Intel announced the new Core i9-9900KS in the Computex Kickoff event. 8 cores of the model can work at a speed of 5 GHz.
Intel announced the new Core i9-9900KS in the Computex Kickoff event. 8 cores of the model can work at a speed of 5 GHz.
9900kill yourself
oh look another 8086k that actually needs a custom loop
A 5GHz i7 9700k? That's sound very cool
Wouldn't you think that the timing of this release supports the rumors that the whole AMD thing is true? I mean, it totally lines up with Intels previous shenanigans trying to disrupt AMD releases.
>Wouldn't you think that the timing of this release supports the rumors that the whole AMD thing is true?
That's literally what everyone's thinking right now.
$699 + tax
>Intels previous shenanigans trying to disrupt AMD releases.
Literally no one is falling for this bullshit. Intcel is a laughing stock
So highly binned chips that cost an arm and a leg and are nothing more than a paper launch? Nobody is falling for that shit anymore.
>even shill power up is calling them out
Does it double as tankless water heater?
Nice, now Intel are enabling literal meltdowns.
why is this board to pro AMD and anti Intel?
Intel is really sleazy and overpriced.
Because we never forget, nigger.
intel are untrustworthy and greedy hebrews
Death to Intel.
wish they just named it 9900KYS
>sir, Ryzen 3 is coming, how do we respond?
>release the 9900K again
The 9900k has been out for a while now.
Intel is the new AMD, right?
*Available in only homeopathic quantities
This is like the 10nm i3 or the retarded 5Ghz Xeon
It exists, but holy fuck are you going digging deep to find a single one on offer
We would have had better tech if Intel did not sit on it's arse. Which it did thanks to the lead it got from cripling the competition through unlawful means.
It isn't
Intel does not have real tech at the moment so Intel fanbois aren't around
You weren't here when the 9th gen released
Jow Forums is also infested with AMD shills and bitter FX retards who think we forgot that they shilled an inferior CPU for the past decade
It's 2019 who uses Intel?
How much will this cost? 300$?
Just further reinforces that muh 5GHz is all Intel has left