I'm recently started go deep into FreeBSD, and found out how awesome it is. Ports, init system...

I'm recently started go deep into FreeBSD, and found out how awesome it is. Ports, init system, microkernel architecture, preference of lowlatency over throughput and overall minimalism in userspace makes it so comfy and superiour over Linux for Desktop use. Why didn't it succesed over Linux?
Also I noticed how barely anyone mentions that FreeBSD has probably one of the best if not the best sound stack in any OS compared to fucked up Linux sound architecture. If you look at BSD derivatives, they all goes their own way, have own changes to kernel, network stack etc. They all feel like different OS compared to Linux distros where it is basically a packet manager on top of mainline Linux kernel.

Attached: download (9).jpg (225x225, 7K)

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It sucks that BSD never got a break, it is a great concept. Sadly i find it hard to use with the lack of compatible software sometimes.

If you want to use some of the great features that FreeBSD offers but also still run linux you can just install gentoo. Gentoo i would agree is closer to BSD than to any GNU/linux distribution

Attached: gentoo-logo.png (666x800, 119K)

And you didn't even talk about the best feature that freeBSD does the best: jails

>microkernel architecture
FreeBSD is monolithic.

Yes it is, I don't know why I thought it's microkernel. My bad.

what are jails

Docker containers in FreeBSD since early 00's

Install any desktop. Test can you do massive file operations and continue using desktop. Linux can't to this day, scheduler fucks up and chokes mouse cursor movement and desktop rendering. Report back.

Attached: pleasee.jpg (750x750, 181K)

whys that useful

Lets say you have 10 machines that need a package installed from source with certain build flags. It is not optimal to tie up all 10 machines with building from source. But you can have 1 "build" machine with any CPU architecture do the building for the other 10. This "build" machine can use jails to build for the appropriate cpu arch and distribute it out in custom package repositories.

At home, if you have a laptop and a desktop on FreeBSD and don't wanna tie them up by building from source, you can do so using a raspberryPi or something to set up an at-home build server.

>Why didn't it succesed over Linux?
Define success. It's a project that still exists, is well funded by companies and donors, as well as supported by a bunch of developers. I've used it on my machines for over 10 years now and never had any issues with it. Performant machines with high uptime and low maintenance is success to me. It also was and still is very popular. There's just nothing interesting to say about systems that work. We could go beyond and I could tell you that I installed an Illumos distro on my storage machine about 3 years ago and have never touched it since. It will outlive me most likely without the need for human intervention.

I'm not trying to be snarky but I feel like if you're using Linux you knew what you were signing up for and wanted that. Especially on this board, OS maintenance is considered a hobby by some. Others obviously use it as a career tool. "sysadmin"

>I'm recently started go deep into FreeBSD

Attached: Screenshot.png (1031x900, 115K)

Adding to this Depending on how you configured things you could make very, very cheap services as conceptual modules, like how people use Docker today.
The system handbook pattern left you with a base(userland), a config template(your etc and such), and individual directories for each jail's mutations to go (when you wrote to ~/file in the jail, it showed up on the host under something like /jails/myjail/home/me/file ).

So the disk cost for N jails is always 1 (1 shared base).
And the jail itself only used as much space as it wrote.
Meaning you could spawn a jail instantly, configure it, tar it up, send it to someone else on another machine, they could extract it, and boot the jail.

>user your webserver is never down, I want it, please send it to me
And you send them "nginx-jail.tar" which is only as large as the nginx pkg, your website content, and config files, a few MB at most.

I'm annoyed at the fact you thought this was going to goad. Why act that way on purpose?

>I'm recently started go deep into FreeBSD
Enjoying the CoC yet?

thats only in supporting the organizing body, not using the code at home you plebbity Jow Forumstard

i moved off of debian for freebsd about 4 years ago and never looked back.
people mention CoC but that systemd crap is beyond CoC, its pozzed through and through.
much love to GNU/Linux but you gotta distro hop sometimes to find what works for you.

It's all AT&T's fault for tying BSD up in court until 1994. Linux had first mover advantage.

The smaller community element is what is good about BSDs, so every dev can go truly his own way and argue with other fuckers about what they do wrong. The downside of that is that BSDs rarely share between each other patches and mitigations. I'm OpenBSD user and I tried new stable version of FreeBSD when it came out and I have to say I was pretty pleased that everything worked for me right out of the box. It's nice OS.

All for nothing if the processor has security flaws.

I use it all the time. My version is OSX 10.14.4

Never ever.
Security from 1999.

when systemd becomes available in freebsd?

No alps touchpad support. No go.

found the gnome lover

>shell script init system
>cucked license
>cucked by a CoC
>OP is a retard and thinks it has a microkernel
Here, I'll hug you.

Attached: cuck_bsd_license.jpg (1069x1081, 380K)

TrueOS or GhostBSD (based on FreeBSD) comes with OpenRC.

If you are Jewish (like many of us on Jow Forums) I no longer recommend using FreeBSD after latest open anti-semitic remarks by few developers. No disciplinary action was taken, that brings the question what are real priorities of the project. FreeBSD has best network stack (faster than even Linux) and works great on Intel hardware If all controversy is not an issue for you.

Pic related.

Attached: phk7.png (232x340, 151K)

Anti-semitic website

Attached: oven.jpg (400x400, 29K)

>my operating system is a political statement
cringed from americans as always


shell script uber alles


I know this one is a bait, but... I'm Jewish and I don't give a crap. The real priority of any software project is to deliver software that works, and FreeBSD not only succeeds in that, the software they make is also of good quality and with no bullshit (bloatware, telemetry, etc.). Everything else is stupid shit that doesn't matter and is none of anyone's business (who says what, who fucks who, etc.). So fuck the CoC, fuck the trannies and fuck thin-skinned manchildren basedboys.

Attached: 1520501281446.png (1920x1077, 1.97M)

Linux is also cucked by CoC and trannies, even worse than BSD. At least I know FreeBSD run by white anti-semi supremacists, which makes me feel good about myself.
+ BSD License gives you more freedom than Communist GPL, that more that you can use BSD source base and close it for yourself like Sony and Apple did.

BSD is actually more communist because it effectively gives up all control to those companies who will then take all the profits.

>white anti-semi supremacists
I know this is bait, but these people are even worse than CoC pushers. They are the original whiny babies who put identity politics above code quality.