What are the advantages of 5g? Surely we can disregard the 5g is dangerous meme espoused by Luddites to take advantage of its true potential.
What are the advantages of 5g...
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Much higher bandwidth.
>can we disregard science
It literally is dangerous though
The 24ghz frequency interferes with weather satellites on 23.8ghz
Have fun 4k live broadcasting a tornado you didn't get the notification for
it will melt your brain
a much higher level of mind control
Whenever I find one of these studies which show an increased risk of whatever based on the signal technology, it always turns out that they were doing in vitro tests at extremely high power with a small sample size and p hacking to get the result they want.
This is an actual concern. Also a concern is the range is so short it's fucking useless anywhere outside a dense city.
>Whenever I find one of these studies which show an increased risk of whatever based on the signal technology, it always turns out that they were doing in vitro tests at extremely high power with a small sample size and p hacking to get the result they want.
ok lol
I'm really surprised desu, if "5G" really did cause cancer where are the billions of people with brain tumors? Why do we instead get bullshit faggot cancers like skin, breast, colon, blood, etc? You would think that high power phones from WW2 would have already wiped out most white people by now with all the brain tumors they purportedly produce.
Instead we just get a mix of cancers in mostly old people living on borrowed time. Some cancer causing tech you got there.
the microwaves cause a host of negative effects that get worse over time, depending on power, modulation of the signal and whether people are exposed as they sleep
low latency
And that's literally what has been happening since we went from 2G to 3G. The air is super saturated with "5G" radiation and people literally sleep next to their phones and wifi routers these days. Yet everyone is ok, unfortunately. No billions of brain cancer outbreaks to speak of.
>5g is harmful
read the image in carefully
5G will collimate (focus) signals also
that's what the science is telling us
That's not a blind study. It's basically trash science.
>In summary, when data from all the randomized trials and epidemiological studies were considered together, no single symptom or symptom pattern was found to be consistently related to exposure. The cross-sectional epidemiological studies, however, showed a noteworthy pattern: studies with crude exposure assessments based on distance showed health effects, whereas studies based on more sophisticated exposure measurements rarely indicated any association.
*tips fedora*
Thanks for admitting you lost.
I didn't though. You tacitly admitted defeat with "It's basically trash science"
Try again icnirp shill
So how soon before billions get brain cancer?
nobody made that claim but I predict 5G will be rolled back along with most of 4G before the middle of next year and most phone companies will be significantly chunked by class actions
Not being double blind instantly disqualifies it, as it's well known that rf exposure has a reasonably strong nocebo effect on lots of people. The paper I linked is a legitimate publication which used good methods to meta analyze many studies. It found that there are lots of badly executed studies which show correlation, but studies with better and controls and measurements show no consistent correlation between rf exposure and negative health effects.
Besides the higher bandwidth, 5g also promises lower latency, close to what you get with landlines; between the two the cellphone companies will be able home plans that are competitive with cable/dsl/low end fiber connections.
Verizon is selling 5G 300 mbps home service, with no data caps, for $70 month ($50 a month if you have a Verizon cellphone) right now, in its initial 5g markets.
find me a double blind study where people's living conditions are completely accurately replicated, with all wires and additional RF frequencies that are in the aether flying around and resonating
oh wait there are none
the precautionary principle has been disregarded and it will cost hundreds of billions in court
>5g shills
There can be no double-blind studies truly applicable to 24/7 human exposure under stressful real life work conditions
It's well known that microwaves affect people more at certain times (asleep, under tension, contracted illness) and no studies take this into account.
The study posted by that guy is much more relevant to real life situations than your "nocebo" fall-backs.
Just curious, but have you taken out any short positions on the major cell phone companies? If your predictions are correct, that would make you a ton of money.
read Swiss Re report just out lol
You two are fucking retarded. Read the goddamn meta study. The LEDs on all the shit in your room is actually fucking up your sleep, but you focus on crap that does nothing.
>crap that does nothing
somebody's got an agenda here... hmmm.....
Genuine question: If 5G uses EM waves with much lower frequency than light, and lights frequency doesnt even come close to what is considered dangerous, then how can 5G be considered dangerous?
your microwave cooks food from the inside out at 2.4ghz
obviously this is about 100,000 times more powerful than what you can expect to receive in your house (unless the collimation is really nasty)
but what happens when you microwave food at a very low level for months on end?
that's what a phone mast is doing to you as you sleep
One thing that confuses me about 5g is the fact that already all cell companies have hugely restrictive and expensive plans to access video and other content. How will people afford 5g when you have the potential to run down your allotted monthly limit that much faster? I don't see how it is affordable given current pricing.
>microwatts per square meter
my farts are probablt more powerful than that
the only way non ionizing radiation can cause harm is with high intensities
thats why you need a kilowatt of power focused on a small volume in your microwave to heat water in timely fashion minute
inb4 radio operators popping pop corn on their towers or piles of dead birds right next to them
inverse square law, those towers service massive land areas, unless you plan to sleep a foot away from a 5g tower the intensity of an incandescent lightbulb in your room is probably doing more to destroy your tissues
That's a fucking LED area light, all the other plants are fine, and we don't have any information on the history of the tree. I bet $100 that if an arborist was brought in they'd find the tree had a parasitic infection or other disease.
sorry but you're just not up to date with the science
that little black thing on the lamp is a dielectric lens antenna which collimates the highly modulated microwaves into deadly focused beams
microwaves also weaken the immune systems of biological systems and promote bacteria, viruses and parasites
Kek, this thread has gone full retard. 5G will not cause cancer or any problems. This is coming from a electrical and biomedical engineer. Those linked "studies" are so flawed in their execution and premise it is laughable.
FFS stop believing dumb ass conspiracy theories.
sorry but the science is not on your side
>dielectric lens antenna which collimates the highly modulated microwaves into deadly focused beams
Okay you got me. 10/10.
not only do those not contradict what I said, a few actually point out that it is the intensity of the fields
for fucks sake a ton of those are just "people that sleep with their phones may have migraines and fucked sleep schedules" and the guy that put together that list ran away with it as if the paper claimed it was EMFs that were at fault
just because papers get published doesnt mean they were done in a consistent and rigorous fashion
you yourself are saying that its about collimating and focused beams, and are leaving the intensities in the dark
None of those "studies" are peer reviewed. They also have no understanding of the underlying physics and technology they are trying to study.
The fact that you believe any of it is more just sad for you. Maybe stop relying on crap from the internet and go ask people who work in that field (and don't ask people you find on the internet, go out to a university or research lab).
google is your friend
here is the study on the trees
once again I'll remind you the precautionary principle has been entirely disregarded
they're fresh studies from respected journals
peer review doesnt mean much when the phone industry literally buys studies
5G is white genocide
>There is evidence that millimeter waves (MMWs) can have an impact on cellular function, including neurons. Earlier in vitro studies have shown that exposure levels well below the recommended safe limit of 1 mW/cm2 cause changes in the action potential (AP) firing rate, resting potential, and AP pulse shape of sensory neurons in leech preparations as well as alter neuronal properties in rat cortical brain slices; these effects differ from changes induced by direct heating. In this article, we compare the responses of thermosensitive primary nociceptors of the medicinal leech under thermal heating and MMW irradiation (80-170 mW/cm2 at 60 GHz). The results show that MMW exposure causes an almost twofold decrease in the threshold for activation of the AP compared with thermal heating (3.9 ± 0.4 vs. 8.3 ± 0.4 mV, respectively). Our analysis suggests that MMWs-mediated threshold alterations are not caused by the enhancement of voltage-gated sodium and potassium conductance. We propose that the reduction in AP threshold can be attributed to the sensitization of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1-like receptor in the leech nociceptor. In silico modeling supported our experimental findings. Our results provide evidence that MMW exposure stimulates specific receptor responses that differ from direct thermal heating, fostering the need for additional studies.
just one example
makes you think
reminder to ignore industry shills and watch this video if you want to actually understand how massively the microwaves emitted by your phone and the mast transmitters affect you and your loved ones:
>Kek, this thread has gone full retard. 5G will not cause cancer or any problems. This is coming from a electrical and biomedical engineer. Those linked "studies" are so flawed in their execution and premise it is laughable.
>i am
Prove it, you dont expect to believe every bullshit i read on the internet do you?
once again
Im not saying EMFs are harmless, I'm saying it's a matter of intensity
you went from microwatts per square meter on trees to milliwatts per square centimeter on cells kept in vitro thats quite a few orders of magnitude difference
like wanting to ban water because if you drink too much of it you die
the study about trees in germany, although small and the authors said more research had to be done, was more interesting, at least academically
Trips of truth.
>you went from microwatts per square meter on trees to milliwatts per square centimeter
>"exposure levels well below the recommended safe limit of 1 mW/cm2"
cmon kiddo
Is this a 5g antennae? I'm trying to figure out if we have it yet.
Reminder to ignore all /x/ posters, report the thread the move on
this isn't even a discussion for Jow Forums if it IS harmful for us, it's a discussion for /sci/
No, that's a 4G array
the m- prefix is milli
the prefix for micro is μ
one is one thousandth, the other is one millionth
are you sure you actually understood what those papers tried to explain?
I'm starting to believe you came to your own conclusion about EMF and only then did you start looking for evidence, prefering that which aligns with your conclusions and ignoring or obfuscating those that contradict it
also, there's a 1:10000 difference between 1 square meter and 1 a square centimeter, so not only are is the power a thousand times higher, the surface area on which that power spreads is also ten thousand times smaller
> get 5g
>monthly data cap used up in 10 seconds
Long term exposure hasn't been proven to be safe, nor harmful to humans. Can't disregard anything, any side talking like they know anything about it (yet) are retards.
It took years for the radiation from Chernobyl to start affecting people outside of the nearby area yet all of Europe is still experiencing increased cancer rates. Also I've yet to see a phone that can fully use 4g's 400mbit cap. Even flagships can't reach 150Mbit, let alone average phones.
How does it feel that 5G is getting deployed whether you like it not, conspiritard faggots?
>microwave cooks food from the inside out
Wrong. Heard of skin effect? The intensity decays exponentially with depth