>R3 4 CORE
>R5 6 CORE




Why did you lie to me, amdshills? I almost bought into the hype.I now know better than to trust those who shit in the streets.

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Other urls found in this thread:


AMDicklets BTFO

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what's the point of rumor right now when the announcement is just a few hours away?

And the walk back begins.

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Amdrones will still trust him


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AdoredTV is more reputable and knowledgable than Gamers Nexus. They're probably lying to get big "exclusive" views. Mark my words, we're getting Zen 2 TONIGHT and we will see higher IPC than the 9900k at 8 cores.

nvidiot HOMOSEXUALS crying all time, all days

What part of "no ryzen 3000 reveal today" don't you understand?

Cope and dilate

All he said is there won't be a focus on specs. Doesn't mean it's not being released

Quit posting ohoho-ers, they're old ugly and gross.


I'll stop posting them when AMDicklets can go for a 24 hours without getting utterly BTFO

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delete this thread


We won against the GTX 1650. We will win against every price point Intel offers, since Zen+ already did.

j-just t-t-three more weeks, r-right?

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>clockrates don't matter

We are getting it TONIGHT. Gamers Nexus is not credible. Hope you've got your popcorn ready!

Wow another gaymen thread. How original.

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>w-we're getting it tonight

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That's actually better than what the leak predicted if that's the non-X part.

Gay Man's Next Ass is an unironic Intel shill outlet. They buried the news about the last Intel vulnerabilities in the middle of one of their news shows days later, didn't put it in the title of the video, barely mentioned it at all and also tried to drag AMD into it by saying they'll probably have more vulnerabilities coming too. Yet when Intel announce a new product, he has a video out immediately, with it plastered in the video headline and thumbnail.

It's nothing new. AMD has Q3 for Ryzen 3000 on their roadmap so tonight's only going to be a paper launch at best.
The main reason for the delay is the mobo manufacturers struggling with new USB standards, PCI-E 4, and having to cool the chipset more than previous generations.

This is getting better than CES

12/24 @ 4.8Ghz is fine by me.

Why a webcast then? Did they learn nothing from Pooga? Disappointing.

Their best chip will only clock to 4.5GHz.
AMDicksuckers btfo!

>believing a liar
>believing a liar again

Come on now Jow Forums

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Safe to say we're going to see +4.5GHz from these chips if this is the non X version.
I'm definitely not expecting a 5GHz from them, but anywhere higher than 4.5 and it's going to be a monster of a chip.

I don't think anyone with half a brain was expecting an actual launch, especially since it's been confirmed for Q3. People are mainly waiting to see the specs of the lineup and possibly something more concrete than rumors about performance. Like some kind of a demo of a mid range CPU or something.

12/24 4.5ghz? 12/24 4.2ghz will be all you'll ever need.

The AdoredpaddlebackTard is wrong, Ryzen always boosts as much as it can OC, the 2700X boosts 200Mhz more than it OCs usually. This is a massive blunder. People should stop listening to him. I'll just wait for stuff like 3D stacking, SMT4, DDR5, PCiE5 before considering AMD. They still have time to beat Intel before Intel's new uArch comes out in 2023+.

and the copping begins
just wait for Zen 3 bro

>Clock speeds are important
The absolute state

>nvidia and intel discord roastie and telegram trannies show up right on time
funny isnt it

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ESL tier post

5GHz? What do you need 4.8GHz for?
4.5GHz is all you need! Here's your 4.2GHz. And we added increased latency, for free!

>whats that, you want full specs?
>you wait for E3 okay

>keynote at ces
>not showing anything worthwhile

and the latency will be dogshit LMFAO

Dude, just wait for zen 3. Wait for ddr5

singlecore doesn't matter, clock speeds dont matter

WCCPOOJETech in full force here.

i'm just hoping for a good gaming 6C

R3X or R5 idk, just make it good and value

>just wait

>Ryzen always boosts as much as it can OC
Yes that's what he was saying user, nice reading comprehension

>a good gaming 6C
wait for Zen3 bro

Just a pure coincidence.

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S-sage this thread, right my fellow amdpajeets? We can have our schadenfreude for 9 more hours until nothing is released tonight.

ya you discord trannys came in and flooded this shit and all left at the same time

real coincidence

all those faggots are nvidiots asshole

>Latency will be a problem

That's what i've been saying for the past 3 months!

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based devil's canyon btfo amd's flagship

No 5ghz for you street shitters. HAHAHAH

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Excuse me, but the flagship gaming processor is the 2700x, which was not tested here.

It was overclocked to 4.2 and given the best possible chance and Literally no difference in arch. KEK

The hype train has derailed, Time for tears.

I'll wait for zen 3

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who are these people that save pics such as the one in the OP

i will not wait for nothing HOMOSEXUAL


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