FeeNAS is too big. I came across a free pic related and and looking for NAS software to put on it
has intel an D525 procrssor, 4gb ram and a 2gb internal hard drive anybody know something lightweight i can throw on it to mess with?
FeeNAS is too big. I came across a free pic related and and looking for NAS software to put on it
has intel an D525 procrssor, 4gb ram and a 2gb internal hard drive anybody know something lightweight i can throw on it to mess with?
Maybe OpenMediaVault or Rockstor?
I used to use NAS4FREE but I don't think it's supported any longer.
I'd use Debian and just configure filesharing/Bittorrent myself.
There's also Open Filer
looked at these, but the filesystem drive in it is only 2gb. these all require more space. i just popped this thing open and am tearing around in its guts. looks like i can swap the "drive" out thats in it but its power supply doesn't have sata power so i need to find a molex adapter
>I'd use Debian and just configure filesharing/Bittorrent myself.
Might try this in the meantime. any distros that will fit on a 2gb drive?
pics inc of this weird ass "drive" never seen anything like it
>USB ports in front
Can't you boot from USB drives on this thing?
It's a sata flash module. If it's too small, use something else or you'll have to use a minimal linux install and just install what you need.
It's a small form factor SATA drive for embedded devices. You should be able to replace it with a normal drive if you can find the space
i can, i tried to install freenas before i looked up sys reqs. but it only has 2 usb. so you cant have a second usb and use a kb. tried on a passthru kb w/ usb and it didnt recognize it
found a molex to sata adapter and 60gb 3.5 drive. gonna try freenas again. will post results if thread is still alive
Good luck with it.
thanks , it installed and is configurating os now
,what type of raid should I use?
z2? i have 4 6tb drives in it and 1 spare 6tb
XigmaNAS is the minimalist version of FreeNAS.
Uses half the ram required and has a stable Web GUI for many years longer than FreeNAS.
FreeNAS actually changed webguis multiple times over the past 4 years from leadership issues and it was a complete mess transitioning.
There's also Proxmox a Linux based NAS which can manage a mirrored root on ZFS. Which will give a lot of flexibility if you have more experience with Linux tools.
Lastly OMV open media vault is another Linux based NAS software that can utilize ZFS as a plugin filesystem or using a native filesystem like BTRFS/XFS/F2FS.
nas4free is still maintained it got renamed to XigmaNAS out of a legal naming issue related to "NAS" contained in the name.
Interestingly FreeNAS isn't subjected to it because it existed before the law came into place.
Ironically Nas4Free name was originally FreeNAS and when IXsystems bought the name and rights the original Nas4free devs moved their code a nd they settled on the Nas4Free project to keep it community based and recently It renamed to XigmaNAS.
Sorry I mean to say having Free and NAS in the name in conjuction.
>XigmaNAS is the minimalist version of FreeNAS.
i was looking at this , if i have stability issues with freenas or it runs like shit i will install that and try it out . this is taking forever to setup , didnt lie when it said "this is going to take a long time "
we did it boys
Distro of choice + samba and any other particular services you want.
>I came across a free pic related
Give it back, Jamaal.
u juss jailess ya dinnit get it firt daquavias
those things are like $100 on ebay and old asf free isnt a stretch
Is there any NAS/DAS which can easily mount and share data between linux/macos and windows?
Unraid is objectively the best NAS OS because you can add any kind of HDD to your array at any time without having to rebuild it. It also has a fuckton of support on the forums.
lets talk raid types, raidz1 vs raidz2 what should i do? do i really need 50% redundancy?
XigmaNAS is designed to run off a flashdrive to save your SATAs for raidz.
It takes less than 2 minutes to copy it to a flashdrive install takes probably 5 minutes.
I just setup zfs mirrors with 3 vdevs in the zpool with x2 file parity since I'm only using it for finances but I have the whole system running with only 2GB ram.
thats because it doesn't have real redundency, and parity.
>XigmaNAS is designed to run off a flashdrive to save your SATAs for raidz.
yeah, but it has an internal hdd, the raid drives are connected to some internal raid controller board. not sure if i put my spare 6tb in there it would be recognized correctly. also i dont want a dongle hanging off the front
seems like freenas is working for now, just trying to decide if i should use raidz1 or z2
Thanks for your IP
>Thanks for your IP
how could i have been so clumsy, i didnt know hackerman was in this thread
>no true scotsman fallacy
Lmao, idiot.
Xigmanas or OMV on a 64bit atom 330 2C4T and 4GB DDR3? Anything that supports 8bay USB 3.0 enclosures?
Just use XPENology it boots from raid drives.
>pain to install
>pain to update
>nowhere near as much support as other NAS distros
OK so ive got it working mostly for now. I made a few datasets but only the first one I made is able to be seen the rest error out when i try to connect directly to them and they dont show in the explorer. the error is "a device attached to the system is not functioning"