You have to use Facebook otherwise people will think you're weird

>you have to use Facebook otherwise people will think you're weird
>you can't delete Facebook because you need it for uni groups/events/to communicate with friends who live in different countries
>if you delete Facebook people will think you've blocked them/think you're depressed
>can't you just like, not log into your account bro?
>you're not allowed to deactivate/delete Facebook
>you have to be always plugged into this shitty, distracting mainframe for the rest of your life

Attached: 16463723_455860161471496_4113200279581821182_o.jpg (984x560, 72K)

I don't have Facebook and no one really gave me a hard time for it. Kys zoomer.

>you can't delete facebook because...
sure you can! just find other ways of communicating with people over long distances

>people will think you're weird

So what?

women who go to the library to study for their media and communications degree at UTS and spend the whole time messaging their bf on facebook will think you're weird

>>you have to use Facebook otherwise people will think you're weird
They already think that and nobody ever made an issue out of it.
Try interacting with adults for once.

>you have to use Facebook otherwise people will think you're weird
Why are you afraid of other people thinking that you're weird? Are you truly that desperate to conform and become a zero sigma sheep?

please stop being such a pathetic fucking incel, for your own sake

Once you head into working life (IE outside of children) facebook is for old women and teenagers.
Literally no-one expects you to have a facebook once you leave college.

I haven't had a Facebook in years. Is Facebook really that popular still? I was under the impression that it was mostly abandoned by young people and it's primary demographic was boomers.

no it's still popular, maybe not posting statuses and stuff, but literally everyone has an account and uses messenger all the time
I challenge you to find a single person

are you sure?
I don't graduate for like another 4 years

fuck off retard

just be a depressed weird neet. i've never had facebook, except for a fake stalking account.

You can unfollow meme pages and annoying people and just keep it for communication and events. No one forces you to populate your timeline with distracting shit.

Look at these mongloids disregarding the fact that they are on an international board and customs (like using Facebook) aren't the same all over the world

I've known my actual friends for fucking years and none of us use Facebook to communicate. I mean I guess if you have a social life there's a reason to use it but that shits gay.


You can also have messenger without a Facebook account
Primarily I use whatsapp

Once you finish uni (and find out you wasted 6 years on nothing). And you start your first job where you have to learn everything all over again. You can delet facebook and make a linkedin.

>people will think you're weird
only shallow NPCs brainwashed by the media think that
no loss in cutting them out of your life entirely

>you have to use Facebook otherwise people will think you're weird
No they won't. And even if they do, who cares. Stopped reading here.

(sorry if my english is broken)
>you have to use Facebook otherwise people will think you're weird
You are afraid of nothing, no one forces you to upload any shit, you can use the chat alone (only use the chat), i don't even have a real name on my facebook, is a common practice to use a funny/meme nickname instead of a real name, facebook isn't a fucking id card.
>you can't delete Facebook because you need it for uni groups/events/to communicate with friends who live in different countries
There is something called street, public spaces, aka the city square, aka the uni grass and benches where you can hang and drink beer with your favorite frens, no registration needed.
(The square is an ancient technology used since tribal times, the greeks used to call it "agora")
>friends who live in different countries
Stop nesting, you'd surely find interesting people if you get out of your house.
>if you delete Facebook people will think you've blocked them/think you're depressed
Listen, people will thing you are depressed because they never see you hanging around in the hood, go outside and know the hood, you meet your friends in the hood, you share knowledge and ideas in the hood, you socialize in the hood, you get high in the hood, the hood is the life. (your hood can be whatever physical space you frequent, it can be the church, your political party cofee, the uni spaces where you can stay in free time, whatever you want.)
>can't you just like, not log into your account bro?
Absolutely yes.
>you're not allowed to deactivate/delete Facebook
Live with it, if it's so important for you, just use the law and the system in your favor, it's not that hard, you don't need a lawyer/money for anything.
>you have to be always plugged into this shitty, distracting mainframe for the rest of your life
Same as prev
Bullshit, those are the problems of a guy who never get outside of his house.

Attached: agora_ateniense_8348 (1).jpg (1417x1153, 1.42M)

Correction, should say : you don't need a lawyer/money for everything.


I'm 25 and never used Facebook for anything at all. I miss out on a lot of social and family stuff because it's only on Facebook. Kinda makes me feel bad, but still not enough to make me join. People have wanted me to join in the past, but I dunno, the site just doesn't sit right with me for some reason.

>Delete my Facebook
>"Wow user why did you delete your Facebook"
>"Facebook openly experiments and spies on their users, I wasn't down for it man"
Unless you have boomer friends they understand and support this, and if you have boomer friends you need new friends.

the Cambridge Analytica incident was pretty huge, unles your friends are braindead retards they'll understand

you sound like a retard OP.
have you considered suicide yet?

Found the incel

I never even used Facebook.

amazin, wish we could meet in real life so i could suck your dick.

use github instead. if they look at you like "wtf" ? you tell them : i just cant believe you guys dont know github. next event it will have github option to log in.

>deleted all social media
>compulsively browse linkedin while taking a shit