It's over.. they won

it's over.. they won

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Videocards doesn't matter. Have sex.

So a 3070 at a 2060 performance while being more expensive...

why should AMD care? you wouldn't buy it anyway. you didn't buy it anyway.

>no RTX 2080ti rival
er, this seems like a loss.

>videocards does not matter
have English lessons.

"AMD won at every price point except the one they aren't selling anything at, so Nvidia won"
Just like 14nm

I've had a shitty space-heater r9 290 before.

Quite happy with my cool, quiet 2070. It'll take equal TDP for me even begin to regret that decision

this, nvidiots are retarded

Not like this..

Attached: amdloodie.jpg (633x758, 162K)

>"Leaks" are totally not just to give false hype
Come back when you have some real results

If the navi are better than the 2060 for $400 and better than the 2070 for $500 that will be pretty good, although I wish they would undercut novideo hard

Don't forget twice the power consumption.

>b-but being the best card doesnt m-matter! being third placed cheapest does!

monday is the end of intel

Attached: epyc suicide.png (1070x601, 816K)

Well, we already knew that.
What we're waiting for is a measure of how deep they got it into Intel's ass.
From the looks of it, I think I can see the tip behind the teeth.

>AMD not got a single card than can do 4k Ultra at 60FPS+
>they won

Attached: laughing sluts 2.jpg (623x410, 51K)

Ultra is a meme.
And it's even more of a meme at 4K.
Just stick to high and any decent card can handle it.

2060 performance for base model 2070 price with close to 300w TDP

>They won

>novideo 2fps at 720p
>but muh ray tracing

Attached: c0c.jpg (634x650, 45K)

>muh halo product
>meanwhile prices at the upper end have gone through the roof over this wankery

>all I want are sharper images of the garbage
Top Shabbos

>Can't play with RTX at 4K.
Let's not mention that.

>nvidiots dream of 4k 60fps
>papa huang tells them 1080p 30fps rtx is the future
nvidiots BTFO

Attached: Jen-Hsun_Huang_Headshot_(15313247387).jpg (4305x2870, 1.35M)

Nvidia RTX 2060 -> Navi RX 3070
Nvidia RTX 2070 -> Navi RX 3080
The next step will be to change color scheme to green, and it's good to go.
Who would buy 2080 if you could buy 3080, amirite, fellow marketeers.

An extra 20% performance on the previous generation for 20% more price, I assume?

I have a GTX 1080 and a 1080p60 screen honestly why should I upgrade?

I'll wait until they write the drivers.

>more fake leaks
I am really sick and tired of this bullshit. Fucking wait for products you fucking faggot and stop believing fake leaks from people just trying to make money. Both you and them are fucking cancer

I have a Radeon VII so I want AMD to succeed but 2070 and 2060 have been occasionally available even below those prices for a few months now. Navi sounds dead on arrival, these cards either have to beat 2070/2060 by a meaningful margin (e.g. 10% higher 1% lows) to be serious competition especially with the RTX 3000 series that'll likely come out in 2020

Stop posting poo nigger articles about fake leaks

Attached: Screenshot_20190525-110457_Clover.jpg (350x261, 38K)

Watch them try to pull off a game bundle deal for $100 higher MSRP for 2 bundled games topkek

I hope AMDrones are sleeping a lot and eating well to prepare for the damage control campaing of yet another turd plopped out by RTG.

who cares
zen 2 is gonna be amazing
this board's gonna be on fire

Adored Daddy said Navi is bretty much dead on arrival. The engineers at rtg are already wanting to get this launch over with so they can work on the next turd.

AMD are such fucking idiots. Only a retard would by this shit over Nvidia.

I like how they even copied the xx80 & xx70 format.

Attached: 1440258438184.jpg (251x242, 10K)

based mongoloidposter

>pajeet trips

>Inefficient waste of silicon

The 1660TI is the best GPU Nvidia has right now.
Everything RTX is an inefficient joke.

Adored also said that Zen 2 defies all logic and reason.

I'm going to go with the leaks that are actually reasonable, like the 12nm soldered 3400G

Too bad I'll never buy those cards because AMD is fucking retarded and won't let partners make their own cooling solutions, so we're stuck with their fucking dogshit jetengine solution.

Attached: 1300044776987.png (255x293, 150K)

7nm = 12nm?
hang yourself retard

nice fud

Ok I guess I was right to just buy a used 1080ti... Maybe next year except since it'll be a new architecture more like Xmas 2020

RTG works in 3 waves. They're already working on next gen and the gen after that

>Videocards doesn't matter. Have sex.
Too expensive. Videocards are far more cost effective and last longer than a relationship.

just like Radeon VII lmao

Why do they change naming scheme every 2 generations?
First it was R5/R7 2xx and 3xx, then RX 4xx, 5xx
Suddenly we are RX 30xx?

Because nobody buys amd GPUs so they attempt to confuse normies to buy Navi housefires.

Well, I find myself with a twice toasted 1080Ti, an unstable Vega64, and now running RX480 while I think about my options.
Now would be a good idea for good GPUs to go out.

>Nvidia absolutely crushing them

Attached: 1542887176025.png (396x408, 165K)

well the hell happened that your cards are so fucked?

Nah, they're catching up. Remember, that's a STOCK vega 64 before UV'ing and OC'ing is applied (~10-20% higher perf).

Attached: download.jpg (1279x708, 588K)

That's with 19.4.1 drivers btw

Been around long enough to know the AMD cycle. You're already on the part where you start lowering expectations (a few months ago it was "NAVI 2080 PERF FOR 300$!"). See you when we start getting proper benchmarks and reviews.

Resolution don't matter. 16gb hbm2 > 8gb gddr6

Sex don't matter. Have videocards.

dis nigga got it.

I played Kerbal Space Program.


>Vega 64 costs $400
>RTX 2070 costs $450
>RX 3080 will cost $500
How do they expect to sell these if they have the same performance as a Vega 64 and rtx 2070, but more expensive ?

>more expensive
>arriving months after competition as usual
>deceptive/downright scummy naming scheme
>way more power consumption

Oh nevermind, it's AMD, of course they get a pass.

The 2080Ti can run every game at 4K 60, unlike anything in the AMD lineup.

They don't. These cards won't sell in large numbers like Nvidia cards.

>twice the power consumption

Attached: ov6ncgcvl5f21.png (658x619, 53K)

What a poopy head.

You can’t say we didn’t say so.

Poopyheads doesn't matter. Have videocards.

ok but why are you joe posting?

>$400 for a mid end card

That's more than what the best geforce card cost in 2003.

>video cards are really expensive right now, don't you understand that everyone buys them to mine?
>video cards were always that expensive

>They only pay pajeet viral marketers
implying they only spend the bare minimum rupee per post because they don’t need them.

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Inflation don't matter. Have sex.

See you in a couple quarters.

>Higher is better
>named accordingly
This is to avoid any confusion.

L-lisa please

Attached: file.png (706x498, 395K)

10 years of naming conventions down the fucking gutter. Thanks Nvidiots.

GTX 200-1080 were normal sounding numbers to indicate which is better.
Nvidia had to drop the ball by jumping from 1080 to 2080. Just like Intel dropped the ball with the processors. 7th, 8th, 9th generation should not exist, not yet.

ATI couldn't figure shit about names with their R7, R9s and HDs 2000-7999s
RX480 and 580 were fine numerals.

Now AMD adds salt to injury on top of Nvidia.

Down the fucking drain* this virus is catching onto me.

wait what? i thought the AMD CEO was a woman?

>ich die sieg heil
Post something in American, idiot. I can also post a graph in Chinese that has green and red bars.

>videocards do not matter
Take English lessons, Pajeet

>performance pro watt
Whatever can it mean. It's literally the same as in Latin which is 50% of your shitty language anyway, and I'm not even German.

>Whatever can it mean.
Doesn't matter. I can't read the rest of the article, thus my interpretation will be out of context.
>shitty language
Yeah, that's why it's a global language, right?
Where are you from user?

>english became the global language because of its good properties as a language

Attached: wat-8.jpg (362x346, 38K)

>I can't read the rest of the article, thus my interpretation will be out of context.
Why would you even assume that? It's no different from any other benchmark picture posted in any of the threads around here that just doesn't have its surrounding article included.

It did :^)
It's my first time in one of these stupid circlejerking threads. Just because many people are idiots doesn't make it fine to be an idiot.

It also doesn't mean that performance graphs can't be read without a lengthy article for context. In fact, they usually can.

>It did :^)
Epic troll, m8. :v)

>AMD is fucking retarded and won't let partners make their own cooling solutions

Wut? Sapphire, GB, MSI and Asus do whatever they want

Based and trip pilled

do really think that raeon vii earn is its 'worthy' reward??

come on...
it maked lausy engineer skills.

when its release its top end, (should be i mean) engineer gpu, 7nm process, what is 25% more smaller than

EVER any1 not release yet.
also, amd has plenty of time check nvidia gpus and build it enogh to get 1stplace.
so,what amd offer..

for 7nm lines we get lausy effiencymslow game speed, high temperature and still it pricey.
bottomline average gpumught say big dissapointment.

i can say, pearls for pig!!

think it amd can do more that 7nm line tech, bcoz its get so gib handical for amd, but no, radeon vii is

only and nothing else that vega 64 with 7nm process tech maded,
it cant oc'd at all,bcoz heat goes skyhigh,it also very lausy,bcoz fans already running very fast, just

boz high temp default.
amd has bog problem it.
also, its eat power against nearest competiiton 20% more, EVEN is build 7nm!!
how i can tell it enough,..

nvidia 12nm and amd 7nm. different is gute!! still radeon vii loose and clear.
lausy gpu and....hmm. i cant recomended it no1, no.

score 1 to 10 i give 6,maybe 6.5,but only bcoz it build 7nm.
like i say pearl for pigs.

hmmm, i think real different ppl see when nvidia releae theys 1st 7nm gpu, and.. i can tell you
even rtx 3060 7nm gpu beat easily radeon vii.. and doing it alot less power eat.
its tell more than 10000 word how lausy gpu radeon vii really is.

too high reaward here given radeon vii.

readers not earn like that ...


Are you ?

>r3, r5, r7
>i3, i5, i7
>literally different companies
Just fucking stop.

bigger number = better

When Radeon VI came out they were only allowed to put their stickers on it.

Thank you, user. I'm gonna buy a 3080 and blame you if it's not better than a 2080.

he didn't say better performance :^)