/cyb/ + /sec/ question here
Does anyone know any good introductory material on Human Psychology and behavior manipulation?
/cyb/ + /sec/ question here
Does anyone know any good introductory material on Human Psychology and behavior manipulation?
>All you need
This looks pretty cool user, watch this.
Thanks user!
What does this picture have to do with technology?
anime thighs are technology
There's a great book "Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking" that goes over techniques and the psychology/sociology behind doing it. I have the first edition, looks like there's a second edition now.
I see anime, I bump the thread.
Very simple.
Can't argue with that.
how do i convince people to give me their detailed credit card info + personal info??
ask them politely.
Sometimes it works, even if it's 3 out of 100, it's always worth it.
Just scam niggas in runescape
>social engineering the art of human hacking
I read it, and recommend it.
>Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking
His first edition is the one I mentioned here.
Cool I'll give this one a try.
>what does an anime picture have to do on an anime website
ok dipshit
may i have your detailed credit card info + personal info?
excuse me, maam/sir, but for verification purposes we will need the last 4 digits of your social security number and your date of birth
Ok so preamble sends
to adjust the clock, but what if after this there is some problem and it changes the "rythm" at which bits arrive? is that even possible in the window of time between the end of the preamble and the end of the packet?
can i execute low-level commands through browser webgl program? For example can i eject someone dvd drive, just because he clicked into my link? WebGL in theory gives me control over gpu, what can i do with it?
You don't really have control over the GPU, you just have access to an API webgl provides. You'd need to find a vulnerability in webgl to do anything that's not intended.
We are missing a lot of pasta in the OP.
Yeah here ya go: Almost everyone is completely retarded and hasn't the slightest idea or interest of whats going on inside their electronics or how to even use them properly.
cyberpunk has nothing to do with cybersecurity
the Bible
cybersecurity has nothing to do with cyberpunk
That's not how butts look.
Why is the normal OP message gone?
Last thread here:
starting strength and PUA guides
Enjoy your ban, pedo degenerate.
I don't think PUA guides are very scientific.
Are you retarded?
That picture is literal hypnosis. I'd say you already know your stuff.
> muh animu wesite
From last thread:
>There's a thread in /t/ that's trying to compile as many of the Humble Bundle books as possible.
>I still need to parse through the /sec/ section that already exists and reformat it with updated links. I'll have to remember to add those No Starch books when I get to the books section.
Is this the thread?
I want to make these my pillow.
>compile as many of the Humble Bundle books as possible
I think you should try with
Did you check if that was a subset already in AEL? (I cannot torrent)
nope, unfortunately AEL torrent is a whole package and there is no file list.
Dont bump this thread, its basically anime girls xddd
Also, they dont even have the links the thread usually has, this is a falseflag thread by sec/cyb haters
s e e t h i n g
While the OP was rather lacking I don't see much sign of bad intents. Also it is the only one we have. I say we take it and run with it. It is up to us to turn this into another fun ride into the world of Cyberpunk.
I wouldnt mind so much if op wasnt animegirl posting to keep the thread alive, if it was at least cyberpunk animegirl i could understand, as it is op is offtopic posting and should be banned.
I wish that was me
holy earrape this sux
Will pic. related be a good compensation? (I have several)
>and there is no file list
I had hoped someone would generate one. At 2MB it is large but would fit on the FTP site.
Ok now its fine.
This thread is complete larp.
This one is.
Last thread was a decent sec thread, had even some anons who helped me understand some things i hadnt understood.
Anyway, i am going to start reading TCP/ilustred, if i read the most recent volume will i miss out something on the earlier volumes?
Also, do i need some a priori knowledge in order to understand the book?
OK, time for
=== /sec/ News:
This time an in depth article on why Huawei is less than welcome.
>Hobbling Huawei: Inside the U.S. war on China’s tech giant
>For months, Australia warned the United States about the destructive capacity of 5G technology. Now, America is aggressively campaigning against Chinese telecom champion Huawei, fearful Beijing’s domination of 5G could be used for espionage and sabotage.
I still think cyberpunk will come through china, i mean there is nothing that can stop china at this point, we are fucked.
Read the WSJ article on Hauwei too
I can't say much but right now the west coast transit / construction industry is being targeted in a spear fishing campaign. So far they are just trying to get people to purchase gift cards (stupid low level shit) but my guess is this is only Pen Testing for actual future OPS.
You are a sensationalist
>”pen testing”
You are just a retard who cant open his eyes, china is slowly but surely dominating the world.
Their extreme control over all spheres of their society will ensure their sucess where USA failed.
Anyway, china itself is already cyberpunk, i really wouldnt want to live in that shithole.
China has a lot of internal tension that the rulers fear will rip the country apart. That is why there is so much surveillance and executions. They are even doing a roaring trade in body parts from the executed.
We are approaching the 30 year anniversary of the massacre at Tienanmen Square. Expect tension to increase further.
Got a link?
Is there really anything that can "rip the country apart" when they are willing to unleash tanks on civilians?
As soon as there are uprisings they will just mass execute the rebels, they have no shortage of population after all.
Pakistan will nuke China
This rhetoric is always the same. Chinese men in 2008 were saying they’d all be kings and now the world sees China for what it is which is an open air slave camp that nobody wants to live in.
>the world sees China for what it is which is an open air slave camp that nobody wants to live in.
The average normies i know are all like
>uuuuuuh why u against huawaii nigga are u a ciadrone or something lmaaaaaaaooooooo
They act like if the fact that usa spying on you excuses china spying on you, and they dont realize that china is actually the bigger threat.
They literally have the mentality
>everyone spies on me so fuck it right?
instead of
>what the fuck these companies spy on me they should fucking hang
By normies i mean the average joe who doesnt dabs into security.
I don’t get your point
The US knows that China spies
So they ban hauwei
The reaction of some retard laymen observers doesn’t matter
>The reaction of some retard laymen observers doesn’t matter
It matters, because they are still going to buy huawai products, which is more money/power to the inhuman government that is china.
Any state is prepared to meet violence with violence, Tienanmen square is just an example that anti-riot forces are more efficient than ordinary soldiers.
>pedo degenerate calls someone retarded
The irony
You know that Jow Forums is satire and that fascism is objectively retarded, right?
does it matter?
*unzips dick*
>Does anyone know any good introductory material on Human Psychology and behavior manipulation?
This is why this pic op posted was a fucking bad idea, it atracts subhumans.
I will wait for this thread to die and hope someone makes a non shit sec thread.
>woman with boobs as big as her head is a child
Yeah, you're retarded.
The corruption is enormous and the common people are fed up with it. There have been riots and brutal responses from the government but people are still angry, angry enough for more riots.
It will be only senseless deaths, they cannot against the government military might and the international community doesnt do shit about shit, for fucks sake.
>complaining about anime on an anime website
you're just mad because it worked to get people to pay attention
The Chinese are used to senseless deaths, and an estimated 3000 were killed in the Tienanmen Square massacre. Also it is surprising how few it takes to revolt:
the best kind of clickbait. it just works.
not OP, but you have a point
Body augmentation is a stable part of cyberpunk visions. So how are we doing these days?
=== /cyb/ News:
>Fertility paradox in male beauty quest
OK, so someone is "augmenting" themselves for good looks, and how is it going?
>Scientists have uncovered an evolutionary paradox where men damage their ability to have children during efforts to make themselves look more attractive.
>He told the BBC: "They are trying to look really big, to look like the pinnacles of evolution.
>"But they are making themselves very unfit in an evolutionary sense, because without exception they had no sperm in their ejaculation at all."
Someone drowned in the gene pool.
Night is here. Let's keep the show running.
Nah, i am mad at the kind of people who were attracted to this thread, sec+cyb are usually comfy, this one is not i must admit.
the US spies like a motherfucker and we started a long time before Huawei was even founded.
it's not about "spying" - only jingoistic retards like you actually swallow that horseshit.
it's about power and brinksmanship.
Specify, its biological bodily augmentation.
A robotic arm would not have this drawback.
Also, i think that instead of injecting hormones, techniques to force your own body to produce more of said hormones without making your glandules shut down is the way to go.
What kind of drawbacks a lifelong use of a prothestical arm would have? maybe it would atrophy muscles?
nigga make your own thread then
quit your bitching
you wouldn't have muscles anymore, just machine connected to nerve endings. the arm would likely be so strong that it could harm the rest of your body during routine movements.