
>TSMC has already started volume production of its next generation 7nm process; the first to incorporate its advanced EUV tech, and the node which should form the basis for AMD’s Zen 3 processors next year.

>TSMC claims that its 7nm+ design will still allow for chip creators to increase transistor density by 20% and reduce power consumption by 10% under the same operational load.

Zen 3 is what you need. Don't be impatient, your CPU can wait another year. WAIT and HOLD.

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so what you're saying is that zen3 will be a failed product?

But ssj3 is shit

I recall that SSJ3 uses way too much power.

i'm moving over to a gpu rendering set up anyway.

It's orders of magnitude stronger, but goku's mortal body couldn't withstand its full power.
Gotenks could tough. But Gotenks is just an hack.

Nah, Zen 2 is good enough.
Specially if going by your chart.

Everything created during the buu saga was meant to job, so regular SSJ and Mr.Satan could win the day.

AMD doesn't have problems with power consumption or density, chiplets have already solved that. 7nm+ (EUV) doesn't increase performance, it might get lower (according to TSMC). It's good for GPUs though since those are big monolithic dies (Though I have no idea why, chiplets are screaming to be adopted in GPUs).
Chances are 7nm+ will only be used for GPUs and zen3 (or more likely zen2 refresh) will release on 5nm (which is real 7nm+, TSMCs naming is different from intel, 5nm is 7nm upgrade, like intel's 14nm++, while 7nm+ is a different process).

I am so very satisfied with my 2700x i am only goig to update to the last AM4 cpu to be released and then keep that for another 5 years

Nope, done waiting.
Zen 2 here I cum.

>next year
It's gonna be a Zen2 refresh, we ain't seeing Zen3 until 2021 at the absolute earliest.

i am sorry. but i can't hold not my 4670KEK edition anymore. the stutters are absolutely horrific at 165 Hz 1440p

Have Ryzen 2000 with X470 and waiting for Ryzen 4000, I upgraded from a toaster so I'm fine with this performance at the moment.

Eh the picture is ALMOST accurate. Bulldozer and Piledriver should be Yamcha before and after training.

I'm waiting for zenten

No it's really Zen 3, they're gonna focus on power efficiency with 7nm+ EUV.

wait for zen 4


Honestly at this point I actually recommend a step backwards. The 1st gen 12c24t 4.2GHz 1920X threadripper is now almost $300.


With a setup like this you can now have 2-3 separate xen VMs running on 3 separate monitors each with their own allocated RAM, GPU, and SSD to maximize multitasking.

>inb4 16c32t 1950X tanks to $400 as stock is cleared to make room for kikeripper III

Attached: horror-melting-face-gif.gif (500x281, 1.45M)

you can also just buy used pcs and get insane deals

aaaaah FUCK
I wish they had released zen 2 processors at computex, the wait until I can switch from my 1700 to a 3700x for that sweet, sweet improvement in FPS for my 144hz monitor is going to be fucking killing me for a whole month-and-a-bit

>Zen4 is Ultra Instinct
Do an Intel one with Freeza.

No, wait for Zen God.

Did they ever explain why SS3 makes you grow hair

>mfw MSI will not release beta bios to enable 3000 series on my b350 board

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i'm torn, i really want the 12 core monster but also i want the 65w qt

MSI are intel supporters. They were the shitstains that were pissed off about the chipset naming.

get the monster. post purchase rationalization will take care of the rest user don't worry.

They'll be forced to do it anyways. They would rather not risk the bad PR and have future customers shy away from their zen 2 MBs.

they said they would do it for x470/b450 but will not for x370/b350

wtf now i love post-purchase rationalization

>tfw switched from shitty MSI B350 to Gigabyte X470
>tfw bios upgrades to support 3000 series Zen CPUS already out for it
feels good man

honestly I want it too, but when I think about it I don't need more than 8 cores for what I do, so I'll be getting the 3700X

it's kind of great. can you imagine how bad it would feel if you made a fuckup purchase and had to ruminate on how bad of a decision it was forever? instead post purchase rationalization literally increases your enjoyment and makes the experience of a product even better.

I'm dead serious btw.

>Not waiting for Zen 8
It's like you don't even want PCIe 9.0 USB5 and TurboGraphics

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you know what makes me a bit sad? Lisa Su's decisions have clearly unfucked the company and provided the much-needed competition to intel
but when she steps down, it'll only be a matter of time before someone fucks everything up again, destroying a lot of what she helped innovate

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she is competent, as long as control passes to her designated successor and not the board's preferred bean counter it'll be fine

I hope it ends up that way

Don't worry, when she's gone, the next man will drive the CPUs into stagnation but make sure Radeon sends Nvidia into bankruptcy, so we'll have really good CPUs from last gen and high competition for GPUs.


No, wait for Zen God Super Zen.

just wait for Zen4 on AM5 with PCI-E 5.0 and DDR5 RAM support

Former AMD CEOs from 2005 to 2012 weren't semi-conductor specialists, just businessmen.
Lisa Su did study that field and that's the main reason the company unfucked itself.
If they manage to find another specialist to replace her, then they'll be ok.

Reminder that neither Otellini nor Krzanich are semi conductor specialists either, Otellini is a business man and was behind Itanium and its failure, Krzanich is a chemist and lead intel into stagnation.

It's the kind of company that you want to be lead by scientists and engineers, not jews, unless you want to buy your yearly chipset along your **NEW** 4 core CPU with +0,5% IPC.
Nvidia : lead by Jensen Huang, Lisa Su's relative, electrical engineer -> jews but still make good products
AMD : lead by Lisa Su, doctor in electrical engineering -> unfucked itself in 4 years

Most mobo manufacturers have electrical engineers as CEO.

very interesting, thanks user

Pretty much this. Until 2008 AMD was run by Jerry Sanders, then Hector Ruiz, two engineers.
Then in 2008 Dirk Meyer came in, while he was an engineer, he was a computer engineer, not an electrical engineer, what he wanted was CPUs for the data center market, and by doing so, he planned on releasing "versatile CPUs" that could be used for data centers, mainstream PCs and notebooks. This decision led to the bulldozer architecture for the mainstream market.

This decision fucked the company up, they had to find something good after the phenom fail. Then 3 years later Rory Read came in and saved the sinking ship by scooping enough water out to keep it afloat. What he did was preventing bankruptcy and cutting expenses, that's pretty much all he could as a business man, he had no knowledge about CPU engineering, that's why from 2011 to 2014 AMD didn't do anything relevant, they were busy slowing down the fall.
Finally in 2014, Lisa Su, a semi-conductor specialist, was appointed CEO, put bulldozer/vishera in the trash bin, called Jim Keller back and unfucked the company in 3 years.
5 years later she's gang raping Intel's board of directors.

Now Intel has Jim Keller working for them. Will AMD be fucked in 2-3 years?

Jim Keller isn't in charge of architecture design, I think he's trying to unfuck their 10nm that's 3 years late

hes actually lead engineer for intels SOC department, he's not in charge of unfucking 10nm but rather positioning intel against AMDs next generation APUs. Because once we do see zen2 and navi APUs next year, its gonna be bad news bears for intel in the OEM and mobile segments

they should be yamcha and tenchinhan after fighting the plant men of vegeta and whatever the fatass was called

so this is the power of Ultra Zen Stinks

I rather not have one "side" fucked too much. Why you all niggas rooting for either company like it's personal? Their competition against each other means better products for us.

intel should get fucked for a while. if amd has a few years of dominance it will be good all around. if after a few years amd is still on top we have a problem, but until then intel has gotten way too fat on easy profits.

Intel fucked over customers by shipping an unsecure product and trying to cover it up for as long as they could. If you (like me) have Intel processors that you paid top dollar for and want to keep your stuff up to date, your performance will be gimped. So I don't want an AMD monopoly but I definitely want Intel to eat shit for a while. Maybe they'll learn something from this.

SSJ2 > SSJ3 (fuck powerlevels)

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lower power consumption at same performance means higher performance at same power
that's what Radeon 7 is, a 7nm vega cranked up to the same power for a bit extra performance
going by tsmc claims, a zen3 CPU with absolutely no architectural changes should perform about 10% better that the same zen2 CPU on conventional 7nm, just by being a more advanced manufacturing process

Just mod your bios faggot

Is this the real red pill? Why would anyone get the 3700X if this is so good?

I'd guess it won't take long for them to be discontinued

Rory Read hired Lisa and Jim Keller and Zen and the semi-custom partnerships started under him. Not to suggest Lisa isnt doing a good job taking over for him. But you didnt even mention his name even though hes the one who rebudgeted the entire company to give the CPU team money to work on Zen and K12. Given he also cut GPU funding, but it was a worthy price to pay

Just Wait™

Well with NUMA the way it was on Zen, it's really not suitable for many usecases.

it's quite a bit more for the mobo

Threadrippers are shit for gaming and the IPC and memory timings are slow compared to a Ryzen, especially the 3700x

user, I'm all for AMD right now and since 2011, but that pic suggest that Zen 3 is dead on arrival.

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Thank you, based informational user

>dragon ball z

Is this the shit taste general?

SSJ2 is the dependable form, it just werks.

if that's true then zen3 would be ssj4

>be me
>buy 2700x
>way faster than my 1090t
>3800x coming out

Looks like I'm going use my 2700x as a server. Turn off PBO, undervolt and underclock. I'm rock fucking hard.

Are 7nm cpus called zen3?

No, the OP is suggesting to wait for the next AMD chips.

Childhood is rooting for companies to win or fuck up. Adulthood is realizing Jim Keller plays against himself and it doesn't truly matter which company fucks up.

Wait forever because more recent is always better.

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>3700X 8c/16t 4.4GHz 65W TDP on a 570 mobo with PCIe4 and high speed memory support for ~$450 letting you just jam your current ram and GPU inside
>can just sell your old computer or repurpose
ryzen 3k already has the best longevity we've seen in a decade, if you need to upgrade why would you wait until the more expensive lower value products that will spawn as AMD runs away with the competition for the next 3-5 years?

It would be worse for their PR if their mobos start catching fire due to retards trying to run an overclocked 12 core on them.

They could just update their weaker 4-phase boards for every SKU except that one.

Kek, the future is Jim Keller vs Jim Keller. What a fucking world man.

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there wont be a zen 3 next year amd will probably release a matured 7nm aka zen 2+

A motherboard is like only like a hundred dollars poorfig

because israel needs to be nuked

Wait® meme will never end.

Intel fucked AMD and consumers for decades but they won't get fucked too bad themself. They still command over 80% of the market. At best AMD will make a dent.

based answer

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