
>san franCISCO

It all makes sense now boys

Attached: cisco-logo.png (800x600, 70K)

Hory shet

what the fuck

Attached: 1551170980037.gif (255x241, 931K)

Attached: 1558242233226.png (863x710, 1.03M)



and the waves above the cisco name represent the golden gate bridge


Attached: cisco.jpg (787x437, 53K)

Posting in epic thread

ohh shit mate

Attached: the apotheosis of slow.png (600x600, 353K)

This changes everything

Have a bonbi

Attached: PicsArt_05-16-01.png (1080x1920, 1.5M)

the monopoly man has no monocle

Kill yourself

san franCISCO?

Attached: 1557463171269.jpg (100x174, 4K)

>Cis co
mmmm transphobia

Attached: cisco jew.png (285x337, 76K)

shit the san fran bridge is on the equipment too boys

I dont want no san fran city imagery on my routers

Attached: cisco-systems-router.jpg (672x371, 88K)

dumb /v/edditor

Literal tartarian imagery

Yes, Snake. San Francisco and Southern California is where the Patriots have been conducting social and economical experiments on the populace. It should be no surprise when see the massive difference in culture between the Northern California and Southern California.

Attached: ColonelAI.png (252x376, 96K)