+20% IPC vs A76.
Maybe we can get cheap ARM based boards that don't suck dick now?
+20% IPC vs A76.
Maybe we can get cheap ARM based boards that don't suck dick now?
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No it means that we will get ARM boards that does not suck dick by todays standarts in 5 years, but they will still suck dick.
Why do you say they suck dick?
lol no
even if high-end ARM trickles down to boards we won't get them in the coming 2 or 3 years
nobody's going to invest in single-board computers with these processors
one of the few companies able to do so is the Raspberry Pi foundation, but they are unwilling.
>will only sell to jewgle, kikpple, and chinks who will lock it down and make it impossible to run user code
>refuses to enforce an open booting standard like intel/amd do with UEFI
Fuck ARM. They should be nuked off the face of the earth.
Massive increment in pipeline,caches and more but only 20% maybe next gen get better memley controller and more L3 cache.
20% is not bad though, if they can get 200MHz more out of it as well it will be nice boost in performance.
no one cares about ARM
x86-64 ryzens are the future
wtf AMD is dead
You realise that an ARM core is considerably smaller than a most mobile and desktop x86 cores right?
>Maybe we can get cheap ARM based boards that don't suck dick now?
you never seen the dragonboard? that was pretty cool. anyway, these kinds of chips are produced mainly for the cell phone / mobile computing industry. we won't see anything on any devboard/pi/arduino as powerful as this for a long time to come.
i don't think that retard understands how an ARM CPU functions.
>we won't see anything on any devboard/pi/arduino as powerful as this for a long time to come.
that's sad, not to mention those guys always end up using the small cores (a53/55)
sad it is, but it's quite typical of ARM's business model. much money to be made licensing their latest advances in CPU designs. once a certain version of ARM has been milked for all its worth, licensing will eventually become cheaper allowing for a greater diversity of uses.. years later.
This. Have fun with having to rewrite every single program ever from scratch.
oh yeah they are doing U-boot too
where did you find the source that they will only sell to large companies?
Gigabyte has a Cavium box
Why wouldn't ARM license the Deimos to Cavium or a similar company? That's literally their business model and companies like Gigabyte are going to definitely push as many of these as they can because licensing, testing and QA is infinitely cheaper than Incel or GayMD hardware.
>that does not suck dick by todays standarts in 5 years
The Nvidia shield is almost 5 years old now.
Not a board though.
And the HiKey 960 is kinda strong, but also rather overpriced.
Can't wait for some decent ARM boards with a buttload of SATA or SAS ports.
Supporting it is fucking pointless if 99.9999999999% of their customers lock it down. They should be enforcing it. Fuck ARMshit.