>"Your resume looks good, and I must say, your repertoire of skills is very impressive. Let's just take a look at your browser history."
>*Jow Forums*
"Your resume looks good, and I must say, your repertoire of skills is very impressive...
>"Your resume looks alright. I have to admit I haven't checked your GitHub yet. Let's do this real quick."
>*profile pic is anime girl*
I got an interview to get into an AI lab in a few days, one of the github profiles I linked has an anime girl as a profile picture.
Did I get the interview just so they would make fun of me?
anime girls make better programmers
>browser history
contractors have acquiesced to anime
If you've a prejudice against anime girls in 2019 you could end up not hiring a Putnam prize winner and Harvard graduate.
> Nice resume user.
> Could you fizz buzz this white board for me?
> Nice work. Your nodejs skills are superb.
> Now we just need to check a few things before we hire you.
> Your job history and interview were great, so after we review your porn browsing history we can give you the job.
> Don't call us. We'll call you. Thanks, have a nice day.
I have a programming interview on Tuesday. Do I practice coding interview challenges, or do I try to get the job by identifying as a trans pan-sexual zir anti-fash autist whose master is my cat, with tendencies to literally shake when I remember Drumpf is elected?
I'm 100% okay with not hiring autistic Harvardoids.
>Religion: Christian
good luck going out of business when his high-tick trading algorithm just eats your ass whole
It is sad, but i m pretty sure the second option will guarantee you the job, while using first will make someone using the second one steal your job.
>implying he can run it in his mom's basement's IBM ThinkPad paid with NEET-bux
just be yourself, be social, try not to look like the type of guy that would shoot the place up if he doesn't get a raise
and be competent
found the tree worshipper
>Putting your religion in your resume
My browser deletes its history every time I close the window. This is by design. Because I'm not retarded and don't need people opening my web browser and typing the letter "E" and getting e-hentai.org, typing the letter "P" and geting "pornhub.com," etc.
Worshipping trees is better than worshipping jews. Die sandnigger.
They can still get your browsing history from the logs at the ISP.
>try not to look like the type of guy that would shoot the place
Considering he's a nazi incel, I'd say it'd not only be hard for him to not look like he'll shoot the place, I'd say it'd be hard for him to actually not shoot it.
seriously, I don't give a fuck
i keep my history so i can find things later
who cares if someone types 'a' and gets a bunch of history results for anal vore? if they don't want to see it, they shouldn't be on my computer
If they ask you how you rate your technical skills between 0-10, always answer 6 or 7, unless you are an absolute master of the language.
if a job requires anything more than a background check does and a degree/proof of education in a relevant field, I'm not applying for that job
huge red flags for people who don't actually want to hire anyone anyways
>*profile pic is not an anime girl*
Y-you too.
The cto of my company (~100 employee) has an anime pic.
Daddy musk also used to have a pic from full metal alchemist.
Do ppl actually do this?
Do I put my height and weight in my resume?
If a company would know my browsing history, then Jow Forums would be the least of my problems.
If I let someone use my computer I could really not care less if they see my porn viewing history. It's like letting someone go through your dresser and being embarrassed that they found sex toys. They are in your personal shit, if you don't want them to see it don't let them in it. I don't let people on my phone because I don't want them seeing inappropriate pictures of my girlfriend.
You're the hacker known as Jow Forums? Welcome aboard!
>huge red flags for people who don't actually want to hire anyone anyways
I've had a few interviews end with a "well I'll need to check what positions are available" line before. If that's just a polite way of saying "no" I wouldn't care, but what kind of excuse is that? What the actual fuck? I wasted my dumbass time applying for your fucking job and in the interview you're trying to tell me you're not even hiring.
I'm going to go ballistic if this ever happens to me again, fuck boomers.
ID card in my country has religion entry in it.
And yes, we put religion in resume too.
Source of most racism here.
>your resume looks good
>what! You applied to other companies too?! Get the fuck out! We only hire people who only care about us!
>ID card in my country has religion entry in it.
Why is that done? Can't you tell a Muslim apart from a non-Muslim just by the way they act?
Liberals would ask why you need to know in the first place. It's amazing how much shit America gets for not being progressive enough and yet most of the rest of the world still does absolutely archaic things like actively discriminating on what you think a fictional god was like.
>impying that an autistic Harvardoid can't get employment elsewhere
>one place
>rest of the world
>"Oh my, how advertiser friendly! I am very impressed with your history, user."
>user, upon our review of your internet history we noticed you like to visit a site thats only the image of a sad panda. Would you care to explain?
I keep my porn browsing to incognito mode
It's an avant garde art project an old college friend is working on. He hopes to monetize it soon.
Holy shit where do you live user
I wish I were an AmeriKKKan.
That's not how it actually works. The way it actually works is the interviewer comes up with bullshit excuses to weed you out when that isn't their job, because their job is to weed out people based on objective criteria. That's not a red flag for the company, that's a red flag for their human resources department. You might even enjoy the rest of the company, it's not like HR can actually fuck with you once you're in unless they want to risk a lawsuit.
Not without a warrant.
The guy that interviewed me asked if I was okay with doing the interview over discord due to busy scheduling and he had an anime girl as profile picture so I think I'm fine.
Hence why you use VPNs
>he actually believes this
fucking sheep
i'm browsing 4chin at work and i fail to give a fuck. if someone recognizes it, he's with me. if not, there is no problem. also, Jow Forums is no longer a weird place for weird people, it's normie as fuck nowadays and mainstream is no longer afraid to hear about it
I use incognito
I can't tell if you're being ironic or if you're just really stupid.
Based and paganpilled
Hello fellow paneer
>some leftie recognises it
>tells boss that you raped her ( lefties are 80% women and 20% men who are women hormonally)
You get in trouble
you really can't?
i'm living and working in eastern euorpe, no one cares. our male toilet has huge sexy female silhouettes printed on the toilet booth doors, and our female workers are doing great as human beings
Бaзиpaнo и чepвeнoхaпчeнo.
Eastern yuro is actually really fucking cucked when it comes to women, it's just hidden by a layer of desperate masculinity
>work in programming
>pajeet company that maintains software
>literally 3 women in 50 person company
>one guy starts email with "dear programmers and programmeresses" (makes more sense in polski)
>gets reprimanded harshly
Chivalry is a form of cuckoldry if you do it for anyone other than your family, really.
Your kind is not welcome here. Back to >>>/reddit/
polack, this is not even a real problem lol. Poland is still based as is most of eastern europe. We are not some sort of Jow Forums dream society but compared to western europe or murica we are the last standing bastion of traditional societies.
>So we found your favourites list on exhentai. Care to explain?
"how the fuck did you know how to get past sad panda?"
Have sex.
Weak defense. That guy has no confidence in a programming interview and instead chose to project memey Jow Forums values to seem cool.
If you're not garbage at your language and have actually practiced you shouldn't have to pull a "W-what if some LIBTARD loser takes my spot????" for comfort.
Traditions are cucked as fuck, though.
Especially in slavlands, where they mean shit like
>man must protect all women
while the women are feminist sluts because of rampant feminism from soviets.
Fuck this shit, it's WORSE than in the west and it can be clearly seen from male suicide rates.
I do. It's good, but it's not as great as everyone makes it out to be. Still gotta cum to degenerate porn every now and then.
based and SFW-pilled
>women are feminist sluts
dude.... it is more like 1 out of 4-5 women being feminazis. Our women, in the majority, are fine. I get called "incel" a lot online, but even I know that I only have problem with 30-40% of our women and 60-70% of western women. There are still a lot of ok women.
If you do not want to help them - don't. It is a stupid traditional shit that only work back in the good old days when women did not have the right to vote for their favourite left leaning parties. Still, you should realise that there are a lot of girls that do realise that the current situation is bad for men and they do not work to make it worse. Also a lot of women here do not hate men like they do in the west.
I got a job at deloitte after sharing my github and my personal website, both filled with anime girls. Interviewer laughed off saying I seem like a typical nerd whose into technology because of passion and not just money.
>dude.... it is more like 1 out of 4-5 women being feminazis. Our women, in the majority, are fine.
Because you don't talk to them.
If you ask them loaded questions like "are you a manhating dyke?" they will say no, but if you ask them shit like "if man and woman were equally qualified, would you prefer to vote for woman?" they will say yes.
And they actually are sluts, they just hide it much better than western ones because it's less accepted to be openly slutty.
The only real difference is that they don't end up being single mothers as often.
Divorce is an american thing because lawyers love it and america loves lawyers.
The idea of traditional slav women is bullshit.
They're only traditional when it comes to things that they don't want to do or can't do, like typical hypocrites.
>"Your resume looks good, and I must say, your repertoire of skills is very impressive. We just have to do the standard penis inspection."
I bet you it's fucking Malaysia always fucking up everything.
> No net neutrality
> Islam cultured cucks
Sounds like a greek name
>can be clearly seen from male suicide rates.
Maybe it just sucks to live in your shithole second world country without it being a feminist plot
FMA, Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Dead Note, Doraemon and Dragon Ball don't count, those are normie shows
>actually are sluts
true that - eastern European girls have slut genes, but once you get in a relationship if you picked one that is less slutty it is not that big of a deal.
>"if man and woman were equally qualified, would you prefer to vote for woman?" they will say yes.
All women would do that but there are cases where this does not matter really and cases where it is bad. I do not even think that women should have the right to vote, but our women do not vote a lot so right now I do not think that this is a real problem. Women preffering female politicians or coworkers happens a lot, but because women are usually bad at what they do there are few of them in politics or in high company places. If you have to work with a lot of women - you probably should look for a better job. As for female politicians, I remember an islamic proverbs that I did not agree with the first time I hearth it, but now I agree with it: "women's rule is god's curse upon men". Just do not vote for them - it is not like female politicians are very popular anyway. The only people advocating for female politicians are MSM, soccer moms, young liberal women. Or in other words - not more than 30% of the population. Let me guess, you spoke with a 20-something woman about preferring women over men and she liked women more? LOL. Married women are more likely to be conservative and have real view of the world.
Seriously man, stop hating all women - I do not like them too but I remember the golden rule - women are queens when they are young and slaves when they get old. A 20 years old woman is a queen - she can have sex whenever she wants, she has social circle and friends, she is liked and seeked by the people, she can have money given to her by her beta male friends and live the good live. 10 years later she has lost half of this and when she gets to 40 if she does not have a kid, she is literally fucked - no one will give a shit about her, no money, no new friends, no sex, no will to live. A man on the other hand is the opposite - it sucks in the beginning and gets better when you age. Hating all women is just something a young man can do. Hating a very specific subset of them is more mature.