Thanks to republicans...

thanks to republicans, freemasons and progressive christians even linux is infected with marxist agitation and lgbt propaganda

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's wrong with the nose of the girl on the left.

use *BSD or a plan9 fork instead

>tattooed "candy" on your face
no wonder woman are dumb enough to eat cum

Um this has been the doing of Democrats and Jews. Remember, Obama had Ian Murdoch killed.

Never seen a jew before?

Yes, my Ubuntu installation kept alerting me when gay pride was about to happen in my city and when it was on, it refused to let me do anything because all i got was a lock screen that refused to let me log in with a rainbow flag saying GO TO PRIDE.

Oh well, at least i had a day out.

Doesn't a freely accessible, freely modifiable, that is by and large, available for free, with a community doing a lot of work for free not in some way marxist?

What in the actual flying fucking fuck are you talking about? In any case:

It is surprising the amount of people with facial tats i see, both male and female. Though the ones i see rarely look employable.

And most of them do it for free

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it's not marxist because it's not forced labor

so /v/ finally tired of Jow Forumstard crossboarders and now they've descended on Jow Forums?

>pl0x support national socialism now or you might have to work with poos, thots and even tranny speedrunners

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also you must be big time closeted if you don't think those girls are hot

They look like they smell of hummus.

GPL is literally marxism though

nor is marxism. you're mixing it with stalinism

You must be pig time thirsty to put your dick in skanky gutter punks.

your dick would literally dissolve after sticking it in their rancid cunts, they've probably had coke sniffed off their assholes and had heroin shot into their clits just to get off

yeah, blue hair with enough grease in it to fry a potato is super sexy

left one looks hot and isn't even one of the dangerous colors. the other two looks ugly tho

which is why the apache license or MIT is superior
give her 6 more months around those two

Hummus is good?

Hummus is hippy shit.

Get out of here Theo, no one cares about your meme license

Bet you ride a fixie.

BSD uses the BSD license (how surprising) not one of the listed you retard

>Republicans are somehow at fault for SJW shit

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Apache: you can do whatever you want except trademark the previous author's work, and you have to credit the previous authors and list the changes you made, and you can't sue me
MIT: you can just do whatever the fuck you want, i don't give a shit, but you can't sue me

Apache and CPAL are God-tier licenses that crush all versions of the GPL.

If you've never fucked a slut you really don't know what you're missing.
Use a condom retard.

>The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.

>When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
(this is still the preamble)
>To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to

How can you legitimately not fault someone for tolerating degeneracy that should be punishable by death in any decent state?

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>marxist agitation
this shit is not realted to lgbt
practical marxism is ultera right, but international

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i've fucked sluts, some even with tattoos, but they were tanned, sexy, fit, and didn't have ox rings in their face and their hair color was natural. yeah the pussy was tight and yeah i still jack off to it sometimes almost 8 years later, but i'm glad i never fucked a fat chick or a greasy bluehair

Those girls are really cute

wtf i love ubuntu now

>no wonder woman are dumb enough to eat cum
Thanks for the lol.

Cute girls

>left one looks hot

Attached: allahcursesthemwiththatnose.jpg (1080x807, 59K)

>Microsoft starts cooperation with Linux foundation
>"Free software" become SJW-infected
Mutts are retards: it wasn't m*rxists, but big corporations, who sold you for few additional shekels to shareholders

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Middle looks hot but probably has died armpit hair and smells like cat food.

Christ, they look like such coal burners.

Isn’t it weird when girls say the same for the male counterpart (prison wiggers with tats and sagging pants)

Armpit hair is hot

Based Allah.

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It has nothing to do with Marxism.

Grab a book and learn how to differentiate Postmodernism from Marxism.


You must be insane to pick these two over the far right one. She obviously has the best face, and doesn't look like she stinks enough to scare away a garbage man

back to windows it is

Marry, kill, fuck

have sex

Technically speaking, which operating system will shelter me from having to see body modified people?

You're right.
Thank G-d GNU isn't.

marry left because still salvageable
fuck right because less piercings/tattoos means less risk of hepatitis b/c
kill mid

>muh Jow Forums
Is normally the mark of a total faggot but in this case, OP is the faggot for barely if at all trying to make this post on topic.


>implying anyone with a face tattoo is employable

wtf i love nazis again

linux is literally communism, what were you expecting?

maybe it's just that marxistic feminist trannys self insert them in every hobby/interest we have?

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Imagine the smell

I really hope this picture is just a joke.

>marxists are opposed to proprietary software
I wonder why

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is plan9 even usable or is plan9 just a meme

use templeOS. it's the only non-communist OS

Jow Forums has ruined this board

pol spilled everywhere

theres nothing wrong with it, its cute

Based. Maybe in a few years it'll be worth using.

maybe that's because everything that isn't supposed to be political gets made political.
it looks like a pear dude

those are "the beautiful ones", lookup Calhoun's mouse utopia experiments...

sounds like tinfoil asshattery from a microsoft intern

You must have low standards to think any of them are more than a 6/10. If they cleanes up they could go to a 7/10.

Marry kill fuck

No they're just women.
Women spend all their free time on grooming, since their entire value as an individual is based on looks.

kill fuck marry

Not gonna lie but the Mandy Morbid lookalike on the right is cute.

No piercings?

>marrying a pornstar

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yes, the idea of other worldly creatures is haram.

and a kike stays a kike after marrying but a face tattooed thot can be made at least a good housewife.

Pretty boys are the beautiful ones.

If the kind of people on IRC and discord kept to themselves and don't organize raids publicly we wouldn't have had such shitposting nor the reaction to said shitposting (OP is part of the latter).
But here we are.

I just read the shit she posted on whoever this Zak guy is. Social media was truly a mistake. Imagine having a safe-space to freely defame someone's work lmao hurr durr I belief hur

who? link please, i don't have a social media

Marxists probably don't even know what free software is, go fuck yourself.

apparently neither do you

free as in freedom not as in price, stop your propaganda.

Neither do I but it's available outside of Disgracebook

fuck kill marry

wait, she literally IS a pornstar? holy shit. also tl;dr, she got treated like shit or what?

Marry, fuck, kill

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Plan 9 is worse than snake oil. Plan 9 was created to make distributed computing look like snake oil. Like UNIX compared to Multics, it arrived years after working distributed computing protocols and is still worse. AT&T's "research" is inferior to what was already on the market and will always be, no matter how much time and money is put into it. It's "research" that results in an inferior OS, increases costs on every single level, decreases productivity, replaces simple solutions with complex problems (sometimes so complex that nobody believes they can be solved), makes things worse for users, and prevents real researchers from doing what works because of "compatibility" with horrible interfaces. UNIX and Plan 9 are anti-research that shit on 60 years of computer science. That's why UNIX technology like Plan 9, BSD, and Linux in 2019 is worse than what Multics did in the 60s. Plan 9 uses "tar" to copy directory hierarchies not for any "philosophical" reasons, but because the version of UNIX it was based on didn't have "cp -r" and they were not capable of adding it. It doesn't have dynamic linking because they weren't smart enough to copy Multics or another mainframe system that does it properly. It still has the same bc calculator and all that other UNIX bullshit. What sucks is when Plan 9 weenies point to something that UNIX does wrong and blame the entire thing itself instead of the broken UNIX implementation.


I know the one in the middle. I fucked her in high school when she was in her prime. She turned into a lazy ass liberal who occasionally does shots for Suicide Girls and calls herself a model. She's struggling with the fact that her assets are dying out and she doesn't have any children to focus her time on, only blog posts and feminism. In fact, this is true for most of the women I knew who've gone down this route. It's a shame.

kill kill kill

>they were not capable of adding `cp -r`
do you really expect anyone to believe that?
>It doesn't have dynamic linking because they weren't smart enough
dynamic linking is actual snake oil. the people who first created it at sun microsystems admitted it was snake oil and was only ever created because their customers who wanted it didn't know any better but had lots of money. give me any benefit of dynamic linking and i'll tell you why it's bullshit. seriously, i want you to try and defend this garbage, it'll be funny.
it's a calculator meant to be used in shell scripting. if you had ever administrated any number of systems for any amount of time you would know exactly why bc exists.
>inb4 sucklessfag
i don't even use unix/plan9 shit, they have a lot of problems you just don't seem to know what they actually are.

Enlighten us then.

Who cares? The dumb slut didn't go to the police so I have no sympathy for the attention whore.