laptop kino is back on the menu

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>VGA port

The only normie reviewer i respect


who cares?

anything other than 16:9 is meme

16:9 is the biggest meme

>no thunderbolt 3
>DC barrel jack
>paint looks like spray can shit
>2001 trackpad
>35Wh battery LOL
>laptop comes apart backwards, rip keyboard off
>soldered ram
>all this wasted space inside the chassis

What's the best SONY vaio?
Decent battery, dedicated shittop graphics and double 2.5" HDD preferable.

>Using Sony anything in 2019 that's not a TV, a PlayStation or any audio equipment

xz premium, retard

It’s ok Trump is fixing that.

Premium DRM with no updates.


That's a man, right?


The new Xperias are dogshit, they don't hold a candle to the original Z line. My XZ was absolutely PLAGUED with problems, it would slow down, the camera would overheat after just 10-20 seconds of use, what a shitshow. Got jewed hard

no but all the engineers and staff who were with VAIO are still with VAIO

In other words Sony's corporate bullshit's not attached

How can you say something like that? Lisa is a sweetheart


dumb gaijin doesn't understand superior nippon laptop design

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Lisa is best Jew.

I don't care what some tech granny thinks about laptops

bye for now user

Was funny when she (he?) put on some satanic shit on a ebook reader and some in the comments got butthurt about it.
But to be honest she kinda looks like the type who's into that stuff.

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aaaaaaaand into the garbage it goes

>Literal Basement dweller

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why are you describing yourself?

for projectors

>laptop kino
So a shitty laptop?

>Vaio is now an independent company

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>buy premium laptop
>work in a company too poor to use a projector made after 2008

some people have to deal with the real world, user