How many here own a RTX card?

Just curious to see how many have been fooled and paid a ridiculous price for small improvements.

Attached: raytracing is real.jpg (944x944, 384K)

I upgraded from a 960 to a 2060. No other card offered the same performance for the price.

I do. I paid $1350 for an EVGA RTX 2080Ti FTW3 Ultra. Upgraded from the EVGA 989Ti Classified (cost me $880 at launch) to play at 165HZ 1440p. What you say small improvement, I still see the absolute fastest card on the market in DX11/12 applications and the only time anything ever even comes remotely close is the Radeon 7 when a game is extremely optimized with Vulcan. At the time of purchase, decent model 1080Tis were going for $1100 brand new still, and nearly $850-$950 used. I figured why pay full or near full price for an older card? I have the money.

>ridiculous price for small improvements.
This. Imagine paying 600$ more for 13% better performance (2080 vs 2080 Ti). Hell even Vega VII was about ~55% faster than V64

damn what game is the one on the right

I have an 2080 Ti. And a Ryzen CPU (lmao). I only use it to play games that look like spreadsheets anyway.

I don't even own a midrange card.

Sauce on the right pic?

2080ti here. Great for dabbing on boomers in Battlefield.

>boomers in battlefield

Only a faggot zoomer would play that diverse try hard trash.

did they upgrade her milk size on the right one

Attached: 3snapshot_15.34.png (1920x1080, 2.56M)

got a brand new 2080 for 580 bucks. i regret nothing.

Yeah, and not so blocky on the right
Maybe antialiasing is turned on and better textures?

>pay a thousand dollars+ tax and tip for a GPU
>to play AAA trash like shadow of tomb raider
Do you hate money? Most games worth playing are indies. Which will run at 200 fps with a 1060.

>No other card offered the same performance for the price.
That's true, but vega56 is cheaper for the same performance.
Fool and his money and so it goes.

> Which will run at 200 fps with a 1060
Lol no. Try playing Subnautica or Satisfactory with a 1060. Unless you're OK with all textures on their lowest settings and no AA at all of course.

thats got to be shopped.

Only needs VRAM, not gpu power
Uses cpu

Games are toys grow up s o y

My tits are just as big! I'd be a good Lara Croft :3

No one likes trannies.

Real life.

God if only they made Lara like that in the new games. Why do they have to ruin everything bros

Attached: images.jpg (198x254, 11K)

the weeps lied about 3d

'sup nigga?

Attached: RTX On.png (2560x1440, 423K)

makes me wonder. is there an rtx mod for honey select yet?

>13% better performance (2080 vs 2080 Ti)
Maybe at 1080p, where the Ti is utterly crippled even by a 9900K at 5GHz. The difference is more like 25-35% at higher resolutions. Whether it's good value even then isn't the point. You always pay a premium for the flagship card.

Attached: ti'd.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)


RTX 2060 for 340 eur
or Vega 56 strix for 320 eur
or Used blower Vega 64 Sapphire for 280

>Nvidia GPU
It's fucking retarded

>that ass...

Attached: 1551099174297.jpg (600x445, 55K)

I upgraded from gtx 1050 to rtx 2070 and I do not regret.

I played subnautica on high with a 1060 and didn't have any problems at all.

Are you dumb? Satisfactory ran for me at almost max settings on my old 770

>That fan made TR2 remake is never coming out
Shame it pretty much died, shit looked decent for a single man project.

Attached: TR-DoX.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

wasn't it actively killed?

I have an Asus Strix 2080 and I love it.
But I also have a 1440p 144hz monitor so I feel like I actually use it to its potential

afaik he just went quiet

If you don't have RTX my card is faster than yours.

Irina Meier

but it has no CUDA

what is cuda important for?

I mean let's see them at least, also nice numbers

Old Lara Croft was better.

Attached: tomb-raider-underworld-download[1].jpg (1920x1080, 541K)

If you actually need the cuda you're in a different market than the average gpu consumer

When will I even need to upgrade from a 1070 for 1440p if I mostly play web games? Nothing seems even close to being worth it.

Weeb games

Weeb games don't even need a GPU

I can see them being amazingly useful for 3d rendering, not gaymer shit so I'm planning to get one.

Is that how Laura Croft looks in the latest game?

I wish

It's possible too, these days

I bought a 2080. It's perfectly fine and btfos everyhing amd has to offer. So what if I need to turn of rtx? It has raw power and efficiency. Nvidia has done it again.