Who here going /bestofbothworlds/

who here going /bestofbothworlds/

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Full AMD or bust, nvidia is gonna start gimping the 10 series because no one is buying the RTX meme cards, they rather buy used GTX 10 series GPU's.

imagine having a cpu without integrated graphics

>no one is buying the RTX meme cards

Only broke ass Jow Forums fags pinching every penny they can are desperate looking for used 10xx gear. Everyone else that matters is getting 20xx GPU's including me.

Broke ass fags are the majority of the world...so yeah.

What used to be the meme combo now is actually the best we have.
Damn, Intel fucked up bad.

novideo is a turd, i'd rather buy shintel

>What used to be the meme combo now is actually the best we have.
It actually makes most sense in regions with AMD GPU prices markup/low stock

Remember the AM3 Nvidia chipsets.

I wish that Nvidia would do chipsets again for both Intel and AMD.

Not a problem unless you're retarded and use the proprietary drivers


Yeah maybe once they become price competitive and make proper drivers for Linux.

Since when NVidia makes CPUs? I'm fine with my RX580, but AMD's CPUs are shit.

NVIDIA's current gen is overpriced garbage

name a game that uses RTX

Hey man, as soon as AMD release a card that can compete with nvidia cards from three years ago I'll be on board.

Me too but in the meanwhile my rx 570 4gb handles any game at decent settings and framerate, in a time i had the money to get a GTX titan the og one i am glad i didnt look where the titan is now, so yeah Nvidia is good onl launch and AMD just keeps getting better.

>AMD's CPUs are shit.

>Higher IPC than Intel
>More Cores
>Consume less

In what world is Intel better than AMD exactly?

>more cores
Thank god.

>Using a RTX card for RTX

its also alot faster than 10x series m8

2070 outperforms a 1080 easily for a fraction of the price, who gives a fuck about RTX lmao

>Intel better than AMD
Who said that?
What I said is: AMD's GPU is ok, but I can't be /bestofbothworlds/ because their current CPU a shit. It may be better than Intel, but still shit in general.

>Not wanting your money to maximize it's utility
It's like you're trying to burn your wallet.

>their current CPU a shit. It may be better than Intel, but still shit in general.

Name a better x86-x64 cpu then you doofus

Let's assume the Navi card matches or outperforms the 2070 and it's cheaper but consumes 25 watts more, is it still worth getting the 2070?

The price difference isn't even that big. I had to upgrade anyways from a 1050 ti. i wanted a $499 video card so got a 2070. a 1080 cost MORE and is fucking slower and more outdated. Do you seriously do stupid shit to be smarter?.

>buying a card because of [feature]
>turing off that [feature] in order to match the competitors 2 year old card
>turning off said [feature] in order to match even your own cards from previous gen
The absolute state of nvidia cucks

obviously not, are you retarded

>buying a card because of [Performance] which also has an additional feature for more eyecandy if you care, or machine learning
>keeping it off for more performance or on for more eyecandy
>amd fags seethe, cry and throw shitfits when ever the tech is mentioned because they don't have it so it's a big point of contention

amd will also have it, dxr is platform, it's just stupid fanboyism as usual.
>h-how dare you suggest a product of a company that isnt the one i suck dick for is a valid option reeee

mine came in handy a couple times when i was troubleshooting and i would have been fucked without it. But still... I'd get an AMD cpu as an upgrade to my locked sandy

>amd will also have it
>it doesn't matter
>but my company will have it
Which is it, does it matter and amd doesn't have it like cucks.
Or it doesn't matter and amd not having it right now is okay. But then why the fuck would they get it a year later?
You realize you are being illogical and grasping for what ever you can to defend your precious company, regardless if you contradict yourself.
>it's just stupid fanboyism as usual.
the fucking irony of you saying that.

>>h-how dare you suggest a product of a company that isnt the one i suck dick for is a valid option reeee
Again, right back at you. Your lack of self awareness is disturbing.

Metro uses it for all the lighting, shadow of the tomb raider uses it for shadows and BFV uses it for reflections. Other than that nothing much.

go make your own cpu then smartass

got a gtx 1070 for under $200 recently. feels good. i'll let someone else pay the new hardware tax, thanks.

>>Higher IPC than 2013 Intel

Giving 200$ for card launched June 10, 2016
Being cocky about the "deal"

At this point I most likely will be. I'd be curious to see the price of AMD's Navi GPU stuff, so if that's not at some retarded price point like nVidia shit still is at, then I might go that route, otherwise I'll stick w/ my 980, even though it'll start getting bottlenecked with an upgrade.

I swear I fucking hate this planet. Fuck these fucking muh justice AMD faggots. You fucking communistic pieces of shit. Why dont you chink ass loving motherfuckers move to China? Fucking anime loving weebfagging trapfaggots. You are literally worse than leddit faggots with your fucking contrarianism.

Fuck AMD, fuck chinks and fuck all their niggerfagging communistic followers.

shut up nigger

You wouldn’t happen to be Jewish would you

Even if I was Jewish. I'd rather be a Jew than a fucking chink communist. At least Jews invented communism, chinks motherfucking blindly follow communism without even knowing or thinking about it. These bitchass motherfucking dicklets.

AMD is murrican, you mong

my gf has a 2200g + a gt 1030. Too lazy to go and boot her PC so have a picture of her instead

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I'm not brand loyal at all. I just buy what's best for me at the time. Right now that got me an AMD/Nvidia combo. My last machine had a Intel/AMD combo. Machine before that AMD/Nvidia, although I switch GPU's plenty, so sometimes I have AMD/AMD or Intel/Nvidia for a while. I don't see any point in being a fanboy.

Where are all the Ryzen laptops and ultrabooks then genius?

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My next gaymen machine is gonna be 3700x and used 1070ti most likely.

oh hey cool we have the same gf

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I think many of use have her as a gf

Ryzen 2 is for smart people, Navi is for poorfag fanboys.

But AMD is from the USA.

Currently pretty comfy with a 1070ti and r5 1600. Don't see any reason to upgrade for the foreseeable future, especially since I'm sticking to 1080p for a few years.

You're playing with Xbox One graphics but okay

based. Jow Forums is worse than leddit with amd shilling. i dont like/use intel but im not retarded enough to keep posting about it.
/gg/ board for consumer generals when? leave Jow Forums for actual technology discussion

have sex

>Not directly observing price/preformance ratio and computing a Max
Seriously, it's like all you did was compare performance at a fixed price. What a dumbass.

i did in 2001

AMD cards are far superior value. I can't even remember what the Nvidia competitor to this is (1060?) but I remember seeing videos showing that it was objectively worse AND much more expensive.

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Me. Im using a 1070 and a R5 1600X

1070 - 2600 masterace

AMD is American you fucking moron.

People aren't "shilling" AMD. They're excited about AMD's products because AMD is coming out with some great fucking processors these days, while Intel is literally imploding.

It's nothing to do with shilling and it's nothing to do with loyalty either. It's to do with the best products. In the future Intel may well return to be the king - given their history you would think it's likely. And the fact that they have Jim Keller now. But for the moment, AMD is the one producing great processors for great prices, so understandably people are hyped about their products.

>bing bing wahoo

>people are excited
doesn't change the fact that they're shitting up the board with edit wojaks and threads like "intel/nvidia/amd is FINISHED". then there's the same exact shit inside, e.g cherrypicked benchmarks where intel/nvidia/amd is underperforming, then you have 30 posts of people spamming other benchmarks.
you can be excited and not behave like autistic children. again, they should have their own board to shitpost in.

Why yes, I also have a 2700x + Vega 56. How did you know?
>running anything Nvidia in Linux
>running anything Intel after Haswell

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Nice triples.
Also same, fren.

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Intel probably are finished. They're fucked.
>Can't get 10nm out the door
>Roadmap has fucking nothing on it
>ZombieLoad / MDS
>Apple is literally dropping them for its own chips because Intel is so shit
Sure, you'd expect they'll come back eventually, but for the next couple of years, they're fucked. And it's a glorious thing to behold. They deserve an arse-kicking so that they actually innovate for once and stop charging stupid fucking price.

Sorry that you're so fucking butthurt that people are getting excited about good tech products. Jesus fuck, go to another fucking board if you don't like tech. Fucking faggot.

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what's the point of your post? i don't give a shit about the state of intel, i'm not a manchild that gets excited about whatever next big cpu is to the point of spamming threads. i'll check the benchmarks when it comes out out and that's it. imagine spending your time trying to make people cheer for the underdog, how is that not shilling?
>go to another fucking board if you don't like tech
i'm interested in tech and the discussions about it, not retards shouting at each other why their company is better than the other.

>he's not interested in exciting developments in tech
>he's some fucking autist getting annoyed because other people are excited
Why don't you just fuck off?

But Intcel is finished tho

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>being interested in tech means spending hours making wojaks edit and shitposting, not actually discussing tech
the absolute state of pc """enthusiasts"""

Problem is that few people will focus on performance instead of tribalism.
Intel fanboys will never buy AMD cpus, AMDrones would never touch a nvdia gpu no matter how better it was and the story goes on.

Thank god nvidia doesn't make x86 cpus else we would have even more fanboyism and shitty wojak edits

>Problem is that few people will focus on performance instead of tribalism.
This. Zero loyalty to any company master race reporting in.

>he's butthurt by people just shitposting and having fun
Literal fucking autism.

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>master race

The vast majority of people are not "fanboys", they're just people looking for the best product, and currently AMD is making some exciting products, so people are excited about that. In a few years' time, maybe Intel will come out with something exciting, and people will meme about that.

>everyone else that matter

>has fun by shitposting with other retards
you're all manchildren, thanks for proving my point

I fell for the Maxwell memes with the 970 even after learning how terrible of a company Nvidia has been all those years. Never again, they have been a literal cancer to the PC gaymen world and the enterprise.
Who with a working brain would ever buy Intel in this state? Yes, the 9900k is the best 8 core CPU out there, but why would I get that when the 2700x is extremely close while costing less, consuming less power, and infinitely less security vulnerabilities? This is not even considering the kikery Intel has gotten away with for decades.
AMD is no saint either, they have done shady shit in the past as well, but not as damaging as the other two. Fuck, they're milking us right now since Intel can't compete. If Intel had any working 10/12 core right now, they would have released the 16 core part immediately.

Intel + Nvidia Master Race

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I need products that work for more than a week and only amd offers those.

gonna do a 3rd gen threadripper and rtx 2080 Ti build here