What other subspecies of the standard Jow Forums user are there? Here are a couple I have so far:
>cat-v cultist
>luke smith shill
>thinkpad enthusiast
>terry davis worshippers
What other subspecies of the standard Jow Forums user are there? Here are a couple I have so far:
>void trannies
>intel/amd shills
>desktop ricers
>the good willed pedo who creates the /sqt/ threads
All of those groupings are just the same people.
>The 5g schizo
>Terry davis worshipper
>5g schizo
Yeah that's me
>the ballmerfag
>the gnomeposter
>chinkshit enthusiasts
>brave shills
>that one vivaldi shill
>various shills for specific gnu/linux distros
>he who creates the same browser threads over and over
Chinkshit buyer
God, I wish Richard Stallman would take me in his free software van.
>based satania poster
>permanently assblasted iToddler
(the last one may apply to both first and second)
Learning everything I can about Linux is my only reason for living.
Serious question, why do cat-v cultists even defend those autists in the first place? What did they do to deserve it? They do literally nothing but circlejerk on irc.
autistic weeaboos
weebs aren't a sub-specie they are the only rightful specie of this anime image board
brave posters
You forgot based 8.1 poster
>chinkshit buyers
That Russian tranny who humblebrags about having 128GB of RAM
> The ones who just want to have civl and non autistic conversations about technology.
>glowing cia niggers