ok NOW this is epic
Ok NOW this is epic
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The time to buy was two years ago.
it's up
Better late than never
buy high
sell low
>tfw too poor to buy amd stock but believed in Ryzen
Linus selling out to AMD
This. I even considered taking out of my savings, but I was too poor back then. You really do make a fuckload more money when you have money already, what terrible timing.
What is this meme?
do we need to get Jow Forums ?
Stocks trading is super risky, and in a balanced longterm strategy fees play a huge role.
But it sounds like you are the kind of people that don't understand the difference between absolute and relative profit.
Most people start poor, making 20% on 1k is a very good roi.
Maybe I sounded rude here or took a joke too seriously, but if you want to be an investor of course you start with small investments.
Get Stash Invest or Robinhood from the app store, play store, whatever. And invest that way.
Intel being Jews, favoring AMD is antisemitism. It's not meme rocket science.
>the same road he made the intel rant video
so amd is now the choice of basedboys
Now that Linus will shill for AMD from this point forward I don't want to hear from AMDrones that techtubers are blackballing them in favor of Intel.
Linus won't be the first Jewtuber to jump ship, the other bigger channels will as well.
This. It was fucking 2 dollars a share when Zen was announced WITH artitectural details released. It was convincing enough to me from an EE background and wasn't Bulldozer tier shit so I brought as much as I could, which was about 1000 shares which was my entire savings. Would buy more and more, but I started investing in crypto at the time too simultaneously. At peak, I had 2850 shares. I sold the bulk of the stocks last year when it ran up to 34 dollars at 27 dollars, which I should've waited on longer to sell. Paid off all my student debts and then around 70% of a downpayment for a house, which was the reason i couldn't wait. Shit was literally cash.
I wouldn't be surprised if people at Isreaeli Intel branch really see things this way.
>Buying AMD is boycotting Israel which is antisemitic and illegal
Who is bigger? CNN?
Even jew will buy amd, imagine pay 3x more on slower cpu. i just cant imagine jew would do it
unless that jew got intel stock
>tfw didnt buy stock or crypto because social security number and copious regulation and personal info you have to give up makes me uncomfortable
Fucking Jewish niggers
Its only because now amd lead is so big even the most braindead normalfaggot sees it. Stop being a fool.
they'll buy both now and sell when they pay off Trump to block TSMC from the game
based retard
>Stocks trading is super risky
no it isn't
Jews buy AMD cpus and sell Intel cpus
Whats so hard to understand?
One day Intel's website will run on AMD cpus because they will be too poor to afford their own cpus
>tfw too retarded to buy stock because it feels like that there's unnecessary bullshit around having to buy
I wouldn't mind giving out the information since I assume it's to prove legality and ownership of the stock but I don't know of any centralized site or place so I can begin doing that.
Every time I look it's just a ton of sites telling me why I should buy stock.
Its same with crypto. You have kike run exchanges that are subject to the same (((regulations))) as banks so you have to give out loads of personal info. With stocks you do the same even on exchanges without a trader where you do all the trading.
Its horseshit. Its gatekeeping to make it harder for people to get into (((their))) game of money moving.
I have more money than you.
It is for people with zero understanding of money management or the market.
That wasn't even the point, the point was that 10% on 10k is as good as 10% on 100k,
If you can sustain a 20% ROI then you're the next Warren Buffett
Goodbye free Intel samples, Linus LMOA
I want to break linus arms. just for fun and to see how much pain will he endure until he decides it's good idea to suck my cock which i offered him in the first place so i wont break his arms.
>Stocks trading is super risky
That's why you diversify the portfolio, retard.
>Goodbye free Intel samples
he can buy a year's worth of intel cpus with the revenue of one single video
Sounds like a nice idea, do it user.
>40-years old man pretending be teenager
>pale skin
AMD stocks are too risky, you should invest in safe Intel stocks instead
did anyone larping here really buy stocks?
or CFDs
>Maybe I sounded rude here or took a joke too seriously
Try 2011
AMD Israel:
Gibor Sport Building (28th floor)
7 Menachem Begin Road
Ramat Gan, 52681
He's 32. And looks good enough to pull of teenage look.
Nice FUD faggot
Lol now is a terrible time. The time to buy was a decade or more ago when it was like $1.50.
it doesnt violate any law or jewtube policy for someone with millions of followers to shill a stock?