I am hyped
Have sex.
I have sex everyday, pussy.
translate it to me
Instead of having only atomic primitives, you can ensure that there are no race conditions between threads with whatever object you want
>hyped for a programming language
the absolute state of incels
We get it, you are a [spoiler]NEET[/spoiler]
Why would you need to wait?
It's just a wrapper around a lock, you can write it yourself right now.
Yeah but:
1) What lock
2)How do you guarantee the red box of OP image?
This is great because it saves time
With a mutex, like people have been doing for ages.
nice projection
I mean I'm not as experienced, but isn't it better to go with CAS operations when possible? Is it definite that this is just a wrapper for a mutex ?
>a scat fetistist is "hyped" to see the sepples sphincter open in anticipation of another stinking log
in go this is just ``go build -race''
Cpus can only do atomic operations on word sized (or possibly double word sized) integers, guaranteeing memory ordering and 'atomic' operations on anything larger needs to be done with some kind of lock.
What's a good resource to learn C++17 from the ground up? Without dusting off my old c++ books and then having to piece together all the changes.
OP, finish your studies before posting this shit. It's too obvious you're an 18 years old freshman that doesn't know shit and thinks programming and new features are "cool". Don't worry, this excitment over nothing will go away in max 2 years.
I wonder how it's implemented. is it like shared_ptr with atomic flag?
this is like 5 lines of code even in sepples lmao
>The primary std::atomic_ref template may be instantiated with any TriviallyCopyable type T (including bool):
oh, so CAS or LL/SC depending on platform
>with whatever object you want
if I understand it correctly, it's only on TriviallyCopyable types, so 16 bytes max
top cuck
Yeah CAS, LL/SC, or fetch and add/subtract. No traditional locks, just asm instructions that behave atomically.
Hey Jade, if you're in this thread, call me.
This is either bait or hardcore projection. CS freshmen are not doing multi-threaded lock-free stuff, they are doing loops and variables.
OP here, I am actually investigating LL methods for parallel algorithm implementations for a university in Spain
it can't br that simple, all of them ensure atomic access only for few operations, not for potentially long lifetime of the guard
Nah I've just misunderstood how it's supposed to work. It really is just dispatch for various compare and exchange atomic operations.
Bend over.
I didn't mean to criticize you op. I was just criticizing the guy whining about being excited for language features. If you are actually a freshman who is working on parallel algorithms you are ahead of the curve.
More garbage on the garbage heap.
Only nerds get excited over programming functions for coarrays.
But only the most jaded and cynical of programmers would dismiss such functions being added to new versions as a trivial feature
Sepples strikes fear into the heart of pajeets and soibois
>language is already bloat.
>adds more useless stuff no one uses, making it a bigger mess.
oh no where dem auto_ptr go?!
they take stuff out too.
Sex with you daddy or whatever nigger you drunk drugged mommy brought home last night to burst you ass doesn't count tranny.
give birth
So make it hold a pointer.
took them how many years???
>not being hyped for modules
>not being hyped for concepts
>not being hyped for contracts
For all the things you could be hyped about, you picked one of the most meaningless ones.
Hi Pat
Find love (for once in your pathetic life)
>no race conditions
These SJW CoC are really getting out of hand.
>posting this unironically
Look into how Clojure implemented Atoms.
Congrats Sepples, atoms are nice.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.