Just found out websites like pipl.com or spokeo.com exist. wtf? It's obnoxious as fuck, Why is this shit not even illegal?
Just found out websites like pipl.com or spokeo.com exist. wtf? It's obnoxious as fuck...
this is why you never use your real name for anything online
I ain't clicking that shit, nigga
What are the websites?
>tfw named John smith so even if my info is actually on there it's borderline impossible to find
>tfw never use my real name anywhere anyway
The only way you will be able to find real people on these sites is if they are a bottom of the barrel normie or fucking ask to be put on there.
>No one I care about is on there.
that isnt how it works you tremendous retard. my grandma doesnt even know what a computer is and yet she's on all these websites. you're not listed because you're probably a teenager or a NEET,
They usually get it through other websites like wihtepages.com. Whitepages basically get information through house ownership or apartment rentals. Honestly, websites like these should be banned and removed. Though, it won't happen, sadly.
>websites like these should be banned and removed
Banned by whom and for what reason?
your public data doesn't go away when people stop collecting it you idiot
>girl i stalk is on here
States in the order of the people that they serve. Reason? Easy way to track someone and dox them. Heck, some retard 600 miles away can easily find that information and use that information any way fit.
True, but getting rid of internet websites would make it harder for hacker-joe that lives 600 miles away in getting that information. If one really wants that information, they can go to their local city hall to obtain it.
>moved to japan
>don't show up any more
feels good, man
online white pages
So we should ban Facebook and Twitter too?
I don't understand the logic here, if you don't want people to dox you, don't put up your information where it's available to the public. It's quite simple.
I tried dealing with Pipl before and they suck at removing old links. I deleted my last.fm profile like 6 years ago. It's still there.
Spokeo deletes your profile right away.
Reported to head CIA nigger.
This, unfortunately people became increasingly retarded after social media and somehow society went from "never ever put your info online" to "Look at my newborn child, his name is Arnold and his social security is 132-22-2334"
At most I use my real name and occasionally email online, but unless I'm buying shit all my info is fake or left blank
>Using a website to look up public records is illegal
>he doesn't have a fake identity that he exclusively uses online
pfffft, please don't tell me there are actually people here with only 1 SSN
Facebook and Twitter is voluntary information. Living in a home and other people putting grabbing that information and putting it online is not voluntary.
The internet as it is already causes psychological problems.
I don't want to go full Lain and develop a second personality to shitpost and watch porn.
Living in a house doesn't magically put your information up, tard. You can buy a house without it appearing on public records under your name. Stop being a retarded underaged faggot and get off this site.
Yeah it does. I live with my parents and my information is in the search engines like whitepages and spokeo.
This is the last (You) I'm going to give. Stop being a retarded schizo and change your name if you care that much.
>implying they won't just get that information too
>It's obnoxious as fuck
Why, are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
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