How exactly did we end up in a world like this? We've gone full circle. Open and unashamed racism is back no the menu as long as it is targeted at white males.
The programmer who created Python isn’t interested in mentoring white guys
I don’t mind personally. It’s acknowledgement by the lefty faggots that “poc” (niggers) are inferior
Reverse racism doesn't exist.
>>>Jow Forums
He alledges that white guys are bad at code but good at claiming they are right. He wants to remodel society from the ground up based on feminist doctrine.
I didn't saying anything about reverse. It's just racism, regardless of origin or direction. Also what about misandry, or reverse sexism as you might call it, does that exist?
You can't be racist against white people when they've held power for the last 2000 years.
In my experience, guys in IT have always very often been the type to pander to women for increased sexual access and status. They're the guys who walk all over you the moment a woman shows up. I think it has something to do with the fact that a skill like programming is so divorced from the real world of ideas and people, so they end up having this talent in one area, but being utterly clueless about wider realities.
The men most likely to promote or claim to be feminists always have huge egos, tend to be assholish and aggressive towards other males, and these are the very sorts who often end up producing technology. They're sort of like worker ants for their queens, programmed to build the systems that make women's lives easier, they have no regard for decency towards other men.
Then there's the fact that women's groups and feminists see IT as a cash-cow, and these groups always use their power to threaten men who don't go along with their plans. Men are (quite rightfully) afraid of standing up to these groups of women, so you get these "hyper compliant" guys at the top. Any male in a public position is particularly vulnerable to those sorts of threats of being accused of not doing enough for women.
import white_guys_code();
>more women in tech
>finally get laid
I think this would be great for you user
Why do you keep posting this fucking thread, OP?
I have not posted this before and don't plan on posting it again. The article is only 4 days old and I just stumbled upon it. Given it's incendiary tone and bafflingly racist content, I'm not surprised that it has been posted before.
>raycism is bad
>we are all equal
>except here other races are better than some at certain things
How can one person be this intellectually dishonest and inconsistent?
Please explain this gif.
>hambeasts and trannies
No thanks I'll stick to my mongolian drawings
Oh come on, who's gonna fall for that?
Cute Bran being cute.
Im guessing it was a shot in a fan for when he fell of the tower or something or a scene earlier on in GOT where he was overlooking something after climbing up a building.
>cute kid turns into a goblin
every time
typical white feminine ladyboy wants to submit to BBC
Who cares, he can do what he wants. He knows nobody anything.
Puberty is a cruel son of a bitch. I think he was literally the cutest boy on the planet too.
Not to say hes atrocious now I mean hes okay looking, but nowhere NEAR this.
You fucking lie. Just look in the catalogue and the archive next time, faggot. We've had over 15 threads about it. Stop reposting bait threads.
>raycism is good, and a badge of honor
>except if it's against whites
explain this
Have pride in your subhuman people if you want, just leave our countries and go do it in your own.
>white person speaks factually on historical accomplishments of race and has pride in it
>nigger does it
>proud, beautiful, strong
Come home white ma.
Black man.
Asian man.
And woman.
I have seen noe politics involved. Zero cost abstractions, runs fast, prevents global warming.
Maybe it's not yourn favourite language, but what if you gave it a try?
>Zero cost abstractions
I hate when people spout this lie
>implying white guys need some faggot that made some slow ass homo language to mentor them.
Python is shit. I'm forced to work with it right now and holy fucking shit pls kill me. It's such a mess and constantly kills my ram, but whatever? He's just a random pussy licking soiboy who created a shitty programing language. Why give a fuck particularly about him?
This. We really need more Amd vs Intel threads instead
You can encounter these type of faggots in every field. In my experience the soi density wasn't that much higher in cs (actual cs) than anywhere else. I can't tell for IT though. They always think of themselves as nice people and are the ones who unironically call themselves nice guys. They're incredible selfish and hateful though, you just don't notice it immediately because they tend to be passive aggressive while avoiding active confrontation. Overall they behave very much like butthurt women. I don't know what they think they get out of the pandering to women. There's always the "white knighting for pussy" argument but I don't think that they do this cosciously. It's part of the "be nice to women and they'll be nice to you || women don't like assholes || disney shit" attitude which slowly becomes the only character trait they have due to the already weak personality from the lack of male rolemodels.
Could somebody explain what the issue is here?
I don't see how this amounts to "open racism". He's acknowledging that some groups of contributors are being unfairly sidelined in open source communities based on who they are, without regard to the quality of their contribution.
His response is to focus on those people, to help rectify that.
>unfairly side lined
Fuck off retard.
This is where you've failed Marxist dialectics. He won the argument by defining what the argument was from the start. The entire core premise of it is a fantasy.
>some groups of contributors are being unfairly sidelined in open source communities based on who they are, without regard to the quality of their contribution
This is a fabrication with no empirical basis in reality.
Do you have a poor understanding of human behaviour?
Do you have a poor understanding of fact? Seems so. Take a wild guess who benefits affirmative action and diversity initiatives. I'll give you a hint. It isnt white men.