> Bose Corp spies on its wireless headphone customers by using an app that tracks the music, podcasts and other audio they listen to, and violates their privacy rights by selling the information without permission, a lawsuit charged.
Bose headphones spy on listeners
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Oh shit, maybe Facebook will buy them now, and I can get muh messages on muh sweet noise cancelling ear-goggles!
What in the actual fuck is wrong with companies??? Even Bose is doing this? How much money is my stupid personal information worth? How is spying to know what songs people like worth the risk and effort?
God, it seems EVERYONE is doing that, fuck that shit, they should just all burn.
And i am suposed to believe amazon doesnt do the same thing?
Fuckin this. Advertising bubble collapse when??
I've tried that app. It's unable to launch unless you give it location access "to locate wireless earbuds" even though you're not paired to any. Litterally just datamining.
So much for the
>if the product is free you're the product
argument. You're the product either way. T-t-thanks Bose.
bose has always been shit
all phones and smart tvs already do this. all google software products already do this
>worth the risk and effort?
in 5 years everyone will take it as a given and it will be the norm
t. broke nigger
bose is consumer tier garbage you mongoloid. it's not even expensive for audio equipment, it's just shit (except for their ANC headphones)
Either the next step here is to post actually expensive audio equipment in your home with timestamps, or you need to shut your whore mouth and go suck more cocks to make rent.
why are you so mad about your favorite retard-brand getting badmouthed?
>You're the product either way.
I've been saying this forever. No company wants to pass up on knowing their customer base to make better ads or getting a new stream of free revenue.
Because my original assessment was spot-on, you're just a salty NEET who sucks cocks for rent.
Saying Bose is shit and then admitting you can't even afford that is like saying Mercedes is shit because it's not a Rolls-Royce, while you yourself drive a Toyota.
Because he has buyer's remorse and it's his way of coping.
I know plenty of butthurt Bose fags who get mad when you call their 5k 5.1 home theater system gimmicky at best.
They could do it transparently though. Pay for the data, give the cretins a discount for giving up their data. But no, it has to be done in an (((underhanded))) fashion, because fuck the goyim, amirite?
There are in built alexa headphones in the market atm.
Why would anyone use the Bose app? You can just connect them and use them like the bluetooth headphones they are. There is no benefit to the app.
no mids no lows? must be bose
Oh its just another case of imgur.com
>hey lets use phone app to map 3d representation the persons home using audio waves
>this way we can determine all sorts of wacky data about them and use it for whatever we want
No money, no pussy, must be an autist from Jow Forums.
you buy a projector from them too?
This is why I only buy technology that is so cheap that it cannot be feasibly worth it to add spying listening devices/chips into it.
From an autist on Jow Forums? Wouldn’t touch the cumstained Cheeto-covered thing with a 10’ pole.
Who said anything about a chip? An application is doing the spying, you buy a cheap device and install some botnet on it, guess what you're being spied on.