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/sco/ Self check out
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NEET boom and universal basic income soon™
Don't count on SCO replacing people. Spanish speaking people almost always have trouble using them. English speaking people can't figure out a basic alphabetical list and how to ring up produce. The machines fail quite a bit. People can't even figure out how to use their cards.
I oversee them everyday and people are really fucking stupid. It's the most irritating part of my job. I'd rather be handling money in the safe room.
*stays unused while 28 people are waiting behind two registers*
Thanks boomers for being unable to adapt, saves me 10 minutes at checkout.
>replace something with tech
>wait its not working
>more tech needed
see also: SV inventing the concept of 'buses' every other week, dumping ipads and smart boards into schools, etc
Oh man. I've had them mock me and say how we're taking jobs away when I ask them to come over. Though some younger people also can't figure them out. Surprisingly more than you'd think
I never understood smart boards. We had them but they were always never really used to their apparent potential
yeah but they were the NEW PARADIGM IN TEACHING!!!!
funny how 'pay teachers what they're worth, make sure classrooms have adequate quality supplies and a safe building, and ensure children aren't distracted because they're hungry' never gets the funding though.
Our school built some new pseudo park in the middle of it instead of getting us new books
ours literally sold off the playing fields for housing, then knocked down half of the (perfectly functional!) building and replaced it with a 'purpose-designed facility', like the old buildings werent purpose-designed??
the new building leaks like a sieve, and a whole bunch of windows fell out over the christmas break lol. actually not lol, it just makes me mad
they should do discounts based on how fast you do the entire process start to finish
I try to make it a point to use human cashiers when I can because I feel like I'm helping them keep a job. However when there is a single cashier open, and a line of 10+ boomers angrily waiting at Walmart, I'm kind of forced to use the self checkout lines. I honestly feel we should get a 5% discount on the order since we're doing work for the company.
We hired more people after getting SCO actually
These piss me off sometimes.
>Weights aren't calibrated
>Buy only condoms
>Need to call a cashier anyway
"Well as long as you're here, you may as well help me put them on."
Well there are shitloads of other stuff that needs doing in the store other than cashiering I could imagine. If SCO becomes the standard, all those workers can now stock shelves or clean etc. I worked at a Dollar Tree as my first job and there was ALWAYS something that needed doing.
>If SCO becomes the standard, all those workers can now stock shelves or clean etc
uh no, they'll just cut staff levels to the bone (again). so then it wont be WHY IS ONLY ONE REGISTER OPEN it'll be WHY CAN I NEVER FIND ANYONE TO HELP ME WITH THIS etc
your average store manager isn't going to be jumping up and down for joy because hooray! now all the cashiers can stack shelves and unload the trucks, it's more like hooray, now we don't need to keep those parasites on the payroll
I suppose. That right there is specifically why I told me friends working dead end jobs to go to school for something useful that robots can't fully replace yet. Nursing, trades, truck driving, etc.
These were cashier's that were hired
It only happens to brainlets who put their phones and keys and shit in the bagging area. It's a scale. If you put shit there you didn't scan or toss bags on it without choosing that you brought bags it's gonna go off. If you shove stuff around in a bag it can change the weight too.
It's anti theft measures
>At Walmart
>Buying condoms, lube, and one of those vibrating clit rings
>Going all out because I can't remember the last time I got laid and I want to blow her fucking mind
>Condoms don't weight enough so the self checkout is bitching
>Have to get help from worker
,>Apparently they also didn't properly register the vibrator ring in their inventory so it's price wasn't coming up
>Young 20 something guy comes over helps me out
>"Ooohh man someone's getting their fuck on tonight! Fuck yea man! My gf loves that ring thing btw, have a nice night man"
> too
The fucking SCO is supposed to be so I don't have to call attention to myself damnit.
Should have said
>Oh she has one already? Can you put this back for me then?
Something in the electronics field..all computers/robots/machines need maintenance/repair.
what a lot of people miss is that they need to be 'trained' in the first place. and, well, garbage in, garbage out
I live in a nanny state where energy drinks have an unofficial age restriction to keep SJWs from sperging out.
>shop A: caffeine pills are free for all but a can of barely caffeinated soda requies a staredown by a robot
>shop B: conveniently forgot to register monsters, red bulls and whatnots items as energy drinks
>shop C: registered sports drinks as age restricted items because they had "energy" in the name
Every time.
But I had found the soulution: you scan and put something heavy first, like milk carton or something, and then scan condoms.
That sounds horrible? Where?
I'm not going to do the job of a fucking clerk unless the store pays me.
The workers get reduced and store saves costs, but the money saving doesn't translate to the store prices.
I'd be working for the store for free when using these. No way man.
I'll be standing in the queue to let the designated store wagie do the scanning for me even if it takes a bit longer waiting in there.
>do something
>machine gets buttmad and demands some cuck wagie come over and tap some code in
These self checkouts are more of a hassle than regular checkout 3/4 times.
Anyone else enter cheap apples when they actually get the expensive apples?
I mean me either.
Um sweetie. One is a one time debt servicing at best with possible corruption and kick backs racket while the other is a never ending and growing entitlement and long term liability. Maybe they hope all the computer shit will allow them to understaff, further lowering their long term budget nightmares.
They are pretty good as 10-items or less lanes (except for restricted items) but you get a full cart of groceries and it's just a pain in the ass. One of the local grocery chains has bigger full lane sized self checkout but I don't shop there since it requires use of their store perks card in order to use self check out. They truly have only 1 manned lane though.
Florida Man here use these all the time unless I'm buying bulk.
Love how quick they are and always available since retards don't use them. I don't even bag shit unless I need to, and use the handscanner to not have to take shit out of the cart. Takes a minute compared to 5-10 in regular checkout and I'm gone.
When doing regular checkout in bulk I've had some woman behind me who wanted a single thing and seemed annoyed at how I was holding up the line.
They're paying you with your time back.
For me it depends on the store, the ones that flip their shit over anything in the bagging area or don't scan properly aren't worth using. Luddites need to be euthanized or at least exiled though
>word salad
literally what
Just like chip-and-pin cards are a slow awkward middle ground between magstrip and contactless cards, self checkout is a slow awkward middle ground between human cashiers and self scan terminals.
>pay teachers what they're worth
Looking at how clueless the kids are coming out of school these days the teachers are already overpaid. In some parts of the country it would be more accurate to say that teachers should be incarcerated for fraud.
>and ensure children aren't distracted because they're hungry
Free lunches are pass out like candy so long as the student is not white.
maybe you're just a shit
Care to enlighten? Is this similar to Amazon's store?
you put your groceries into your bags as you go around the shop, and as you go you use the handheld gizmo to scan barcodes. at the end you scan the barcode at the checkout and pay, then you leave.
>Looking at how clueless the kids are coming out of school
Is there any actual measurement of this? I mean we've known standardized tests likely don't reflect real world ability.
>Is there any actual measurement of this
lol, no. dudes just a racist weirdo
If this isn't bait, you are beyond retarded, since the majority of children on free & reduced meals (and welfare) are white.
The "teachers are overpaid" bullshit isn't even a good larp on your homeboard.
Gotta find some way to squeeze that poltard rhetoric into every fucking topic though, hunh?
No he's right. The number of full retard teachers I ran into through my k-12 education was staggering, and I lived in a somewhat wealthy north eastern town.
And yes, free lunches and reduced price lunches are given away to anyone close to the poverty line.
>The number of full retard teachers I ran into
Why Were You Running Into Your Teachers???
You don't repair machines with a degree in electronics, electronic boards are an interchangable part that a technician throws in the trash when they don't work and replaced with a shiny new one. Even if the technician can diagnose and repair a PCB who's going to warranty the thing? You? In that piece of equipment that costs $100,000?
You take this thing that looks like a smartphone with a pistol grip at the entrance, and scan the barcodes of every item you put in the cart/bag. Then you just stick the thing in a slot at the checkout, pay and go. It's essentially a portable self checkout terminal without the shitty weighing scale, plus a price checking terminal, and you can see the total amount to pay before you arrive at the checkout.
>t. product of US educational system
>I'll be standing in the queue to let the designated store wagie do the scanning for me even if it takes a bit longer waiting in there.
Sounds like your time is not worth very much.
So it's a step down from Amazon's implementation, sans Amazon botnet, where you just get what you want and leave with it automatically billing your account.
Also seems a bit cumbersome, who is providing the bags/do you keep them? Are they reusable? What if you want to put something/s back (especially large, such as gallons)?
>I must use my semantic autism in every thread I enter
>When there is no barcode and the item is not in the list
A nordic hellhole. It's not any law, only a loose agreement between retailers.
>who is providing the bags/do you keep them?
you bring your own reusable bags, dummy. you don't do this already? or they have them on little hooks just like any other product if you need a new bag or something.
>What if you want to put something/s back
you scroll to it on the handheld gizmo, hit 'REMOVE' and scan the barcode of the thing you want to put back. then you put it back on the shelf.
the idea with scanning at a mini-checkout before you leave is so you can pay for your goods. or if you need someone to authorise a purchase (like booze). or if you need someone to take the little alarm tag thing off something valuable (electronics etc).
>you bring your own reusable bags, dummy. you don't do this already?
Nope :^)
My put back question might seem off, but I guess it's because I'm considering the burden of the store staff to find a gallon of milk next to frozen food.
It's no secret that most high school grads lack fundamental life skills; they are unable to apply anything they learned in school to real life. Even balancing a checkbook is basic addition and subtraction but people talk about it like it's fucking voodoo.
see this makes me just think you're either lazy, selfish or both. one of those 'acts like a monster around a captive audience of minimum-wage staff' brain-weirds.
Just considering the outliers. At self checkouts if you decide to you don't want something there's usually a consolidated collection area (or they make one) by the staff overseeing it at the time.
if you're walking around a shop already i'm unsure why you'd just mash stuff where it doesn't belong. like i'm sure if you scan idk a loaf of bread, then walk into the frozen aisle, THEN decide durr me no want bread now, THEN put bread in the frozen aisle because lazy, you're not the sharpest sandwich at the picnic
is this one of those 'americans will literally never do this despite it working literally everywhere else forever' things, like chip and pin cards. am i being trolled
I'm shitposting on a Mongolian pony breeding forum.
No, my time obviously isn't worth that much and neither is anyone else's who's here.
No one here is living the kind of high performance lifestyle where you could see any kind of a tangible benefit from saving a minute or three when you visit the store.
If your time was actually that valuable you'd just order food into your home or workplace so you could keep on working without wasting any of those precious minutes.
>i'm unsure why you'd just mash stuff where it doesn't belong
Hence the concern. Depends on how far away I am from where it came from.
For this purpose I tend to avoid this problem by doing my shopping linearly from front to back with the front pass doubling as my final opportunity to not be a dick, although it happens very rarely.
Yes. This is common in manufacturing. The factory has an engineer on staff who goes around fixing big expensive equipment when the technicians can't figure it out. The equipment is often decades old and still worth hundreds if thousands of dollars. Parts may no longer be available, but documentation probably is. Their job is to get it working asap, and they'll move the world to do it. That includes drawing up parts in CAD and having them turned and milled using equipment at the shop, or pulling a board and replacing components on it. They might make a rigged up repair just to get the machine working as long as it doesn't compromise safety, then put in a ticket to themselves to fix it for real during the next shutdown.
Who warranties it? Nobody. It was already out of warranty, which is why you had the engineer fix it. Your warranty is: Don't hire a retard, and pay them enough to give a fuck. The repair will last if they say it will. These people are designing and implementing custom machinery for you and they understand how it all works. Why wouldn't you trust them to make repairs?
>Your warranty is: Don't hire a retard
are you posting from a phoenix wright trial
It's cheaper to implement than Amazon's solution because the barcodes are already there so the store doesn't have to put RFID tags on every bottle of cola and stick of gum. You also see the full list of the stuff you're buying and the prices, so no risk of coming home and seeing that Amazon fucked up and billed you for 10 Teslas instead of 10 rolls of toilet paper.
>who is providing the bags/do you keep them?
You take and scan the bags just like any other product, or you bring your own.
>What if you want to put something/s back
You select the product from the list on the screen and click "remove". The scanners are basically Android phones running a shopping list app.
it also lets you pay cash, apply coupons, and frankly it keeps the kids busy during the shop so i'm all for it desu
>facts are racist
hmm why are browns dirt poor enough in america to qualify for free school lunch. i blame ... evil ghosts, or possibly a demon
imagine willingly saving money for companies like walmart. Jow Forums is full of cucks
Real chads like me order all the food for pick up so they have to pay some sweaty mexican to load it all into my car
>akchually schools give out free meals to NIGGERS
i freely confess i don't know shit about american school meals, but let's imagine that that's their only square meal of the day. i think giving that kid a breakfast and somewhere to study after school is going to have better educational results than giving them an ipad
You got me
virgin detected. i, Chad Champion, buy all the food in the supermarket and then set the food and the supermarket on fire
The self scan checkout here only accepts cards. But you can go to a cashier with the scanner and they will download the list of goods into their terminal.
>cooks his food as soon as he gets it, doesn't even eat it because chad
that's interesting. the one i use has a slot for coins and notes. so you can hit 'pay cash' and get rid of pocket change, then pay for the rest using a card.
Here we go again, genius. Now post the total number, not a percentage from 4th grade in 2010.
What would really be beneficial is having a couple of busses run after school. The only kids who can participate in extracurricular activities outside of cities with a decent public transit system are the ones with two parents, or a single parent who either doesn't have to work or has a flexible enough schedule. Actually, even when a kid has two parents often they'll still just refuse to pick then up. Some fucking parents.
For massive mega-machines it is indeed common to custom make replacement parts; however it is extremely disingenuous to pretend that this is a large portion of the service and repair profession. It is more common that you throw away a motor than to rewind the winding. It is more common to swap out a board than it is to replace electronic components on the board.
yeah. again it all comes back to 'just give schools fucking money' instead of 'whoooooo wants a chromebook? you all have internet at home right?'
>If you shove stuff around in a bag it can change the weight too.
This is the problem. You don't have to put random shit on it to throw it off - it's just not made to be reliable to the positioning makes the weight change and then it starts REEEing despite you only ever putting exactly what you scanned on it.
Sometimes, if you place something in a particularly unlucky way, it can even refuse to accept it without needing to move anything around at all.
factoid: a major factor in the creation, or at least standardisation and overhauling of 'health and safety in the workplace' laws was an industrial disaster that happened in the 70s near where i live. in a nutshell, someone who wasnt qualified to repair something made a repair job, and it didnt hold because it was a shit piece of work. the explosion levelled a fucking village and killed loads of people.
so hitching up your dungarees and saying WELL DONT HIRE A RETARD is the stupidest thing i ever heard lol
>No one here is living the kind of high performance lifestyle where you could see any kind of a tangible benefit from saving a minute or three when you visit the store.
No, even I wouldn't miss 3 minutes. Now 10 or 20 minutes that is common waiting time at the store I will fucking miss.
better close the tab then
>I don't like your numbers you should keep searching googles until you find number that I like
>giving them an ipad
No one should be getting overpriced meme shit on the taxpayer's dime anyways.
At one point /ck/ was obsessed with stealing from those.
Good thing I didn't say that, but I'll actually agree that not hiring a retard is a great first step.
i meant that as a generic collective 'you', not like you specifically
I never said it's particularly common. I even said
>when the technicians can't figure it out.
You don't bother the engineers with trivial parts replacement. Their main job is usually to design and build custom equipment for the factory.
It's got little to do with money. Schools in the US are wildly, wildly mismanaged. I've seen them blow a couple million on a new gym with some absurd architecture and new landscaping. What was wrong with the old gym? It wasn't impressive looking enough. Some extra after school busses would cost, what, 20k a year?
You hire. A fucking. Engineer. I'm not talking about some bullshit title like the kind given to code monkeys who manage to stick around for a few years, I'm talking about professional engineering. They know their boundaries and are empowered to tell their boss to take a fucking hike if they can't safely do something.
>time spent enjoying yourself on 4chains is exactly the same as standing in line a the supermarket
There's a difference between going about a list of chores on a busy day (or getting your lunch on a similarly busy day) and wasting your time literally standing doing nothing, or lounging about during your free time doing something that's mildly entertaining because you feel like it.
>You hire. A fucking. Engineer. I'm not talking about some bullshit title like the kind given to code monkeys
i fully agree, but what makes an actual-factual irl engineer so, is that they are responsible for their work. which is why you have SSOWs that exist for the purposes of safety and keeping noses clean.
it sounds like you're arguing -against- the idea of permit to work systems because Engineer Knows Best, is all.
>Schools in the US are wildly, wildly mismanaged. I've seen them blow a couple million on a new gym with some absurd architecture and new landscaping
that's not actually the school's fault. they dont generally have, like, a big scrooge mcduck vault of cash they can just spend on whatever.
meanwhile if some rich fuckwit rolls into the office and says 'here's a big fact check, go buy 1000000 copies of We Love Working At Wal-Mart for the school library', well
something i noticed about scan-and-go checkouts as well: they don't have sweets etc at kids' eye levels (yet). so that's a plus as well
Self Checkout
Prison ID: 9972104
Name: Edward Montaigne
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 105lbs
"Officer Williams, guard ID JW19990402, I'm here with prisoner #2972104", the female guard spoke into the voice activated release lock. There was a heavy clunk, then the LED turned green. The guard turned to the young prisoner and pushed him inside the small room. In the center was a large blue device that resembled a photocopier with a lunette and guillotine attached to it. The prisoner stopped. "A Schmidt AG2400, the newest and best", the guard laughed. "This thing'll do everything fer ya".
The ashen faced teenager walked around the machine. He slowly ran a finger over the blade. It was still wet with the blood from the previous prisoners. With the guard watching, the boy lowered his head into the receptacle, his right hand fumbling for the activation button. The lunette locked itself over his neck. The touch of cool metal on his skin made him flinch. The boy took a deep breath and closed his eyes. With his heart pounding, he pressed the button.
In an instant, the blade sliced through his neck, clean. The body crumpled to the floor, blood spraying like a fountain from the severed neck stump. The automated guillotine caught the severed head mid-tumble, its robotic arms swinging the grisly payload around to the guard. Edward's final expression was one of mild shock. Officer Williams took out the pocket ID device and pried open one of the boy's half lidded eyes, the gadget scanning the iris. With a bleep, it sent confirmation of prisoner death to the prison network.
Officer Williams casually tossed the boy's head into the waste disposal basket. The guard walked over to the headless body and knelt beside it. She grabbed the corpse by its feet and dragged it over to the body pile. It joined four others from that day.
I'm not. I was initially talking about an economic warranty that the repair will last a long time, not a guarantee of safety. If you go up the reply chain, you'll see that was the topic.