You won't believe what I found next to the garbage dumpster
You won't believe what I found next to the garbage dumpster
Wow! Garbage next to the garbage dumpster!
Seriously though, it it's a Rev. A, it might as well be garbage. The Rev. Bs are pretty nifty, but I personally prefer the beige G3s over the blue & whites.
Install gentoo on it and post the screen fetch
Stfu iToddler
cum on it
What's the difference between Rev. A and B?
Never had one of the Blue/White PowerMacs, just one of the grey/white G4s.
How do I check that? I just picked it
The Rev. As have defective ATA controllers and corrupt disks larger than 8GB.
There should be a sticker on the motherboard.
Open it up and show us the guts, it might have some cool upgrades in it.
I see.
What is it about the beige G3s you like over the B&Ws? You just reminded me I installed Yellow Dog Linux on a beige G3 for shits and giggles long ago.
>Wow! Garbage next to the garbage dumpster!
Back to your containment board.
Here you go guys
I found an Apple IIc, SX-64 and a SGI Indy. Plus a lot of newer Apple and Wintel shit.
>What is it about the beige G3s you like over the B&Ws?
They make for great bridge machines. They have SCSI, Mac serial ports (Allowing you to use them as LocalTalk bridges), a floppy drive that supports all Mac and PC formats, they can be had in desktop cases, and they're compatible with pretty much all the upgrades available for the B&W. Hell, you need to patch the firmware on the later B&Ws if you want to put a G4 upgrade in them, whereas in the Beiges it's pretty much plug and play. You could say the beiges are more "computer-y" than the B&Ws.
Come on, man. This is an imageboard.
>Made in China.
Better turn it over to the CIA. It's a threat to national security.
Looks to be bone-stock. I guess it'd make for a nice OS 9 machine, but not much else without at least replacing the graphics card with a Radeon or better.
Also, to determine the revision:
I found an Apple IIc, SX-64 and a SGI Indy. Plus a lot of newer Apple and Wintel shit.
There should be a sticker on the motherboard.
Open it up and show us the guts, it might have some cool upgrades in it.
Aaaaaand here is the false-flagging Apple shill!
How do I check that? I just picked it
Come on, man. This is an imageboard.
I see.
What is it about the beige G3s you like over the B&Ws? You just reminded me I installed Yellow Dog Linux on a beige G3 for shits and giggles long ago.
Gut it and put an PC in, then install linux and put a mac theme.
Stfu iToddler
The Rev. As have defective ATA controllers and corrupt disks larger than 8GB.
cum on it
>Wow! Garbage next to the garbage dumpster!
Install gentoo on it and post the screen fetch
>caring about the defective ATA controller when a good SCSI configuration is dirt cheap
>basic 350 with CD-ROM
it’s a rev B, ignore that other guy
>caring about SCSI when SIL3112 SATA cards are cheap and easy to flash
that works too, but I personally like real expensive spinning rust
I support this. Do it.
Trannies are gay
Install gentoo on it and post the screen fetch
Aaaaaand here is the false-flagging Apple shill!
SATA WD Velociraptors are an option.
Stfu iToddler
I support this. Do it.
Come on, man. This is an imageboard.
Wow! Garbage next to the garbage dumpster!
Seriously though, it it's a Rev. A, it might as well be garbage. The Rev. Bs are pretty nifty, but I personally prefer the beige G3s over the blue & whites.
yeah, I misread your post like a retard and thought I saw something about SSDs in there for whatever reason
I picked up a funbrick with a sonnet SATA controller in it for $5 a while ago, but I ended up putting it aside for an MDD or something if I ever get one and installed a factory atto U320 controller back in it instead and will probably pick up a pair of X15s for it later
Install gentoo on it and post the screen fetch
There should be a sticker on the motherboard.
Open it up and show us the guts, it might have some cool upgrades in it.
How do I check that? I just picked it
Stfu iToddler
>factory atto U320
Do you know if those are bootable under OS 9? I got one with an Xserve G5 some time ago and I might use it for a project with a GbE G4. I also have a U160 Adaptec that came in a beige G3, but it'd be cool to see how OS 9 performs with a faster card.
Come on, man. This is an imageboard.
yeah, I misread your post like a retard and thought I saw something about SSDs in there for whatever reason
I picked up a funbrick with a sonnet SATA controller in it for $5 a while ago, but I ended up putting it aside for an MDD or something if I ever get one and installed a factory atto U320 controller back in it instead and will probably pick up a pair of X15s for it later
Where can I find garbage dumpster with fridge compressors?
absolutely, they were options in both the sawtooth and mystic G4s which only ever shipped with OS 9 (or 8.6)
also it's a U160/Ultra3 card sorry, while I think the G3s were all Ultra2, would have to look at mine again
How do I check that? I just picked it
Aaaaaand here is the false-flagging Apple shill!
SATA WD Velociraptors are an option.
use an extension like 4chanX with recursive hiding, kills 90% of the spam because he's not very smart when it comes to filter dodging.
yeah, I misread your post like a retard and thought I saw something about SSDs in there for whatever reason
I picked up a funbrick with a sonnet SATA controller in it for $5 a while ago, but I ended up putting it aside for an MDD or something if I ever get one and installed a factory atto U320 controller back in it instead and will probably pick up a pair of X15s for it later
Wow! Garbage next to the garbage dumpster!
Seriously though, it it's a Rev. A, it might as well be garbage. The Rev. Bs are pretty nifty, but I personally prefer the beige G3s over the blue & whites.
SATA WD Velociraptors are an option.
that works too, but I personally like real expensive spinning rust
Trannies are gay
>also it's a U160/Ultra3 card sorry
So it's not like mine(pic)? I don't think mine came as an option in any G4, as it is PCI-X and not 64-bit PCI. It does work in a PCI G4 with OS X, but I did try to boot it in my beige G3 and got diddly squat, possibly because it's an OldWorld machine.
>while I think the G3s were all Ultra2
Yup, my bad. The Adaptec is Ultra2.
I already use 4chanX, how would I go about setting such filters up?
>Aaaaaand here is the false-flagging Apple shill!
I need a fucking compressor, and I don't want to pay 40 000 pesos for it, too expensive.
SATA WD Velociraptors are an option.
absolutely, they were options in both the sawtooth and mystic G4s which only ever shipped with OS 9 (or 8.6)
also it's a U160/Ultra3 card sorry, while I think the G3s were all Ultra2, would have to look at mine again
Install gentoo on it and post the screen fetch
Stfu iToddler
might still work in a newer system, honestly couldn't tell you.
>how would I go about setting such filters up?
here's a couple of mine
/^((>>[0-9]*( )*(\(You\))*\n*)*>*(t\. |\/thread|oh( no)+|seething|b+a+s+(ed|te)*|cringe|cope|del(ete*|id)( (d|th)is)*|here('| i)*s you'*re* .* bro)+(( and )*.*pilled)*\.*(\n)*)+$/i;stub:no
/^(>>[0-9]*( )*(\(You\))*\n*)+>*t\..*$/i;stub:no
/^why (don'*t|aren'*t) you.*$/i;op:only
/brainlet/i;stub:no4chanX recursively filters by default and usually he'll quote some satania redditor's xdxd appul btfo based and cringepilled shitpost and filter his entire spam chain if I don't just hide the first post he makes from the outset
someone take me out back and shoot me thanks
/^((>>[0-9]*( )*(\(You\))*\n*)*>*(t\. |\/thread|oh( no)+|seething|b+a+s+(ed|te)*|cringe|cope|del(ete*|id)( (d|th)is)*|here('| i)*s you'*re* .* bro)+(( and )*.*pilled)*\.*(\n)*)+$/i;stub:no
/^(>>[0-9]*( )*(\(You\))*\n*)+>*t\..*$/i;stub:no
/^why (don'*t|aren'*t) you.*$/i;op:only
>Stfu iToddler
Nah, I hated my macbook, but I need a compressor.
Holy shit, it's like magic.
Thank you, based user.
Ignore him, he's an Apple shill replying with random quotes from the thread in order to dilute the discussion. You see, talking about PowerPC hardware doesn't sell new Apple products.
Those are garbage. I’ve used a dual G5 that was many times more powerful than the old g4 or g3 or whatever and even that is blown out of the water by any x86 from the last 10-15 years. Also a huge waste of electricity.
running proper application stacks both my 500DP and 2.3DC are fine, literally nobody is looking at something like that thinking they're getting anything remotely competitive with a modern machine
kill yourself spic redditor
*fetch sucks shit on PPC machines
third post is best post