Install gentoo

It's not that hard, retards. Even I can do it, and I have autism.

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fucking sexy. its' true too zoomers.

Disdain for pic on right, he's using genkernel instead of configuring his kernel manually. Gentoo is better when you are greeted by your own kernel every time you turn on your computer.

Using genkernel during installation is normal
Most people use genkernel for a safe backup and then compile their own kernel afterwards once their system is built. Don't be a dummy baka

I am more curious about What you are eating

dino nugs

Some shitty under cooked frozen chicken nuggets that are probably damp.

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>casually eating that much of food
I'm 99% sure you are overweight.

you don't need to cook the whole bag at once man

>not getting it right the first time
shiggy diggy
I cooked them for 20 minutes, flipping them in between the 10 minute mark. Toaster oven, 380F. They are crunchy

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>install gentoo, guys
>I have autism and i am a retard fat fuck

on behalf of ydfs this is gay as fuck

>I wanna be on your boat
why would I do that?

Why would you ginger bread figures in ketchu-... Oh, those are nuggets of sort.

>enough nugs to sustain two normal individuals at once
>while being casually eaten in front of the pc
seems like you ate so much nugs most of it went inside your brain, you fat nigger fuck

Damn I 'm hungry.

based yami

no dude eating like that isn't healthy. Come on, the consistency and smell of your shit says it.

I'm also not trying to attack you, just saying if you learn to cook eating healthy will taste better than that dino nug meal you're eating.

t420 worst laptop ever i have seen.
replace cpu is pain on it.

you ever sucked a cock before?

I eat that much food. 102 kilo 170 cm.
Ask questions.

How do i use this shit my dad never taught me i can't even use basic stuff in the terminal it's terrible i'm such a fucking retard i wish i also had autism.
How do i get intoo linux

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>chicken tendies
classic robot food

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Does it take a l long time to update your packages on a thinkpad with gentoo? Don't you have to recompile from source every time?

Try something simple like Lubuntu or Linux Mint. Move on from there. It's pretty easy. Most of the time you don't need to use the terminal anyways. But you should familiarize your self with it.

How do you know it's most? Did you conduct a survey? There's no reason to use genkernel and then make your own because you'll be going through the exact same steps as someone just trying to compile a custom one without genkernel apart from the redundant step of genkernel.

Depends on what you're updating. After I get a stable system I hardly update it anymore, and when I do it's at night so I sleep through the updates.

I've moved on to GuixSD, but gentoo is really nice.

thank you do you know where to start familiarizating myself with the terminal, how did you learn it? i'll try lubuntu and linux mint tomorrow

>that hostname

There's Youtube vids for everything user.

It actually didn't take me very long to compile anything. I did however skip on large stuff like DE's, browsers -- even vim is heavy, so I'm using vi. Also I gave my thinkpad a next gen quad core CPU to handle compiling faster. I have a usuable laptop computer in maybe 3 hours worth of compiling.