Jow Forums BTFO
Jow Forums BTFO
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Did you miss 9 years of calling out 3 letter agencies and big tech on their spying bullshit? All of them are equally awful and should be gone.
Did you literally just came here when all Huawei thing started?
I don't understand chinkshillers logic, when PRISM was uncovered, we had threads about it for fucking months. We have daily threads on how to avoid the Facebook and Google botnet. Jow Forums has never condoned US spying.
Then comes this Huawei thing, which isn't a fucking surprise to anyone since Huawei should be considered a branch of the Chinese military (look it up), and chink lovers are going into overdrive spouting "b-b-but the US did it first!!!!"
Fuck Huawei. Fuck Google. Fuck you.
t. insect
>too low IQ to know what "trade" in trade war means.
fuck off 50 cent chink shit
But user,we need China to be the main superpower to defeat the power of the jew。 And also the power of white people,I guess, but keep your round eyes on the prize , which is ending jewish power。
>But user,we need China to be the main superpower to defeat the power of the jew
China is the embodyment of jewishness, it's fucking Karl Marx's wettest dream on steroids. You're just a slant-eyed kike, chink.
what exactly even is "this huawei thing"
The pot(USA) calling the kettle(Huawei) black.
They're spying in the wrong territory
>what exactly even is "this huawei thing"
China has put sanctions on Huawei, basically banning them from the US market and US companies from dealing with them, potentially complicating things for Huawei in other western countries too.
>people honestly think the chinese can just stop exporting precious metals
or the last time, no, china can't refuse the USA as it sets a dangerous precedent for anyone else to do business with them. it sends out a frightening message to anyone that would want to buy from them that they can basically do whatever the hell they want and will throw a fit if they don't get their way.
china and usa aren't the only countries that exist and certainly not the only ones who are doing business with others.
like everyone forgets canada's a big trading partner and that china just arrested two canadians for no real reason. if they pull this too, they can say goodbye to our lumber and water and oil and wheat. and the northwest passage, which canada legally owns the rights to, which china would ADORE to use.
but it's just easier to cry about how orange man is bad, than care about human rights violations, right?
>it sends out a frightening message to anyone that would want to buy from them that they can basically do whatever the hell they want and will throw a fit if they don't get their way.
But China has done this already, zoomer. They blocked Facebook and Google for over a decade. They've kicked out other companies too, after stealing their IP first.
yeah but he/you made it sound like there was something similar to PRISM that came out about huawei
is there?
tech isn't the same as rare metal exports and you know it
China limiting their exports in any way is basically suicide. Their entire country depends on exports, not just economically. They can't allow too many people become broke because then they'll just overthrow their dictatorship regime.
Nah, they simply stole schematics from USA companies. The spying came later.
China only cares about their own country. They just use it to oppress the Chinese while the US uses it to oppress everyone.
Glow harder
Rare metals are not particularly rare. Dirt cheap labour where nobody cares if a percentage of workers die is rare outside of third world countries where the labourers take five hour lunch breaks. Chinks really are the perfect slave race.
No, there's no concrete evidence in the same fashion, but there are plenty of signs that shouldn't be ignored. It would be extremely naive to believe that Huawei didn't spy on the west.
What are you on about faggot?
China oppresses the rest of the world too. They have been bullying smaller countries for decades. Case in point: Norway. We gave the nobel prize to some Chinese dissident, and they became so butthurt they cut all trade with us and forced our politicians to drop down and suck their cock. They demanded to expand our mobile infrastructure, and our intelligence services (NSM, E-tjenesten, PST) discovered that they had put out IMSI catchers to spy on our politicians. When Dalai Llama were to visit us, they forced our cabinet to refuse to meet him. A chinese delegate were visiting a week ago, and they literally demanded that a politician was removed from our fucking national assembly because they didn't like her T-shirt (it said "Freedom" in mandarin), and we being cucks complied.
China bullies everyone, just not the US. Just look at how they rape Africa at the moment. Or how they are expanding into Central Asia and eastern Europe and forcing their way there.
The Chinese aren't going to do anything to me if I say something they don't like. That's the crucial difference between China and the US.
>e since Huawei should be considered a branch of the Chinese military (look it up)
Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Apple can be considered branches of US military (look it up)
These companies have been aiding the NSA unwillingly and unknowingly (because PRISM was implemented in the data center backbones itself). Google has even refused to collaborate with the US military in many instances, which is ironic by the way, since they are more than willing to collaborate with China and its military.
Huawei, on the other hand, was founded by a Chinese military general and is a wholly state owned company (like all Chinese companies) and has a bunch of former intelligence officers and army officers in their ranks.
Look faggot, I don't like megacorporations like Facebook and Google either, they are inherently too big for their own good and full of shady business practices and poor management choices, borderline corrupt and jewish as fuck. But China should fucking not be understimated, they are sinister as fuck. The US at least pretends to give a fuck about people's freedom and rights, China outright states that such freedom is bad for you.
>what exactly even is "this huawei thing"
American government:
>China is spying! I have zero evidence, but buy American electronics instead of Chinese you stupid goy.
>The US at least pretends to give a fuck about people's freedom and rights
>zero evidence
You mean claiming the botnet with zero evidence isn't justified on Jow Forums ??? I guess I have been avoiding Google for no good reason then.
Are you saying they don't pretend to do that? Or are you so naive that you actually believe they DO care about it?
>HURR DURR it's hypocrisy if you spy on others but don't like when others spy on you!!
politics with Jow Forums everyone
The influx from Jow Forums has never been more obvious, IMO. They are obvious NPCs spouting the same old
>US bad, everyone hurting the US good
over and over again.
US isn't pissing that China is spying. US is pissed that Huawei stole IP from US companies. Spying is just a pretext
Jow Forums doesn't place international trade embargo's on companies who do business with botnet companies.
I am Norwegian as well and Norwegian politicians love to suck cock. As long as it doesn't benefit the local Muslims because it would look bad for the voters.
China builds Africa and it benefits Africa. They do it without assassinating local politicians like we Europeans and Americans do.
>international trade embargo
There's nothing international about this. It's US vs China. That's bilateral.
US is pissed China has overtaken them in technological advancement.
US is a failing superpower heading towards irrelevance.
China is the new guy the entire world looks up to.
This makes hillbillies extremely butthurt.
>China builds Africa and it benefits Africa.
You haven't paid attention then, my fellow Norwegian.
Then why can't Huawei continue to sell Android phones in Europe?
They can. The problem is the Google connection, not the European market. Europe is heavily invested in Huawei, seeing how they are building the mobile infrastructure in a large amount of European countries.
Starting illegal wars, drone striking civilians and torturing people isn't "pretending to give a fuck about human rights".
America has a worse record on human rights than China.
>consumer hardware is everything
And not like EU cares that much, either it's americans spying or chinese. Big woop.
>Starting illegal wars, drone striking civilians and torturing people isn't "pretending to give a fuck about human rights".
They do pretend. I don't disagree that they don't give a fuck, but they certainly do pretend.
>America has a worse record on human rights than China.
No, fucking no.
>unconditional aid is a bad thing
The people can rebel even though they get aid.
Where's your fucking proof that Huawei spies on people?
US government agencies being actual criminals is at least backed by Snowden leaks.
Huawei's factories and source codes have been expected and there was absolutely 0 evidence of spyware.
I agree. Purge both.
Surely this post is ironic.
just us of shitland because is shit county
You really think China would let potential whistle-blowers live?
They don't even let you have the same rights as other Chinese unless you fulfill social expectations.
Western society has the opposite problem, it's against all social expectations. Only recently has it had any and ironically they've been institutionalised by the very people aiming to fight social expectations.
Is that right Han Lon?
>botnet catfight as a botnet justification
>china just arrested two canadians for no real reason
Retaliation for Canada arresting that Chinese CEO for no real reason.
hill person here, don't really give a fuck
the US has been doomed since before we let king kong into office, we're all just awaiting the absolute collapse of our governments & society at large
Shit really is firing up between east and west.
I think people are really starting to catch on about how China has been fucking the world economy with their yuan practices.
That said, the west are fucking with it too.
I'm actually ambivalent on Obama. I think he did things that prevented bullshit that most of the dems now push for.
Can't wait for China and the US to nuke each other so that the restbof the world can finally have peace!
i am not chinese fucking jew, go to hell and your fucking country too
>good guy spying on you
>bad guy spying on you
oh boy, which one am i going to take
because Europe is America's bitch
>fucking jew
Settle now Han Lon.
No m8, China is as bad or even worse. Your only hope for freedom is The Super Power 2020.
china refusing to give the new broken curve details to US
previously they'd give us the keys to the backdoors so we could track ppl using their devices - they've decided to reneg on the del
Are there actual Chinese shills here now or is it just some form of shitposting?
I thought China would have banned people from being able to visit here.
They can access normal internet via Hong Kong, but receiving a certain block of forbidden copypasta will take them offline automatically.
Shareblue had Chinese corporate links so they're definitely real.
>block of forbidden copypasta
This is as pathetic as the west blocking videos of graphic violence.
Mostly it's references to Things That Did Not Happen Move Along Citizen, but they also ban references to Winnie the Pooh.
If u dont have direct financial benefit and are arguing for any side you should kys you dumb goy
Depends. If the US were like Rome I'd easily pick a side.
Because Xi Jinping doesn't like being likened to Poohbear, and people who don't like Xi Jinping were using Poohbear to get around censorship of government criticism.
How petty and pathetic if true (sounds like a Chinese thing to do).
Ironically that will do more to tarnish a reputation than allowing it.
>good guy
pick one.
>buying debt backed by no collateral other than paper money (which can be printed) and no way to enforce it
>gave the nobel prize to some Chinese dissident
What makes you think you can just take sides in a political conflict and not suffer any repercussions? Do you think you could pay homage to someone the US deemed as an enemy and nothing would come out of it?
Fuck the US!
Edward Snowden is true hero!
isnt assange being jailed for spying on americans. When their own govt does it to its people.
Spying is one thing, and stealing is another. Stealing is the main concern, if you ask me, but if you do a little research of your own, you'll soon realize that China has been up to some pretty brazenly sleazy shit for years. Re-routing huge swathes of US internet traffic, data breaches big enough to involve most of the citizens of the US, theft of patents, botnets planted in their products, etc. At least realize that everything they do to fuck over the United States, is used to feed a system that further enslaves their own citizens.
>China is the new guy the entire world looks up to.
Not even remotely true. They get away shit because they are feared. It's all about money.
Americans give us Canadians Jewish interracial nig porn, Hollywood, feminism, LGBT, and multiculturalism. At least for me, I side with China because they don’t export cultural degeneration. Also I like their phones because it’s better price for performance. Apple is overpriced and there are more interesting options among the Chinese companies. I would side with China in the longer run.
Americans get away with shit cause they are feared too. The main difference is China doesn’t export cultural subversion in the form of Hollywood.
>cultural subversion
Come on, dude. You sound like one of those hardline Christian twits from the 1980's. Do you believe in backwards masking and subliminal messaging, too? People believe what they want to believe. Look at Youtube, it's full of idiotic shit and people seek it out. Scumbags and morons are born, they're not usually made.
>ITT: retarded americans flexing pathetically
Ching chong chang chong get out.
We don't need nor want any spying, from the US or form China it's both the same. Only reason to not support the ban is so you can have an option which spying agency you prefer when buying your phone, and living in the US I guess you already give them enough so every bit gone to the chinese is more or less safe from them. Thinking of the nation and the economy though, it's a good ban. Even in Jow Forums's book it should be a good ban, we don't want privacy infringing monopolies, we don't want more Alphabet-like corporations.
Chinese shill go chinese shill chinese shill go away:
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