*wins computex*

*wins computex*

Attached: 1559004760650.jpg (799x1200, 131K)

no thanks, rather not have a lagbook

Asian one pieces are the superior modest and still sexy swimwear.

Hag roastie sluts in thongs and bikinis cannot compete. I want a hapa daughterfu

Attached: freedomfight.jpg (553x691, 39K)

stupid tech for pajeets

Move to Japan and
Have Sex

>posts a literal 10 year old
>likes asians

>hes not a pedophile

Oh nononononono bahahahahaha

Would mean giving up everything I have but at least I wouldn't be in multicultmuttland I suppose.

Attached: freeeefa.jpg (574x395, 96K)

have sex.... wait don't you creep

What's wrong with you?

Nothing. I have better taste than redditors is all.

Funny r*ddit meme dude!

Attached: freeefug.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)


imagine the smell

>redditor thinks saying you're a pedo is reportable
>redditor doesnt realize announcing reports is against the rules
>redditor is a rulecuck

Attached: HYAK HYAK.jpg (615x678, 73K)

You would be helping to turn Japan into multicultmuttland, faggot

Another reason I hesitate. Although implying hapa is as bad as niggers or Mexican is clinically retarded. Aside from cultural or social effects, objectively speaking there is nothing wrong with hapa offspring.

Attached: freefug.jpg (730x714, 39K)

>open video

what's good about this

>newfag stormnigger plebbit transplant
go back


Been here for 12 years. Suck a dick post 2011 redditor.

Attached: fewwef.jpg (318x318, 19K)

Just finished it is like half was just memeshit like laptops with two screens

>pedofag is a GoTfag
The absolute state of /Tv/

you're on the old/newfag cusp

Attached: 794.png (2000x554, 258K)

I'm still older than some redditor posting about muh stormniggers regardless.

I prefer /tv/ for the cunny, always have, but outside the general /got/ discussion could be funny.

Attached: feeeeeflflflf.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

based, fuck hags

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bro liking underage is unhealthy

No it literally isnt. Your welcome to have poor taste if you wish.

Finally someone who gets it in this thread.

Attached: feelf.jpg (640x480, 84K)

Save your excuses, I've already lost all respect for you.

Attached: 1532615429392.png (708x670, 685K)

Holy shit, when did Jow Forums get so based?

Because of got or because pedo

You have to at least like season 1

Attached: feef.jpg (750x750, 54K)

Because of watching/liking GoT past the 4th season.

if you want a metaphor think about it like eating fruit before it's ripe. it will be unpleasant and fibrous.
hypothetically ...
this is a sentient person you're coming into contact with, there is the possibility you will be forced to separate from them causing emotional fallout and a negative stigma
I understand that you haven't really digressed beyond the detached fantasy phase and that you're also a massive weeb, so there is some acceptance because you've practically neutered yourself in our Western society just by the way you label yourself.

I had to finish it. Regardless of what it became.

I'm eating the fruit when its not wrinkly and dried out rubber. I'm eating plump, fresh, juicy, soft and pure fruit of the sweetest kind.

The only neutering is people who are insistent on rigid and new modern feminist derived age and consent standards.

Another refined gentleman.

Attached: freedomfag.jpg (729x859, 41K)

you're scoping fruit a long time before it's fallen from the tree.
your mind is clearly warped ...

oh look, it's the mentally ill retard who spams yellow fever threads on other boards every day

Attached: 1558099030493.jpg (1200x630, 81K)

Like I said. Youre welcome to enjoy that old brown rotten fruit if you like friend, I dont prefer it!

>I had to finish it. Regardless of what it became.
Too late for excuses. I'm a shotacon now.

Attached: 1532312434029.jpg (1280x1707, 352K)

Your precious insect race is full of brown people with brown nipples and brown genitals.

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that swimsuit is too small for her

I'm only a shotacon for young Bran

>sports dykes are ugly


Attached: freeefag.png (1920x1080, 3.11M)

This gimmick might work if they try a UI more similar to windows mobile

Attached: screen-shot-2019-05-27-at-9-00-41-pm.png (940x526, 520K)

>insects are ugly


Attached: 1539572349563.png (462x224, 202K)

if a fruit is still growing, quite plainly it is not mature enough to be enjoyed.
why the fuck can't you just hope for someone who has at least physically matured?
when I buy fruit at the market I can assure you it isn't rotten...I like to purchase my food ready to eat...


Is this the new hot jew meme?

I like what I like. Furthermore by the most common definitions of "matured" most 11 and 12 year olds these days would fit those definitions, yet I bet you'd still be insulting me if thats what I liked as well.

it's one of the clearer indicators of an outsider to this site.


Your posts are the "hot" new Jew memes though, mongrelized freak lover. When is your plastic surgery coming up, Chang?

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I dont think they understand the original purpose and inspiration for this place

Attached: feeefag91.jpg (1440x900, 513K)

Tell us, what was the "original purpose and inspiration" for this place? To obsess over slant-eyed goblins?

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ASUS didn't win garbage

>OP makes yellow fever thread
>admits to being a pedo
>replies to his own posts
>believes Jow Forums is a safe haven for incels with yellow fever
Pure unadulterated psychotic.

It was literally an anime site for weebs retard.

Japs are based and this site has always liked them

Attached: freeef4.jpg (410x452, 168K)

I'm not op. Jow Forums has traditionally been riddled with pedos and weebs. Deal with it newfag

wait that was really from asus, jesus christ just pay me I'll do the entire presentation so much better for pennies

this image pumps blood into my penis
ANUS CEO definitely does coke btw

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she cute

imagine the smell

god damn those are hideous products. its equivalent to MTVs pimp my ride for computers. only the most retarded consumers would buy those things. no hate. also the presentation delivery was kind of whack.. like they all took the crazy English course in mainland china.

Attached: bigstock-Ds-Color-Temperature-Scale-147143822.jpg (4200x2000, 1.34M)

This is feminist propaganda.

pedoweebs are based
3dpd yellow fever fags are cringe

that looks delicious, what's she eating?

Looks like some kind of pork, brocolli and fried potatoes

*unsheathes master race*
taaake THIS sperg!

Attached: tumblr_p5d5o5CMoT1waskgvo1_540.jpg (540x359, 55K)

She a cute.

Yes. Hapas are precious

Attached: freefa.jpg (1440x810, 265K)

Damn, so this is the power of asian women genetics...

hey I just realized I can read japanese now, neat

This is feminist propaganda.

They actually have a whole group of people who do nothing but monitor Jow Forums for threads like this.

Asian women are hot but race mixing is wrong.

Just being in Japan doesn't guarantee you will score anything. A friend of mine lives i Tokyo for 2 years now, I don't think he had the chance to date any local, excluding from couple first dates to a restaurant or something. Maybe he scored a few drunk one night stands I just didn't hear about.

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Weird, I think race mixing is hot but asian women are wrong.

>one night stands

Absolutely fucking disgusting. If I wanted trashy whores I could just stay here.

Attached: freeef.jpg (1037x1200, 138K)

One night stands would probably be easy if you're at all good looking but even getting a shot at a long term relationship would be much harder unless you speak very good japanese and even then it would be harder than it is for the average jap. They're kinda xenophobic.

>They're kinda xenophobic.
This is a pozzed meme.

You don't get it unless you've been there. It's not always the "waito piggu go homu" tier. It's a lot more subtle.

Japan is called xenophobic because it won't throw open its borders and commit suicide through mass migration. "Japan is xenophobic" is propaganda.

Maybe in Tokyo, he’s far from being that “exotic” foreigner? He needs to move to a small city or the countryside.

Xenophobia isnt a bad thing

I wish my country hadn't opened its borders for all these subhuman scum escaping their shithole countries. Japan has the every right to do what they're doing. Every nation's first priority should be their own people. Doesn't change that Japs are kinda xenophobic.

Honestly things are worse in smaller towns. At least in Tokyo it's somewhat normal so you can live there comfortably as a foreigner.

They aren't xenophobic, they are just normal. It's the West that's fucked up.

Is is weird to somehow know what his semen tastes like?

Attached: 1549526350354.webm (480x480, 2.19M)

I don't know if this is wholesome or sad. I don't know its freaking me out a bit, like I just missed out on something


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Stop what? I mean no ill will with my comment. Its just that the webm makes me feel nostalgic for something that I lost, or am missing, and have been for a long time? It kinda makes my chest hurt a bit.

I didnt ask for those feelings

she cute
gibe milk

Based Asians

Imagine bragging about how long you've been on a Mongolian scat forum.

>going to japan to "score"
Fucking Americans I swear.

She poopie from there! oh my god she poopie! why we get peepee hard from sight of poopie woman?

>Been here for 12 years. Suck a dick post 2011 redditor.
Are you proud of that, you unbearable faggot?

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-15 at 10.41.17.jpg (774x764, 68K)

>accuse someone of being new

Triggered newfags

>implying you're replying to the same people on an imageboard
I didn't think you were new at first, but I do now.

I don't get it

Do you have the video from this screencap?

Asians really are master race.

pedos should rot in hell

No sorry

>he thinks 2011 makes him an oldfag....

/new/ days. Don't ask me when - I can't remember.

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>complain about immigration
>immigrant himself
Go home.