Why aren't we enjoying life more than amish people? All these technological stuff in our daily lifes is making our more insufficient and isolated than ever.
Is technology evil?
i'm enjoying not being inbred tbqh famalamam
I'd put a stick of butter in her bread, if you know what I mean.
i woudn't do that if i were you mate, those genes are comically shitty
uncle ted was right.
I enjoy not getting diseases
Technology it self is not evil but will be used for evil in almost every case by those in power looking to further extend their claws and increase their control of everything.
All disease is caused by sin, weakness or bad genes, all of which call for death.
>people who have traditional values, preserve the family unit, and share common lifestyles with others around them in homogeneous society find life more enjoyable than people living in the #metoo clown world
Yeah, must be technology's fault.
Amish are a meme. All technology before 1693 is okay but anything invented after that date is a sin. For fuck sake, if technology is evil then stop using fire.
If you think the Amish are happy, then you're dumber than they are.
well I mean you're assuming that Amish people enjoy life. Lack of technology doesn't preclude you from hating the situation you're in but feeling yourself powerless to change it.
>Why aren't we enjoying life more than amish people?
I am, why aren't you faggot?
Amish are actually shrewd business-people (enough to make a Jew blush.)
And they're fucking pricks to boot.
Not to be admired.
god tier bait have a (u)
Human beings surly are made look 24/7 at screens, swiping for a short dopamin kick.
That's not an amish guy though, he's shaved his beard which isn't permitted. Also, he's clearly waring a trillby (notice the bow). Also, the girl's dress is not an amish dress, she is showing too much cleavage (for amish), her ankles and knees etc., and it's made of more than one piece of cloth.
Pic related, this is an amish dress. Notice the long sleeves and the single color. Also notice how she is covering her hair.
OP is showing a picture of a man with a fedora hitting on a girl, they aren't amish.
See above.
Forgot pic
ignorance is bliss
As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain.
Plastic pots?
what a coincidence, i'm listening to gangsta's paradise right now
Making our lives worse doesn't make it evil. Good things with good intentions can also lead to shit in the long run.
Amish are inconsistent as fuck. They often do what they call "rumspringa", which they abandon the amish way of life for weeks or even months, and just live like normal people, before returning. During this time, they tend to drink and party and fuck around. They are aware of their small gene pool too, so in some amish sects exomarriages are common practice (which basically means that normal people just decide to live as amish all of a sudden). That is, until they get bored and leave again.
>i'm listening to gangsta's paradise right now
It's a misconception that amish shun technology entirely, many of them use electricity and modern tractors to plow fields etc.
There's also banksters paradise:
Ain't gonna read all that shit in that link, but thanks for informing me. I wasn't aware. I want them to stay amish desu (from germany)
What? They use power tools in their furniture pretty frequently. They're not nearly as caveman as you think brainlet, they just reject commodities
Atheist commies had strict, homogeneous societies that were miserable. Pagans were only capable of forming relatively small tribes and frequently engaged in warfare against neighbors that could have been cousins genetically. Strict traditionalism has nothing to do with it. Close to God = close to happiness, there are no alternatives
Not long until they start developing open source tractors and tractor firmware because of the (((JD))) tractors as a service scheme
The nordic countries, despite popular Jow Forums memes, are very homogenous and are extremely secular, but still among the happiest on earth. Fuck your jew god.
Depends on how you use it. Government surveillance amd censorship like what China is doing is obviously bad but if we can ever get off our asses and master interplanetary travel humanity will be saved from certain death in the next few centuries.
Ted would not approve of the Amish community and their dependence on each other.
It has nothing to do with technology. Technology is a tool. Someone can pay you to use a shovel to dig a hole, or to take it up your ass. It is up to you to decide where your limits are
Or to figure out just exactly why you let assholes fuck up the society you live in to the extent that you no longer have that choice
Ted predicted this.
Fuck you, depressed faggots. I enjoy life and all it has given me. You are only lazy fucks sitting at home playing with video games, instead of working hard with technology and using it to improve your lives.
Less work in life does not and can not fulfill you
Technology morphed into a culture. It's no longer about tools.
Based Unclde Ted poster
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been an absolute boon for 4channel shitposters.
I can't argue against the idea that if Catholicism was still running as strong as it was in the past we wouldn't have the crumbling societies we have today, but fuck you if you think being some Baptist shit and saying "YAY GOD" every fourth Sunday is all it takes. Religion is important because it enforces all of these staples of society, that doesn't mean that religion is useful without them, or that they're useless without religion.
The Amish have sacrificed efficiency in the name of simplistic living. We have chosen to maximize efficiency; it's that simple.
yes it is, technology like literature "is guilty and should admit itself so.”
Bcs I want to put on a nice movie in 4k the background while a fuck my wife. After I am done I go online look at a few memes while she cleans up. For round two I load up on some lewd anecdotes from various boards. This is how I appear more sexually adventurous. My phone also contains everything there is to destroy my life. Information which I carefully compile and organize in folders.I trust my phone to maintain a record and analyze my darkest secrets. This is a special kind of relationship.
good info, thanks for sharing
Yes, technology is evil. No it's not a tool and it doesn't depends how it's used or by the person/persons using it, it's in fact evil and nothing can change that.
Now end yourself or at least never come back.
u salty bro
Everyday I feel like I'm 1 moment away from commiting to a silent monk order in an isolated mountain somewhere. I know it's a better life than I could ever have here. It's probably going to become my reality.
Your imbalance is obvious. You need to learn more about yourself and the world.
cat -v BTFO
You mean you'd fuck that guy in the ass?
>y-y-y-you're not allowed to feel happy
As I said, fuck you, you depressed faggots.
You're misconstruing what I said to avoid the problem. Obviously, that's not what I said or even implied. I suggest you find out why you feel inclined to be 1 of 2 extremes rather than your natural inclination. It's not good to be promoting your way of thinking when it's obviously you're not sure about it.
What fucking problem? You are implying that I am in some sort of imbalance simply because I feel happy and not depressed. You know what, fuck you. It's not my problem you are an unhappy little shit, and you're incredibly narrow-minded to believe that the natural state is being unhappy.
>Fuck you, depressed faggots.
Immediate hostility and hasty conclusion.
>I enjoy life and all it has given me.
Insecurity / self convincing when not pressed
>You are only lazy fucks sitting at home playing with video games
Baseless assumptions that are likely projections.
>instead of working hard with technology and using it to improve your lives.
Self validation
Sorry for you.
Wow, thank you mr armchair psychologist.
>jumping to the same conclusion for no obvious reason
Who are you trying to convince, us or you?
Apparently you can't fucking read. I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm telling you to fuck off. Your depression is obvious by the way.
Constant access to the internet really stifles your own development. I recommend anons to limit their internet time - turn off your router when you get home except for a set number of hours.
>buzzword and baseless conclusions using meme arrows
>I'm not trying to convince anyone
>Your depression
Contradictory and backing of projection.
Are you dense or something? I'm not trying to convince you that you are depressed, I'm just stating my own observations. I mean, you lashed out in anger when I told you I was feeling happy, am I not allowed to draw my own conclusions from that? What a pretentious fuck you are.
My basis is highlighted in the quoted ("meme arrows") text. If it's not the case I don't know why you're being so defensive, desperate trying to convince with such haste and absurd remarks. Even while anonymous.
You're reading a lot into my posts there, user. Some might say you were desperately projecting. I'm simply telling you you are a fucking faggot. Welcome to Jow Forums, that's what we do.
Your "observation" doesn't reflect reality.
>lashed out in anger
Please point out where this happened. Now you're just making things up despite the fact it's all public history. Actual minutes ago.
Come on now. You have no reason to be dishonest here, you're anonymous.
I find it deliciously self contradictory that you are trying to convince him that he is trying to convince you.
I rest my case, you are clearly seething right now. Calm down, user. There's no need to get upset from someone random stranger on the internet.
I'm mostly just curious. It's less trying to convince and more inquiries masked as assumptions. I'm not trying to be deceptive about it.
I mean look at this and come to your own conclusion
>inquiries masked as assumptions
No, it's just assumptions. Calm down user, I can hear you furiously typing on your keyboard right now.
I rest my case.
Wow, aggro much?
no need to get upset user
>didn't point out where it happened
Can't do any better than to outright copy me? lol, what a lame comeback. I would think you could do better than that, but you're obviously slamming your keyboard right now in anger lol.
>writes in all caps to prove that he isn't upset
Calm the fuck down user.
Based Sherlock.
This. Y'all a bunch of miserable fucks. Stop being lazy and blame technology.
The benefit is lost on you in this moment. I don't think the targets of your hostility deserve the "advice" you give them. In a truly ironic fashion you mistake my words as anger. You are telling them to fuck off, and I am telling it to you. No anger involved, just compassion. I have no need to do better as people have already replied in a manner that displays to me they understood it.
These posts are not for you, but for your targets. They must see why you are not fit to give "advice".
kill yourself.
I haven't tried to give any advice, you are just reading way too much into my posts. You are clearly seething, the very notion that someone could feel happy about the technology is upsetting to you and you are projecting and inventing a bunch of reasons in your mind, such as I might not understand technology, or I might be of inferior intellect and all sorts of bullshit. But lets face it, you're just jealous. You're jealous of me. You are feeling hopeless and that your life isn't on track, and you're taking it out on me, an anonymous stranger on the internet.
Just calm down, user. It's going to be okay. Sshh no more tears now.
>you are just reading way too much into my posts
>You are clearly seething
>technology is upsetting to you
>you are projecting and inventing
Thanks for continuing to tell me what I think instead of quoting what I've actually said like I have done in fairness to you.
You damn yourself. Dealing in extreme false dichotomies. Either a master or a fool, happy or depressed, there may be no middle ground or balance. You are immature yet. And your posts bloat with more and more self convincing. Sorry for you.
>"stop being lazy and work hard" is unfit advice
>Thanks for continuing to tell me what I think
You mean like you did in ?
Cool story bro.
The difference is you actually said that. How is that not obvious?
If it's not the case you can and have been debating it. What on my end is there besides what you assume without actual foundation? Where are the words of mine that imply what you think? I've asked you to highlight them and you don't.
Simple as that.
Are you implying it's good advice? I would argue a good life is one that isn't hard, but the overarching point is that it's highly subjective. Hence "imbalance".
This person thinks that the path to happiness is hard work, and maybe it is for them, but that's not good advice. Is that not obvious?
The difference is that you are
the underlying reasons as much as I have been, and when getting a taste of your own medicine you sperged completely out. The hypocrisy is simply astonishing, and you failing to see the irony is just fucking hilaroious.
>Are you implying it's good advice?
>This person thinks that the path to happiness is hard work, and maybe it is for them, but that's not good advice
Way to miss the point, faggot. Again, you didn't even manage to read my post because you are one stupid fuck and were too busy with being angry and be an armchair psychologist and make assumptions about my reasons.
The path to happiness is taking control over your own life instead of blaming technology and posting shit about wanting to ditch technology and be amish on Jow Forums. The irony you are also not seeing here is that the amish work hard as fuck, because they do not believe in using technology to give themselves comfort. They believe the path to happiness IS to work hard in the fields.
Stopped reading here. As if this remark wasn't bad enough
>Just calm down, user. It's going to be okay. Sshh no more tears now.
The way your posts read make it painfully obvious that you're not taking this seriously and are trying desperately to maintain some kind of face, which is especially bad while anonymous. You're trying to argue, not discuss. I'm going to go do something more productive. The use has been extracted from us already. It is for the people to reflect on now.
If you can't handle being called a faggot on Jow Forums, you are in the wrong place.
Oh the irony.
Rational, intelligent people with self-awareness and other admirable qualities wouldn't be arguing online. You two are great examples of the type of person I don't want to be. Grow the fuck up.
>The way your posts read make it painfully obvious that you're not taking this seriously
Of course I'm not taking this serious. You are aware this is 4chins, right? An off-topic thread on Jow Forums.
Rational, intelligent people with self-awareness wouldn't be posting on Jow Forums.
>Rational, intelligent people with self-awareness and other admirable qualities wouldn't be arguing online
Why not?
In every culture in all of history, discussion and exchange of information has been pretty important and valuable. A digital global forum is more useful than a local offline one imo.
Exercise of this kind is valuable to the self as well.
People here have done so for me, why not give that patience and experience back? Because some people feel like Jow Forums is a toilet to shit in? Sorry, I disagree.
>Because some people feel like Jow Forums is a toilet to shit in?
But I read on Reddit that...!
>global surveillance
>global heating
Bad things, but is technology the evil or just people doing evil things with it?
>not becoming a luddite because all your "loved ones" (NPCs) are stuck in the botnet