The year is 1982. Nobody has ever heard of anything larger than a kilobyte. Floppy discs are being traded like passports in back alleys. The sneakernet is alive. If you are a basic bitch you are running a com 64 or a sinclair running BASIC. But if you are a true hacksor you are running fortran or forth.
>Nobody has ever heard of anything larger than a kilobyte >Floppy discs (minimum capacity: 243 kilobytes) are being traded like passports in back alleys
>Nobody has ever heard of anything larger than a kilobyte The C64 was released in 1982. Its main selling point was that it had 64 kilobytes of RAM at a price way below its competitors. This strategy was so succesfull that Commodore had to manufacture C64 machines long after it became unprofitable.
Landon Baker
The 1977 Apple II had 16K to 48K of RAM. IBM mainframes ran on 20k to 256K. CP/M PCs had around 32k.
Levi Garcia
In 1982 I was using a TRS-80 Color Computer with 16K of RAM and Extended Color Basic. Over the years compilers for other languages were released for the CoCo but they were insanely expensive. Usually several times the cost of the computer itself.
Lucas Garcia
Also the memory capacity of a C64 is 64 KB. I guess OP forgot about that too.
Robert Wright
Ok your setting is a little over-dramatic (consumer hard drives from 5 to 25 megabytes were available and BBSes existed) but I'll 'byte'.
I don't know why, but my dad aquired this ancient 1970's Xerox copy machine and I remember it when I was growing up (then the 90's) and we actually had it up until the mid 2010's. I don't know why he finally decided to trash it. It took me forever to find a picture of one - the orange door below it is a cabinet I guess. We just had the top part - the actual xerox copier is sitting on top of the cabinet in the picture I found.
Ours looked better though. It was so fucking heavy. The whole top glass plate slid back and forth when scanning. there was no internal bar to scan. Literally had to watch your self not to get hit with the lid.
I had ASCII nudes but don't want to risk a ban posting them here. My older sister sold them at her high school and we split the proceeds. Dad wondered why our Gemini 10X kept needing new printer ribbons.
Jaxon Gray
you got a pretty based sister user
Jose Johnson
>you will never go to a good college for cheap in the 80s >you will never be surrounded by skinny, healthy people (specifically girls) at college >you will never make a ton of money off the tech boom >you will never work in the tech industry before muh feminism >you will never be a cowboy >tfw
Ian Morris
>you will never work in technology before it became a political tug of war between whiny Jow Forums betamales and crybaby /lgbt/ degenerates who have no actual passion for technology kill yourself
Jason Lewis
In 1982 I was 5 and I was just learning to use a sector editor to make my Bard's Tale character more powerful.
Christian Ramirez
>tug of war >implying Jow Forums has any influence on the industry whatsoever >implying I'm Jow Forums for not liking the current culture of the industry No u
Landon Gomez
You can be a cowboy if you believe in yourself and say yee haw.
nah you're not Jow Forums because you don't like the industry culture you're Jow Forums because all you apparently cared about in the old culture was Jow Forums shit like muh money and pretty wymyn and not actual technology