Weeeeeeeew, laaaaads.
Gen1 Zen's minimal spec was 2333MHz, Zen+ upgraded it to 2933MHz (which already BTFOs Inturd with it's measly 2666MHz). Now we'll have a minimal spec of 3200MHz on Zen 2.
Weeeeeeeew, laaaaads.
Gen1 Zen's minimal spec was 2333MHz, Zen+ upgraded it to 2933MHz (which already BTFOs Inturd with it's measly 2666MHz). Now we'll have a minimal spec of 3200MHz on Zen 2.
Other urls found in this thread:
tfw 1600mhz ddr3
>also confirmed at least up to 4400 MHz OC official support from AMD
Told you, bitches, Zen 2 will definitely have RAM kits on sale that'll range in a 4200~4800MHz window, but nooo, you dumb fuckers decided to call me a fairy tale producer and a liar. Well, fucking SUCK ME now. And SUCK ME YOU WILL. HARD.
intelfag btfo
incel reps must literally be on suicide watch at this point
>Zen 2's minimal natively supported RAM spec is 3200MHz
Except for Zen so far it meant the minimum speed you have to use for the CPU to be usable at all
cope harder
post proof
>insults with zero counter-arguments to FACTS
Literally the definition of coping
2666MHz was technically native, but gen1 Zen was actually able to do 2333MHz also, so it was actual minimal spec for it. They've essentially set 2666MHz as official spec just to match Inturd's spec marketing-wise.
I'm running 1700X at 2666MHz easily with no problems, you cocksucking piece of dumb shit.
>no problems
Of course if you can cope with the abysmal performance, you see no problems. AMDrones are used to it so no wonder there.
What's the problem with that? You realize Zen can run Hynix dies now (for over a year)? Literally cheaper than slower B-Dies.
>at least up to 4400 MHz OC official support from AMD
>RAM kits on sale that'll range in a 4200~4800MHz window
RIP intel
>core 2
You are a literal retard, slit your wrists right this very instant, lamer.
Nothing, Mr. Satan. He's just an underage cocksucking debile of an Intbecillic fat troll retard.
whatever, enjoy your pcie 4.0 and ddr4 lol
>whatever, enjoy your pcie 4.0
We (the AMD GODS) sure will, schlomo.
Can you imagine Zen 2 with fuckhuge L3 cache and double the FP?
That's exactly what it'll be, though.
What am I looking at?
pcie 5.0 will be out within a few months bruh
buying 4.0 now is pants on head
Clean Core 2, and then Core 2 defiled by all the """""(((full mitigations)))""""" against MDS/RIDL/ZombieLoad/Fallout/Spectre/Meltdown. Just remember - it goes ALL THE WAY BACK to Bentium 4.
what use would you have for it, larper
have a (you)
Why different benchmark then?
Shouldn't you run the same version of the benchmark on a machine with/without the microcode patch instead?
Same use he has for PhysX, GayTracing, GaySync, AVX 512, and DefectX 12, kek.
Why are (((they))) killing intel?
I thought intel was as kosher as it gets?
>buying into outdated tech
expected no better from amdturds
DX12 is genuinely a good thing though.
>Why different benchmark then?
It doesn't matter, since both are past the point where CPU-Z scoring methodology was already changed. They're pretty much same at the base. If you wish to see same version exactly, see this:
>we got too cucky, gays
It is.
The drawcall performance is objectively miles ahead of DX11.
I literally got 1333mhz, there is nothing wrong with it.
You won't feel any difference when comparing to 3200mhz unless you gayme and even for that difference is less than 5%
Vulkan is better
DefectX 12 is garbage shit in comparison to the GODLIKE Vulkan and YOU KNOW IT. So stop.
>You won't feel any difference when comparing to 3200MHz
>even for that difference is less than 5%
How is it there, in 2014?
>Vulkan is better
Yes, and?
DX is, for better or worse, the industry standard and the mewling of hipster retards won't change decades of inertia.
>DX is, for better or worse, the industry standard
How is it there, in 2017? Also, you forgot to enter tripcode and log in, Micro$hit employee.
>stating facts is shilling
Dial down the hysteria there, bud.
>DX the industry standard
Sure, kid. Obviously it is, naturally, that's why X4 was developed strictly with Vulkan from the start and Cloud Imperium ditched DX12 in favor of Vulkan years back. And do I have to even mention DOOM 4?
>Cloud Imperium
Nice non-argumentation. Oбтeкaй, oбocpaвшийcя.
>Zen 2's minimal natively supported RAM spec is 3200MHz
Where did you get 'minimal' from ?
Where's the (Pozzed Inside) logo though
It's ogre.
JEDEC is a minimal native spec. It dictates minimal officially listed spec at which device can boot and operate.
You ppl are acting like this is your personal victory
No, that's a succubus.
>Cloud Imperium
Scam riding on as many buzzwords as it can.
Actually competent company with competent engineers, which is an exception in the industry.
Come back when the EAs and the Ubisofts start supporting Vulkan in their AAA shovelware.
sports team mentality
Imagine what this board will be like come summer.
yikes, imagine the curry smell
why does windows update and bios update almost half the ssd performance?
Show any real world benchmark and prove me wrong.
>the multinational corporation I developed an emotional attachment to has the potential to produce a better product than your preferred multinational!!
Foveros? More like POOveros LOL
>tfw 3200MHz right now
Shit, am I buying 4000MHz+ RAM as well with the 16 core? This is ridiculous.
kek, fuck off m$
>make more cores
>glue some dies together
why is intel always late to the party? other examples: multi-core chips, integrated memory controller, x86_64
Computex + Zen2 might be even worse than OG Zen reveal. Fuck, no one is ready when the Zen 2 parts get their reviews.
>put RAM block on very top, to create perfect greenhouse housefire
Because AMD innovates and have done so for decades while Intel has always had the power to sway with their shekels.
they'll probably stick it on top of the disabled iGPU to solve the issue
>entire CPoo is covered with RAM on the top
there is a big difference between the two benchmark versions used on the q6600, so yes, it does matter. by posting obviously false results it calls into question your i5 8400 benches.
>obviously false results
You're a moron. Keep coping, Intbecile in denial of harsh truth of reality.
You're not trying hard enough, kid. Stay mad about reality and a poozzed Intbecile that you are.
It's fake, imbecil.
Wtf how much is that going to cost me?
it was a fun ruse while it lasted. now go have sex.
The board is going to be a fucking warzone the next few days once the reveal happens. Either because Zen2 is fucking amazing and Intel shills going berserk, or it's kinda meh and Intel shills are gloating.
>It's kinda meh and Intel shills are--
You have to be living on a veeeeeeeeeeery deep end of the idiocy specter to sincerely believe in that any
>it's kinda meh
It's 100% not going to be meh with the things that we know. It's already better than Zen+ with the information we have and Zen+ is pretty fucking good. Look at how amazing the 2950X is at everything.
Don't get me wrong, I'm planning on buying the 3700X, but AMD could still fuck up by making it expensive (aka very close to Intel's offerings). They've already said at their last earnings report that they're going to increase prices in the future the better their tech advantage gets.