How do AMD manage to fuck up so badly every time...

How do AMD manage to fuck up so badly every time? All those months of rumours about 5GHz and 16 cores and "it t-totally beats the 9900K". And yet here we are again, with Another Massive Disappointment as they fart out a 12 core chip with a 100MHz clock bump over the previous gen, and the same crippled gaming performance due to latency.

Why do people never learn? Why does AMD never learn?

Attached: poozen.jpg (792x720, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>6core part literally has the same performance as the 8 core part of last gen.

>this is the mid-range SKU.

You're delusional.

Don't pretend like you haven't moved goalposts. I can get a 2700/x cheap as fuck right now, the new 6 cores better not cost more than like $180

>he doesn't know.
>$100 part.

damage control has started, bois.

X600 parts are $200 though

>doesn't know that the tweet was pure speculation on the source's part.

M8, AMD doesn't even have to "defeat" the i9-9900K at 5GHz. It just has to produce a chip so ridiculously bargain that it makes getting an intel CPU a heniously stupid financial decision.

8-core chiplets on 7nm boost yields so AMD would have no problem selling 8-core series for less than what the current ones cost. Basically a ~$200 4.0GHz 8-core zen 2 is completely possible and even with a slight IPC bump would be 90-95% as fast as an OC'd i9-9900K at 5.2 GHz.

This isn't about the GHz race but the "I can do the same thing for less than half the price, get fucked" strategy. 12/16 core chips are just gonna be icing on the intel masdacre.

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why the FUCK would AMD release a 6c/12t CPU for $99?


That's literally unprecedented. I guarantee you that's going to be their $229 CPU. Stop being so unreasonably hopeful.

This board gets so obsessed with Linux and programing and OS this and that, and then anytime hardware comes up there's never discussion outside of gaming. I'm starting to think this board is one big shit post like /v/.

what's /v/ like?

The people pretending to care about running Lincux on modern hardware are the shitposters. All of them actually own used ThinkPads, because they're poor and smell bad. The Windows Chads are the only people on this board actually interested in technology.

There's a reason they're called AMDrones. Sad!

Even if Zen 2 was worse than the previous generation, I would still buy it over Intel because it wouldn't have crippling hardware level vulnerabilities. Why would you purposefully go for a broken chip?

Because I'm not a pedo and don't care about the 0.1% chance of getting hacked

Looks like the Intel damage control is already starting boys!

Attached: 8kw7ryfyfrfz.jpg (700x565, 73K)

Because 2600 is already $150.
If they released a 6 core for the same price then it'll be only 20% (estimated IPC + Clock) increase in term of price/perf.

Which is a lot compared to Intel.
But do we really need to compare it to the worse kikery out there and consider this as amazing? Fuck no.
AMD can and should do better.

That's not the 2600's MSRP though, is it? I am not going to fall for the hopeful AMD pricing shit again. I was burned with the rx 480. You fuckin fags and those wccftech schizos were claiming 980ti performance for $150 a few years ago. Not falling for that bait anymore.

Add $100-$150 MSRP on top of the prices on the alleged price leaks

It's over, Your hype train has derailed and all you have left is your wojak folder.



Would AMD really put out a product that is pretty much the same price/perf wise as what we can currently get in the market?

Are they that fucking retarded? Less than 10 hours to go.

Attached: 1558886210057.png (618x382, 41K)

Will we ever win, bro? Just once... it would be nice...

Attached: like tears in rain.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

>less than 10 hours to go
Didn't you hear? It's confirmed there'a no news about zen2 at computex. Just wait for E3 now

zoomers and boomers truly are allergic to reading

What is worse than retards? That might be it if they just talk about much pcie gen 4.

It will be over 200 for the 6 core 3600, and it won't be announce until June 10.

And when it is, aMD shills will compare price/perf of the msrp of the 2600 to the msrp (+$50) of the 3600. Forgetting that the 2600 can be had for pennies now.

It'll be sad to watch, get your popcorn ready

this reminds me of the Dean Ambrose shit on /asp/.

The intel shills are literally like the guys saying that the Jon Moxley thing was a work.

>sirs! sirs pls! take look at this sirs! intel is the clear winner once a gain thanks to ou- i mean their superior technologies!

Attached: 1370578933648.gif (324x244, 1.99M)

>Don't pretend like you haven't moved goalposts
First time dealing with amdfags?

>100MHz bump
[citation needed]

Remember that a 16c32t part that matches the 9980XE on benchmarks was spotted. Remember that AMD already demonstrated a

>Jow Forums is filled with anti amd few hours before their anncounce intel's death

what are the odds

6h:58m from now.
this is good actually, it'll make more anons curious to witness mama Lisa live on stage.

but yeah, intel's counter-counter-shilling has been in overdrive today.

Ya know, very rarely do I think someone is actually getting paid to shill shit on Jow Forums/nel, but then I see Intel shit like this, and it's so obvious

The odds are good...

That Intel will still perish.

Attached: Aereon.png (584x528, 386K)

>It just has to produce a chip so ridiculously bargain that it makes getting an intel CPU a heniously stupid financial decision.

Attached: 3777084698_a7ef4bf328_b.jpg (683x1024, 116K)

> rumours
God bless the Queen. Cheerio.

Uh, so is it still worthwhile going from a 2600 to a 3600X?

>one rumor for 16c/32t no-show trumps 6 months of speculations
>posted at the last minute

at least we won't have to wait long. maybe it's true, only intelfags deal in absolutes, but I think chances for the 16c are pretty decent. We just have to compare the rumors, and the source is resetara being parroted on plebbit. You really can't go much lower than that.

Attached: It'sOver.png (1296x900, 371K)

If you enjoy throwing money away. AMD is a busted flush. It's time to cash out and buy an Intel setup. Even a mid-range chip like the 9400F destroys Poozen in most common desktop tasks.

I was never too sure until Zombieload happened but then I was convinced.

>Wake up and check /v/ (yeah, >/v/. It's shit, I know.)
>Multiple anti-AMD threads
>Before looking any further get the feeling something bad happens to Intel, probably another security flaw
>Zombieload happened
Even most anons in those threads suspected Intel shilling due to Zombieload having just been all over the news.


what other?
there's only gaiming user, look the 2% more fps than a 2600

I honestly can't see any benefits to trying to sway the opinions of people on Jow Forums.

It's afraid.
Expect more damage control like this thread in the next few days.

NO, this can't be true you're an intel shill
what do you mean it doesn't clock to 5.0ghz
this CANNOT be true and I REFUSE to believe it

I'm fairly certain that the story has been that the 16 core will launch after the rest of the lineup for a few months now.
Either way, I'm going for the 12 core.

Gaming is literally the number one reason to own a desktop PC. Work is done on Macbooks.

I would say that the chances for another intel vulnerability being disclosed in the next 8 hours are higher than a 16C/32T no show.

white and based intel user

Jow Forums gets a lot of traffic and holds a lot of sway over the rest of the internet, surprisingly. Basically anything you see here ends up regurgitated a few weeks later on any other platform.

I don't mind really. it would be nice to see but just that. The intel 7920x goes for 969usd, right now according to their site. people are speculating the 12c being on the low side anyway, most are betting on 500 or even below 400 dollars. That would be another 1800x, same core count for less than half of the nearest intel equivalent hedt proc. That's already a pretty good deal.

>this was one unironical reply to a 4channel thread that is regurgitating reddit

Attached: tee-hee.gif (400x293, 964K)

>irrelevant reply attempting to sound clever
I don't care about whatever you're implying.

what do I get for gaming and emulation

a-at least we regurgitate it in the same day, b-baka.

Attached: kfMBbKa.jpg (620x465, 191K)

Now, you're just trying to make me chuckle.

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Both AMD CPUs and GPUs are shit for gaming and emulation.

The 2600 is so cheap because it actually competes against a 190€ cpu from intel
If they had better Performance they wouldn't drop the price so hard

you are now aware that you're posting in a 4channel thead, discussing a reddit post, that was brought there from a redditor who copy-pasted a resetera forum user.

Attached: 1558889451938.png (1092x737, 76K)

>A User on ResetEra
It's almost sad how bad they want to be relevant.

Attached: 234234234234234.jpg (672x786, 57K)

I don't think you get that I really don't give a shit where this thread came from, the original question was why someone would want to sway my opinion or the opinion of others on here. I stated why I think that would be the case.

>ablooblooblooo reddittttt
I don't care.

What would their selling point would be if not being better at perf/price?

Actually delivering Performance instead of giving poorfags a reason to go all crazy about how up to 50% faster intel ST Performance doesen't matter because of price

We so influential Reddit!

terrible marketing strategy

why don't you buy the most expensive cpu?

>doesn't even have to "defeat"
the AMD drone COPE is real right now.
y'all went from 9900k being defeated to just arguing the 3700x will be super cheap in 2 days.

You don't even grasp the most basic microeconomics concept.

Why should i? Practically any intel k cpu has better ST Performance than any ryzen out there
The only reason i didn't buy intel was because they cripple the ssd so hard
If the 8700k wouldn't have so many cons i would have bought it instead of my 2600x because the ST Performance on it is on ivy level


Whoosh me again I'll fucking kill you.

>a non x 65W ryzen is clocked lower than expected
stop the press

Its a cohencidence goyim

Attached: tomsintelmerchant.png (500x500, 70K)

what the fuck is his problem, who would punch a qt like this

Sort of this. You don't need a this year setup for faggotbook, jewtube, word processing, media playback and surfing. Something from 5 years ago is still overkill and something 10 years old would still get it done (as long as you use SSDs). Vast majority of the population don't need the 'high end', and enterprise/server equipment is a whole other ballpark that the modern gaming cohort doesn't need (or can't use for their use case) either. The people in the middle (jewtube/twitch game recorders) might be the only ones who need the local PC grunt to both play the game, record it and stream it at the same time. Decent 3D/video rendering should be done on some server/hosted environment, not locally. There's no fucking reason to want a 4-5Ghz desktop to browse fucking webpages, the real problem in that case is the sheer stupidity and bloat of modern webdesign.