Just set up i3

Just set up i3.
Now what Jow Forums?

Attached: screencap.png (1599x899, 767K)

usually I would say i3 is a reddit teir WM but nah. use what you're comfortable with

I had cinnamon before this, and I was happy with it until it fucked up.
So I tried setting this one up.
Tell me, does it have potential? So far it seems pretty neat and minimalistic...

Install dwm

yeah. pretty easy to configure and very customizable. I won't tell you what I think you need to change because that's up to you


Upgrade to Ryzen.

>yeah. pretty easy to configure and very customizable
is everything I need to know about that included in the documentation or do you know other useful resources as well?

>I won't tell you what I think you need to change because that's up to you
As long as you tell me why, it's ok man

Pros and cons over this?

anything for mommy lisa

Attached: j79svbsc6op11.gif (300x300, 172K)

install polybar

Polybar, and make your own launch script for it in i3

then config it, I spent like an hour just to get a very simple, some people rice it up. I personally like not having a menu and just keeping it to local ip time and audio

it's very well documented, if you really can't find a certain thing then it will always be found by a quick search. I don't want to tell you what you need to change because back when I was new to WM's it was up to me to make the changes I wanted, I wasn't listening to some dickhead on Jow Forums nitpicking every bit of my desktop.

Now write a program to print the digits 1 through 100 but replace every number divisible by 3 with "Fizz", every number divisible by 5 with "Buzz", and every number divisible by both with "FizzBuzz"

nuke your computer and go back to windows

Attached: download (1).png (644x800, 15K)

Good stuff, will check it out.

You don't sound nitpicky, and I'm open to suggestions.

alright then. one thing I would really suggest is removing the borders (make them only one pixel so you can tell which one is active). they're pretty useless in a tilingWM and without them you have a bit more space. to move them just press alt and drag them if you didn't already know

Good good, keep em coming.

I really have nothing else to give you. I'm definantly not diving into colors because everyone has different taste

thanks anyways user.
I'll take a look into the documentation and desktop general as well.

>clearly using an i5-3320M

Hard to customize, you don't need to spend a ton of time ricing. A WM should help you get things done not be a time sink
dwm's tag system is subtlety different to i3s desktop based system.
Lots of awesome patches to extend the program. But you need to be able to resolve merge conflicts in C.
Source code customization is a damn lie. Suckless' obsession with LoC apparently applies to comments so there are none. (Well one or two) and the code is beautifully succinct which makes it hard to know wtf is going on.
Less features out of the box.

>Hard to customize, you don't need to spend a ton of time ricing.
Are you dumb?

i3 is the comfiest. It's pretty much perfect our of the box, the only thing I change is hjkl and less infos in the status bar. No gaudy effects, no thousands of scripting, no rice bullshit, just raw productivity.

Go fap to some southcorean drawings on internet


>now what?
now curl up and cry

>use what you're comfortable with
but he's clearly not using it because he's comfortable with it (he obviously doesn't even know how to use given his post), but because he thought it'd give him cool guy points on Jow Forums

I installed polybar and keybinded my favorite programs to common shortcuts. For example, $mod + shift + g opens chrome in incognito since I don't like cookies
$mod + shift + a opens atom
$mod + shift + i starts redshift

I3 is so comfy, but it becomes hard to use a regular computer after being so used to it.

replace to gentoo