WTF?! I'm seeing dudes starting to look like Bruce Jenner when he started transitioning; taking hormones, looks like their hair growing longer and growing boobs. This is disgusting.
I'm seeing more and more traps in Tech
They couldn't get enough bio women in tech so the jews started to make their own.
traps have been around longer than you've been on this website. feminine penis phasing into the real world with the generation that grew up with pic related isn't really surprising.
We all knew tech was filled with closet fags (just look around this board/site). Now they are showing themselves, surprising no one.
Just wear your programmer's socks faggot.
unironically this.
i laugh my (non-hormonally-enhanced) tits off every time i think about it.
I miss Lemmy...
Makes sense. Fucking shlomo's
Do you think he would look cute in a dress?
>look like Bruce Jenner
It's just annoying as fuck when I see a trap from behind and for a second I think it's a new chic in the datacenter. Then I look again and it's a man.
Literally the only cute chics are some of the sales chics that come by.
he looks cute in microshorts
Tits or gtfo faggot
Technology makes gender differences vestigial. Sexual dimorphism and conservative values made sense in a time when we were hunter-gatherers.
Fuck off shodan nigger before I emp this blasted earth to cleanse it of trannydroids
It's far far too late for that, once the pandora box of next level humanity has been opened, it will never be closed.
Trans people have always existed, way before Christianity even, but medical care has only become available recently, it's an inevitable part of evolution of society that more and more trans people take advantage of that and transition and come out.
Dimorphism extends a lot further than body image
Truth is tho, most of the changes are just aesthetic changes, you can even store sperm and ovules in banks and pay people to have your kids years after you were chemically castrated. People are mad literally because they can't stand that people like what they don't.
G/acc faggot
Techfag here. I'm certain there's gotta be something in the water in sillicon valley. The taste is pretty odd.
Yeah. Jews always push this faggotry.
>it's an inevitable part of evolution of society
Low IQ trannies actually believe this