>Snapdragon 855
>FullHD+ Amoled screen
>In display fingerprint
>Headphone jack
>Popup camera, no notches
>27W quick charge
>$360 for the base model (6/64)
How do the chinks do it?
>Snapdragon 855
>FullHD+ Amoled screen
>In display fingerprint
>Headphone jack
>Popup camera, no notches
>27W quick charge
>$360 for the base model (6/64)
How do the chinks do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
By embedding advertisements into the system UI and selling your user data heavily, creating an ecosystem of payments and apps, lacking real tech support by having the MI forum installed by default, and using their cheap phones as a gateway into their other ecosystem of products in China and India, where they work with a manufacturer to slap their name on an already developed product and sell for thin margins
redmi note 7 has a $130 sticker price and yet in europoor it is STILL starting at $250
that shitter will be priced $500 at shops...also as a Mi user i suggest if you wanna spend $200+ on a phone try a better brand than hoboMi
Apple and Samsung are afraid!
>plastic body that will crack in half, if you bend it even a bit
>poor quality leftover components that were not good enough for proper phones
>warranty is a joke
>full of spyware
>they violate every IP, patent,copyright,trademark,child labor law possible to save money
>Please buy our 1200$ phone! Please!
Good thing they're so developer friendly and you don't have to remain on MIUI, right?
>implying implications
>arguing in favor of copyright and intellectual property law
Die and get off this board.
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>intellectual property
Two minutes in.
Stay jealous.
No shit they're developer friendly, the experience from the marginal amount of people who buy the phone, hack it, and recc it to their friends because "cheap phone" makes much more money than forcing one dude to keep MIUI ads, because they just sold more phones and some of those people are going to keep the base UI
Seriously, set your system region to India and the default media player has a sponsored video section and ads
>t.pajeet too poor to afford non-chink phones
I don't care and anyone with half a brain shouldn't either, and especially because in the set-up process there's an option of opting-out of these ads. You can also very easily uninstall pre-installed Mi software via ADB.
Should I get the k20 (non pro) or the samsung galaxy a50?
Also, what isn't Chinese at this point Chinese? Perhaps the irrelevant LG and Sony, maybe Samsung, but that's a stretch too because their SSDs are manufactured in Shenzhen.
Pro drops on the 1st in pooland, regular on 6th allegedly.
Can we just remove the popup camera?
Also not sure about the chin.
I don't care about India.
When's the Europe release date?
Not known at this time, but I'd expect it to within 2 weeks of India, but my guess is as good as yours, I haven't followed a cell phone launch in over 5 years. Pre-orders open in China in about 3h, maybe they'll mention it then or in the coming days.
Does this mean that pocophone f2 is dead?
Well, this is supposed to be the Poco F2 I guess.
NO SD Slot
>no sd card
It's shit.
Apple phones are not Chinese, they are manufactured in India.
>they are manufactured in India.
Only the most recent models. And that started this year I believe.
They've started with the compromises already...
So as a Xiaomi owner should i switch MIUI with something else or who cares?
If you don't, nobody else will either.
> Doesn't have group text
> Shills min message besides nobody owning one
If it wasn't for good battery life it would be total regret
Okay Linus.
>over 6 inches
can someone explain why phones are so fucking huge these days? if I wanted a tablet I'd go get myself a tablet but I want a phone instead and it seems it's impossible to get SD 855 phone that's smaller than 6 inches
Is it possible to get rid of the bloat on this phone? I see it's android 9
Well browsing the web on a phone is pretty common these days, even just for small stuff. So nothing wrong with an original iphone-sized screen, but much smaller is pushing it. Which sucks because I want a 1-2" wide narrow phone.
It's really worth it for the raw hardware you're getting
>shitty OS and spyware
You can just flash a custom rom and most of your problems will be solved
>warranty is garbage and the phone will break
well I guess you get what you pay for... but I think if you just invest in a case it will be fine
>shitty B tier and below parts
Most "budget" phones use these kinda parts and most people don't have problems because of this
I have a OP5 and for over a year I haven't had any issues
For a lot of people a phone is their sole computer and media consumption device, so manufacturers are catering screen sizes to the market
smart watch + tablet to replace cellphones when
whats wrong with amoled?
It's called IP theft. When you have zero R&D costs due to thievery, you can lower end prices to the consumer.
Don't buy from them.
It's called burn-in.
There are no smartphones that don't require buying from chinks at some point.
I don't care, call me when Apple stops asking me $1000 for a phone ($900 for the glowing apple symbol and 100 for the actual phone btw)
employing kids don´t paying developers
probably own production so they don't have to rely on buying that shit from other manufacturers to build their phones
xiaomi isn't a well known brand in the west yet so they can't compete with well established brands when it comes to pricing
Also I've noticed that their phones have a rather high SAR value which is way above what's considered safe, but I guess if you aren't a poweruser it doesn't matter.
>You can also very easily uninstall pre-installed Mi software via ADB.
Having to use another device to uninstall programs on my phone is the very opposite of "very easily". Would you find it acceptable if you had to use your phone to install stuff on your desktop?
OnePlus 5 is much more quality product than redmi notes are
And even this had some quality problems
Still on OnePlus 5 myself and I'll try to squeeze another year at least before checking what 400 will get me
>Popup camera
Fucking garbage
>How do the chinks do it?
exploitation of their workers to the point of suicide
Wow, so difficult.
>that shitty camera
will be broken after a month of use since chinkshit
redmi note 7 costs 179€ in europe with 4gb ram/64gb, wtf are you talking about?
Finally, a worthy upgrade to my oneplus 5. Once it gets stable LOS it's an instant purchase for me.
Are you seriously using front camera at all?
>How do the chinks do it?
child labor
>You can just flash a custom rom and most of your problems will be solved
Note 4 owner here, what is a good rom for it?
thank you Sir.
No 90hz, no buy
>caring about a selfie camera at all
>no OIS
>no SD cards
>Gorilla glass 5, not 6 (ok this is asking kinda much)
They came close, but it's a nope from me.
>curved edges
>non-removable battery
>no mSD
>has a fingerprint scanner
>spyware OS
It's not worth more than 50$.
Only women use selfie cameras.
Do people actually buy new phones these days?
There's no bigger sign of being a classless incel than to be caught using a Xiaomi phone.
fucking cringy as all hell.
OIS on a poorfag camera?
He thinks adults care what kind of phone you use
Imagine caring about how other see you. Also there will be no bigger sign of being a classless incel than to still be working past 70 years like the faggots that burned their money in overpriced phones, while the chad Xiaomi buyers carefully put their saved money into ETFs and will enjoy retirement at 50.
Great reasoning. Surely you have the numbers of tested uses.
Have you ever burnt one in or are you just spouting shit? If you did burn in an LED screen, was it a handful of years ago+?
I make no effort to prevent burn in on my amoled screen on my relatively cheap phone, and it's fine a year later. It's a non issue for most people.
People are turning for Xiaomi phones, they are not an obscure brand anymore. Only wannabe influencers care about iPhones nowadays.
>curved edges
No, it doesn't have them.
>non-removable battery
Good luck finding any phone which isn't entry level garbage sold locally that still has it. Moot point.
>no mSD
First legitimate and actual complaint. I'm still bummed.
>has a fingerprint scanner
And? So? What's the problem here?
>spyware OS
Good thing Xiaomi is developer friendly so you don't have to stay on MIUI, right?
aparently spending +1k on a shitty phone makes you butthurt
ITUNES much?
>lcd-poor man's screen, no deep blacks
At this point ya'll just anti-conformist
By not including expandable storage.
yeah, it can be easily debloated with ADB, takes only a few minutes:
What? Is this 2005?
most of the price difference is from VAT.
Redmi Note 7 3GB/32GB price in China: CNY999 =~130€. Add ~20% VAT and you get 156€. Actual price in Europe is around 160€.
Redmi Note 7 4GB/64GB price in China: CNY1199 = ~155€, add 20% VAT and you get 186€. Actual price in Europe is around 180-200€.
>dev friendly
>requireds a 3rd party app on your PC that is proprietary and doesn't support Linux to unlock your bootloader
Sony, LG, Pixels don't require a 3rd party app.
I enable dev mode, enable ADB, "unlock bootloader" and reboot into fastboot mode to flash TWRP.
No 3rd party software Mi botnet flasher just stock ADB.
Unlock MIUI devices
Go to Settings > Mi Account and log in with your Mi Account.
Go to Settings > About phone and tap MIUI version 7 times to enable developer options.
Go to Settings > Additional settings > Developer options > Mi Unlock status and add your Mi account and device.
You will only be able to proceed if it’s been more than 72 or 360 hours that you successfully added your account and device. The waiting time depends on the phone model, you can check how much time is remaining by attempting to unlock.
Download, extract and run MiUnlock.
Log in with your Mi account.
Enter fastboot mode on the device by holding Power and Vol- until the splash screen comes up, then connect it to your PC.
Follow the instructions that appear on-screen and unlock the bootloader.
Note: Unlocking the bootloader will result in a factory reset.
>he has to sign up to a botnet and install a botnet tool to unlock his bootloader
No ois and gorilla glass bugged me too. I want everything OnePlus 7 is but with a 3.5 jack
>requireds a 3rd party app on your PC that is proprietary and doesn't support Linux to unlock your bootloader
I'm all for this, but what can I do? Also, Sony and LG are irrelevant and Pixel is only a thing in a single country in the world - the US.
>log in with your Mi Account.
>72 or 360 hours
>install a botnet tool
Yup, (((Xiaomi))) users are ultra-cucked retards
More internal storage costs a shitton more than a crappy SD slot.
iPhone faggot here. If I buy one those Redmi K20 can I connect it to the TV and use them to watch videos or play emulators? I Mean by wire, wireless display connections always feel laggy to me.
Sounds like your average lagdroid. At least this shit is cheap.
Android has screen casting.
Android has wired support.
So yes.
Holy fucking shit, what even is xiaomi.eu or LineageOS?
So I just connect to the TV with USB?
Why are you confused? Screen casting is wireless. USB to HDMI is wired. Android supports both. So yes.
what's the catch?
Every time i buy new hardware it leaves a unsavory taste in my mouth knowing that i put more money in the hands of the evil Han Chinese commie empire.
We're paying them to cuck us, i want western tech. Wat do?
Sorry, I was fed baby formula. Thanks it's clear now.
Pay mexicans to do it?
They'll just take existing hardware and delid it
Most Android phones do NOT support video out through the USB port.
What if we limit the dataset to only USB-C droids?
Check the list here:
It's not entirely up to date though, it's missing OnePlus 7 Pro for example which does support display out over HDMI.
Eh google did it. Most mid tier spec Samsungs have OIS cams somehow. I dunno if triple camera setup with a laser rangefinder and a 48mp sony main sensor for downscales 12mp pics counts as poorfag... Seems significantly worth it.
Well, no waterproofing. If it had everything mentioned but no 3.5mm, I'd take it. I use wireless noise canceling headphones anyway.
>By embedding advertisements into the system UI and selling your user data heavily, creating an ecosystem of payments and apps
...unironically: et al.
>pop up camera
What in the literal fuck?
>He buys an Android for group text