The absolute state of this board

This board is truly one of the shittiest tech boards/forums/communities i have ever come across on the internet. All you autistic fucks ever do is engage in useless browser debates and shill chip makers. Really?

Don't even get me started on your obsession with OS's. How do you guys keep having the same debates with the same arguments every single day?

Most of you are boomers (or at least people with boomer mentality) who truly despise new technology and any progress in the tech world because you fear you wont be able to keep up. None of you are even slightly passionate about tech in general. The programmers hate on other programmers instead of starting meaningful conversations of substance. Who cares which language someone uses?

Please try to find a hobby or career in another field that actually makes you happy.

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Exactly what im thinking
Its the same amd / intel shit spam everyday

>How do you guys keep having the same debates with the same arguments every single day?
first time on 4schlong, I see

install gentoo

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If you ignore any of the anti-google pro mozilla or pro AMD spam the board is basically all shitty general threads.

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Been here for a while now but the state of this board depresses me. An anonymous tech board has a lot of potential, instead we have to deal with this shit.

Have sex

This 1000%
[spoiler]Reddit is geniunely better than Jow Forums at its current state. I don't even know why I come here anymore[/spoiler]

Because it's filled with fucking gaymer manchildren now

I know. But I find myself coming here more and more now that PCper is dead and their is a void in my tech information.

Diversity has made this board shit.

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Ok, name some good teach board or forum. Not reddit, please.

Because you moronic shits don't get most people here come to shit, rant and ultimately vent.

> they have the delusion most here are actually regulars

Most shitters in this shitter come rarely anyway, they don't have a "constant agenta", it just so happens when the general population wants to shit on the most, that's what will be shit on the most.

>you autistic fucks
>"everyone is Jow Forums except me"

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>being passionate
>about tech
top cringe

what are you supposed to be passionate about then?

Jow Forums is pure shit but you are a disgusting frogposter making it shittier. Kill yourself first.

The bar is set very low for what constitutes worthwhile tech discussion.

I generally don't like new computer tech discussion, because most of it revolves around fads like programming languages that reinvent the wheel, new CPUs and GPUs that're marginally better than the previous generation, web apps, etc. - it's not very exciting and it makes me feel pessimistic for the future.

Fix your brain with a bullet

>This board is truly one of the shittiest tech boards/forums/communities i have ever come across on the internet. All you autistic fucks ever do is engage in useless browser debates and shill chip makers. Really?
you need to understand that this board attracts marketing shills from all places doing most of this shit
>Most of you are boomers (or at least people with boomer mentality) who truly despise new technology
most "boomers" have been around long enough, and exposed to technology long enough, to know what is shit and what isn't. if anons think something you like is shit, you need to deal with it or kill yourself.
>Please try to find a hobby or career in another field that actually makes you happy.
pretty happy, raging faggot. stay mad!

okay, show me one of these but better

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>frogposter complaining about quality
Epic, simply epic.

I have never been opposed to the idea of disliking new technology but they don't even try to embrace it or experience it. New trends are immediately disapproved of. Being stuck in the past is not wise especially in a industry that fluctuates and changes all the time.

Reddit, unironically. They have tons of subreddits, such as, r/technology, r/science, r/futurology, r/programming. This makes it more organized and they actually talk about things that matter.

yospos bithc

>New trends are immediately disapproved of
well, i can understand that. going back to what i mentioned earlier:
>> most "boomers" have been around long enough
they've seen plenty of trends come and go, so they're not going to be terribly excited and be outright dismissive. curious? most definitely. embrace? that all depends how great it is.
>Being stuck in the past is not wise especially in a industry that fluctuates and changes all the time
if you've been here for more than 5 minutes or a few days, you'll realise this is false and nobody is living in the past. that's what /vr/ is for. and that makes this board look like the best board on the internet, in comparison. :)

This whole site is full of autistic virgins, of course they are going to argue over the most mundane and stupid shit.

You know there are three ways to go about if you think the board is shit.

1. Create a quality thread with an insightful post discussing a relevant topic, making the board better.

2. Get the fuck out and post somewhere else, leaving the board as is.

3. Make an autistic ranting frogpost complaining in a nonspecific fashion, making the board worse.

You chose the worst option.
Kindly GTFO. A thread died for your shit.

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>its a frogposter complaining about board quality

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Nice spacing fag.

i cant program but i like the progression of all technology what does that make me

You wouldn't need other people to answer that for you if you weren't a braindead, hyperconsumerist dehumanised whore.

nope, only newfags and /b/ tards think this is what 4chans about

go back

What is the Reddit equivalent of Jow Forums ?

>>Please try to find a hobby or career in another field that actually makes you happy.
But arguing in Jow Forums makes me happy

I use Arch btw.

>amd vs intel vs nvidia
>10 year old crusty laptop general
>cosmetic shit with LED's that make clicky noises general
>install hobbyist OS that will never function with new hardware because it is made by people on 10 year old crusty laptops
>new phone released! basedface.tiff
The best you can hope for on this board is a thinly veiled pr0n thread.

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>thinly veiled pr0n thread.
good thing moms are technology

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I honestly cannot comprehend being a computer processor brand fanboy. How are the threads so popular?


Autism. I've met people like that IRL, they're rare but for some reason they congregate here. Though i have to admit that a certain percentage of them have to be either paid agitators or just trolls that ended up here for whatever reason. It's got way too much steam to be entirely organic.

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Why don't you fuvks go back to redbit

Reddit is full of braindead sheep who hit the downvote button at the first sight of a dissenting opinion. That's why 4channel is better. No popularity points forces people to actually argue their points and means everyone's opinions are equally visible.
Reddit is shit. I fucking hate it.

Welcome to fourchannel, fren

Leave newfag, there are other boards and communities. If youre this retarded to get upset about Jow Forums idk how you function anywhere else on Jow Forums

Op is right.
Its time to take back Jow Forums.
All the way back to being Jow Forumsuro

What the fuck is your fucking problem you disgusting pedo? You have /a/already

Excuse me sir but please don't conflate a mans love for bisected anime girls as a love for cunny.
There is room for both on

I see you enjoy eating fecal matter


All of the interesting threads wind up getting derailed, and filled with fucking spam. The only topics that are allowed to be discussed unimpeded is stupid gaymer amd vs intel shit. Like they aren't the exact same fucking thing anyway.

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>Most of you are boomers
None of these people are boomers, you idiot. Stop using "boomer" (and also "cuck") as a catch-all pejorative.

I other news, water is wet. You're free to make your own tech board on 8ch, mr bold & fresh

Jow Forums is a consumer electronics board

honestly, I come here out of sheer habit
like, out of the common things
use all three, being tied to an OS is retarded
literally whatever I feel like for a given task
whatever the fuck I have on hand (admittedly, most of my machines are Intel at this point, if largely because I didn't really care about CPU manufacturer)

people are passionate here in the sense of warring tribes engaged in a holy war, rather than actually caring about the various merits/flaws of whatever they're arguing for/against

it's hard to imagine someone as retarded as you, but here we fucking are

>Though i have to admit that a certain percentage of them have to be either paid agitators
that is completely obvious, not just on this board. marketing geniuses paid to shitpost on behalf of businesses and corporations.. what a life. fuck, id rather kill myself. they should consider it too.

Well ideally all of this trite should be contained in the sticky but if you cant figure out how to filter threads, why the fuck are you here on Jow Forums let alone on the site?

Congratulations, you've just discovered why anonymous boards are doomed to fail. As soon as they get popular, the shitposters move in and drive out the goodposters. It's kind of like how America was good when it was small and Anglo-Teutonic but then went to shit when it was flooded by Jews, Italians, and Slavs in the late 19th century. Quality requires quality control.

Anyway, if you want quality discussion, then you must frequent a forum that has user registration or find a small, unspoiled tech board that is populated by high-quality users.

if this board had a "report fanboy" or "report advertising/marketing" feature, it'd help a lot. the corporate shill threads would disappear in no time.

this post is also why i hate this fucking board.
no one discusses anything, really. all the "programmers" do is shit on other posters and declare certain languages as garbage in some bane form of shitposting.

there is no actual discussion around here and the population of active posters is filled with "internet intellectuals" who think they're geniuses because mommy said so one time and none of their friends irl care about computers.
there's no substance here. i was just a lurker for awhile and actually first came back yesterday to check on it out of boredom and i'm checking back out today.
Jow Forums in general has gone to shit.

Real discussions in Jow Forums died when they killed off the pure text boards. You can still get it on smaller boards but Jow Forums has always been shit since they made it technology.

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Been on Jow Forums 8 years. Jow Forums is the worst quality board I've ever regularly been to, unless you count /gif/

show me one tech forum with an honest awareness and understanding how important it is to use open source systems ..

If you are not interested in operating systems it does not mean that knowledge is not important..

Most threads Here do not meant to help , but to discuss technology and give the freedom of opinion on OS, Frameworks, Hardware, and programming in general..

Go fuck yourself Your complaints are bitter and shabby, and you can find a good place in reddit if you dont like to be here YOU FUCKING FAGOT!!

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> thread about specific technology
0 responses
>thread about "muh trannies in tech"
300 responses

really makes you think...

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>*reddit noises*
Guten morgen.

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What are Mods... If this board would have some people that deletes low quality, bait posts and keep quality threads this board wouldn't be shithole like it is now

A sensible person

>okay, then what is okay to do by your definition

You have 11 options

Leave this board
Kill yourself

>what does that make me
It makes you, you. Even if you thought the opposite you'd be you. If you changed your mind at random intervals you're still you. I'm me, you're you, its not complicated. The others are just fig newtons of your exaggeration, gummy people basically.

You're asking someone to find something for you to be passionate about when it is entirely a personal search. You're legit retarded. Then again the entire meaning of your life is being a consumerist drone with absolutely no outlet for self-realisation so I've no idea why I expected anything else from you.