Must be their new way to appeal to the apple crowd.
no one is falling for your silly shilling attempt


Attached: hqI0V0h[1].jpg (550x780, 60K)

It spies on you, you fucking drooler.

Attached: 036F6750-386E-46A2-8F96-B668C843ADBA.jpg (500x573, 239K)

Can't you just delete everything from source code you don't want and then compile?

What he really means by "free" is that everything should already be done to his exact autistic specifications at no cost.

when is the release?

overwatch custom maps are free too, right?

>copies something unix has had for fucken decades
>slightly revamps PS
"It's NEW!"

>The Windows Terminal is in the very early alpha stage, and not ready for the general public quite yet.

>car ad for a terminal

>touch lolifuck.js

oh boy, did they put freaking emojis in a shell?

Attached: freakingemojis.png (990x558, 252K)

ALL the FUCKING dependencies....

>as the Windows Terminal REQUIRES features from the latest Windows release.

And you seem unable to draw a distinction between a piece of softwares licensing and the users access to the os in which they can compile it.

>windows sucks linux has better things lolololol
>windows copies better things ohnonononono

choke on dick freetard, go dilate your open wound """vagina"""

Attached: Unamused.gif (500x300, 264K)

Attached: cancer.png (815x532, 104K)

You think that's bad? Check out what Swift can do

Attached: file.png (1314x1000, 359K)

Why wouldn't I just use tmux?

this terminal finna boutta be hella lit senpai

>windows copies better things & claims that they're new and that they "invented" them..

I wish I cared enough about you to come up with some equally nasty thing to say back to you. But I don't.

Cheers, cunt.

Attached: h8r.jpg (600x383, 155K)

It says Execution Automator (v1.1) in the video. Is that even a real testing framework? Or did they fake it?
There are two different emojis for 'Pass'.
4/5 is considered 'Partial', but 2/8 is 'Fail'?
What is this?


Privacy != freedom.
Even if it doesn't respect your privacy, it respects your freedom.
Go be autistic somewhere else.

i prefer bash

Uhhhh... that's not what happened here? Stop making thinks up. Cheers.

>claims that they're new and that they "invented" them..
When did they claim they invented it?

gnome terminal had them at least from 2016

Do you even know what a shell is?
C can do that too. Dennis Ritchie himself wrote a program like that.
How is tmux comparable to a terminal emulator?
Bash is a shell.. This is a... terminal.

Why are Linux """""PEOPLE"""" so fucking terminally retarded?

>first real update to CMD.exe since 1993

Attached: 1527640127835.png (754x698, 370K)

Daily reminder that desktop Linux is shit, Mac OS sucks, and increasingly functional WSL is the way.

I'm still unamused. If you don't like X part of the Terminal's code, remove it yourself. You are free to do so, you have the option.
You also have the option to adapt and compile it for whatever OS you want.

windows should just be an ubuntu theme

>You also have the option to adapt and compile it for whatever OS you want.

>>as the Windows Terminal REQUIRES features from the latest Windows release.

Note the caps...

How do you get paid for this? Just asking.

Attached: Bailey_Helen_2_full__MG_6727.jpg (979x1469, 262K)

who tf plays tumblrwatch

>How do you get paid for this? Just asking.
What, want to join the team? Drop an email and I'll send you the details.

ohh noice
>[email protected]

1 of muh teenage daughters did. For about 5 min.

that little mouth is too small for my giant cock

>the year is 2019 and microshafts finally found out how to have tabs in their terminal

actual daughter? im going to need pics and candid videos of her playing with herself

>he thinks for a second that she'd even contemplate getting within intimacy distance with him...

Forgot where I was for a second... hang on.

>muh wife's son

Attached: Bailey_Helen_full__MG_5523.jpg (1024x1536, 228K)

Telemetry is hardly spying, almost every free source project ships with some king of telemetry be it browsers, emulators, package managers...
In any case, you can see what it collects and when and you can even disable it.

but is it better than gnome terminal?

>>as the Windows Terminal REQUIRES features from the latest Windows release.
By default. I don't need to repeat myself, do I?

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woah epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe it can finally catch up to terminals from HALF A FUCKING CENTURY AGO YOU DUMB NIGGER

>identifiers are emoji
>keywords and other grammar symbols still just ASCII
why even live

>only way to install it right now is to figure out software compiling on windows

I will never understand this obsession with tabbed UIs. The taskbar made them obsolete, and only kids ever cared.

Don't bother user - these stupid NEETs wouldn't actually know how to do that. "Open sores" is just a checkbox they can hit to virtue signal - not anything practical. Your average Jow Forumsentooman couldn't write a working JS calculator.

>download program in question (VS express)
>click "do thing i want to do" ("compile" in this case)
>done (like everything on windows)

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>maybe it can finally catch up to terminals from HALF A FUCKING CENTURY AGO
It’s on a desktop that works. Desktop Linux makes me feel like it is half a century ago.

Fuck off stupid weeb

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ya no it spat out an error about needing v`142 when i clearly had v142

(a very low bar to clear, which NT has since 1993)
>existed in 1969

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>same thing
Freetards, everyone.

>pedantic over a space

>Telemetry is hardly spying,
This is either epic or supreme stupidity. I am undecided.

Just to be clear tho - telemetry - sending information about the user, their ip/location/os etc. back to the "devs" is EXACTLY spying. != a terminal

looks nice

why would you want a terminal with emojis (ー_ー;)
and also why the fuck are they promoting the windows terminal (wasn't it called command prompt?) like a phone?? (´∀`;)

MS is leaving Command Prompt the way it is and created a new shell (PS) and now this new terminal emulator rather than extending Command Prompt

>It’s on a desktop that works.

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get gud?

Attached: meh.jpg (834x306, 84K)

>t. never had an IT job

If you're actually an engineer and for some godawful reason have to run Windows, this is a godsend, assuming it's performant.

I haven't tested it yet but if it's anywhere as fast as alacritty claims to be it's going to be awesome.

Powershell is still slow as fuck though, I hope they focus on speeding it up in Core

so what desktop works again? fagOS?

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have you ever used a firefox/chrome/ie??

>windows nt
This is your brain on Linux.

>in it but windows is ebil
>powershell is slow as fuck
We're achieving levels of projection that shouldn't be physically possible. Make sure I'm in the screencap.

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