Y-you use GNU/Emacs, right, a-user?

Y-you use GNU/Emacs, right, a-user?

Attached: awoomacs_resize.png (525x800, 317K)

Other urls found in this thread:



she cute

What are you waiting for?

graphical version that does not rely on GTK.

try windows or os x

No girl would ever use emacs for any reason.
Stop pushing your 50 year old lisp interpreter pretending to be an editor.

yes, now fuck off tranny scum




No, I use vim. I'd rather not learn an operating system in my operating system. My current operating system works fine.

of course

But that already exists user, Emacs Lucid

>I don't know what an operating system is

Does anyone have any cute vi/vim girls? Please?

Attached: 1553373928239.png (2631x3557, 2.79M)

there's like three of them, dumbo

Fully Wayland compatible

Why of course I do. Let me show you my .emacs file.


>.emacs file
It's init.el and config.org these days, user.

Attached: 1507805506708.png (716x443, 29K)

Ouch my eyeballs

I wonder if there is a better way to manage config file(s).

Attached: IMG_20190521_164724_332.jpg (958x1196, 103K)

.emacs still works, friend.

>still works
That's not a reason to keep using a deprecated config path. Emacs 27 will also add early-init.el, so it's really better to keep everything in your .emacs.d folder.

way too skinny.

She follows the cat-v philosophy.

Attached: harmful_ass.jpg (1000x1462, 107K)

perfect size

who else gang xemacs?


It's open source, fix it yourself.

Say 'GNU Emacs', or just Emacs. 'GNU/Emacs' implies you're adding Emacs onto GNU, but Emacs is already part of GNU.
Same goes for the retards who say GNU/bash.

of course

It's just a configure flag away, user. You can even compile an X11 version that uses no widget toolkit.


No that's not redundant you inbred swine, because GNU Emacs is not the only Emacs-like editor out there.
There is also XEmacs, SXEmacs...

Read my post you goddamn illiterate.
1. GNU Emacs is _the_ Emacs. When you say Emacs, the immediate assumption is GNU Emacs.
2. My complaint was about the slash. You yourself said 'GNU Emacs', rather than 'GNU/Emacs', which means you agree with me.

Is it possible to reference theme colors in init.el? I have this in my config:
;; sanityinc themes
(use-package color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow
:defer nil
(load-theme 'sanityinc-tomorrow-bright t)
;; some customizations
;; make mode-line face bold
(set-face-bold 'mode-line t)
(set-face-bold 'mode-line-inactive t)
;; faces for additional org-mode states, color values taken from
;; the theme .el file.
(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
'(("TODO" . (:weight bold :foreground "#d54e53"))
("NEXT" . (:weight bold :foreground "#d54e53"))
("ON-GOING" . (:weight bold :foreground "#e78c45"))
("DONE" . (:weight bold :foreground "#b9ca4a"))
("CANCELLED" . (:weight bold :foreground "#969896")))))

Can I use theme colors, like, for example grey, red or green instead of writing values explicitly?


No, I use mousepad

I have this in my config.org to overwrite theme variables
(use-package color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow
:ensure t
(load-theme 'sanityinc-tomorrow-night t)
(color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow--with-colors 'night
`(highlight ((t (:foreground ,yellow :background ,background))))
`(lazy-highlight ((t (:foreground ,highlight :background ,comment))))
`(line-number-current-line ((t (:foreground ,yellow :background "#222427"))))
`(show-paren-match ((t (:background ,yellow))))
`(cursor ((t (:background ,foreground))))
`(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground ,green))))
`(font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground ,aqua))))
`(ivy-current-match ((t (:foreground ,orange))))
`(ivy-cursor ((t (:background ,foreground))))

Thanks, I'll try that.

And that Australian jungle Asian who used to be admin on lain chan with the meme sicp shirt.

Yes bb now M-x cuddle some more

of course, there is no reason not to.

Yes, for maximum comf and productivity.

I organized notes that way. Everything is a heading, with some more sub-headings if needed, and also some code examples. Is there a good way to way to export this to pdf or html? I want it to render nicely, just text, with some code blocks. Default template recognizes everything as headings and it looks kinda bad.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-25 18-59-46.png (670x700, 114K)

Why would people prefer Vim over Emacs?

>Why aren't you using shit?
>fix it yourself
Compelling argument.

It's GNU Emacs. Not GNU/Emacs. An important difference.

just compile it without the gtk use flag

It's the better editor, and some people are just interested in that.

Why is it better?

Better control scheme that every feature and plugin integrates with. More straightforward keymapping system.

good "out-of-the-box" emacs distributions:


doom emacs

centaur emacs

portacle (Common Lisp oriented)

Attached: main.png (1532x944, 197K)

witchmacs isnt good?

It's just some tiny config with a cute (CUTE!) mascot shilled by some user here. Calling it an out-of-the-box emacs distribution is a bit of a stretch

>evil based

Attached: no.jpg (816x488, 186K)

A slash implies partition. A plus implies addition.
GNU/Emacs is one of the parts of GNU. GNU/bash is, too. GNU/Linux is the proper way to refer to the Linux kernel within GNU+Linux system. GNU+Linux/Linux would be a more correct way, but I guess it is too verbose for most people.
Same applies to other systems, Windows/Notepad, OSX/iTunes etc.

Shit, shit, shit, and shit.
Use vanilla emacs and stack a few packages on yourself, these preconfigured things are slow as fuck and constantly try to mimic vim for some insane reason.
The only features you need are helm, gtags, and undo-tree. Everything else is a bonus.

What makes an "out-of-the-box emacs distribution, be an "out-of-the-box emacs distribution", then"?

vanilla emacs is a relic from the past. centaur emacs is not relying on evil mode and is much faster than vanilla.

They learned it first

>better control scheme
:$#%@(!))*CzQWEZXC is infinitely less sane than using modifier keys.

>Every feature and plugin
vimscript is unapologetic trash, emacs has an actual package system and a vastly larger ecosystem of features and plugins.
>More straightforward keymapping
Again, :!@#*#$(&)CXUIASJRNTV is a fucking retarded input system. My actions should be defined by the modifier key, not some insane input mode switching system.

Centaur emacs is some macfags config that he gussied up, it's slower than fuck and useless. Install vanilla emacs, auto-company, and helm. violin, you have a better, faster, and more sane configuration than centaur.

IMO usually some sort of internal configuration system which operates as an abstraction on top of emacs packages.

Which one do you prefer?

All I can say is enjoy RSI. Holding down keys for every operation is a bad idea if you want your editor to be keyboard-centric.

Emacs is a toe jam eater product, fuck toe jam eaters.

plus it's chinese

use evil

didn't know about centaur, this might replace my old config

Question, what advantages can Emacs bring if you're not a programmer over, let's say, vim?

Org-mode. This thing is really addictive and a lot of people use Emacs just because of Org.

To be fair, I use evil keybinds for convenience. For everything else, like switching buffers, opening files and defining custom function keybinds, I use Emacs-based keybinds

Yes, on GuixSD

Like use-package which is included?

Looks like org-mode can do a ton of stuff that you would usually need multiple dedicated programs to achieve the same result. I guess it won't hurt trying to learn it.

I mean on top of that. The "emacs bankruptcy" phenomenon where people get dragged into minutely configuring all their packages to play nice together (since plenty of packages can interact), so an "out-of-the-box emacs distribution" would contain a mechanism to herd these cats in the most workable and useful direction

tfw emacs requires X use-flag for GUI version and can't work without Xorg (or xwayland)

no, i use acme

Attached: kys-losers.png (1920x1008, 202K)

No, I use Acme, why do you ask?

Attached: DOnKVr2.jpg (1080x1331, 135K)

based plan9port bro

you've tried C-c C-e h h and don't like it?

do you use guix as an emacs package manager?

the emacs god, John Weigley, says he uses NixOS w/ Nix for emacs system package management, and use-package for package configs in his init.el files. seems comfy, I like the sound of seperating system packages and emacs configs

I'm trying to move my initialization file to being more modular and literate. I don't know if I want to split my .emacs file into many small files, or use org-babel tangle blocks to keep it modular yet monolithic. anyway, whatever

custom agenda commands rule

Thank you. I should've read the manual myself. H:0 option is what I need.

>eye raping chromatic aberration
>chicken legs
>degenerate piercings
Is this mascot trying to keep people away from vim?

all the cute girls use emacs

hell yeah. and i constantly bring it up in conversations

>imagine using 43 years old text editor

Fuck no. Vim master race faggot.

Code monkeys and not programmers.

Real programmers wouldn't pick a non-programmable tool over a programmable tool. That would be like a chef using a Walmart chef's knife instead of a custom made one (i.e., pleb tier)

And for programming, code + vim extension

>implying that's old

>image using old technology like fire or agriculture

There is literally nothing wrong with being a hag.

Attached: 1557456073165.jpg (1900x1500, 294K)

Attached: vim.jpg (713x508, 49K)

Because that is totally same, retard

is this on stack overflow?

Inbred abominations can't be part of the master race.

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Guix has plenty of emacs packages, and can be configured in a similar way to emacs.

You basically do everything on a config.scm file written in guile, which is quite similar to elisp.
Also, emacs has a graphical package manager for guix, so they integrate really well.