Can your text editor of choice export your current text file to .html in a fraction of a second?

Can your text editor of choice export your current text file to .html in a fraction of a second?

Attached: 1078fa6ef51548f1724a97c14a0cec0e.png (162x176, 5K)

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I think Notepad does this.
It's called the save button.

>export text file to HTML
Wtf is that supposed to mean, it's fucking text. Just change the file ending brainlet.

wtf OP?

we need an Emacs reborn. i know that it hurts but it has to be done.

That unicorn is ugly as fuck.

I'll make the logo and [spoiler]set up electron.

html is a text file.

to make it valid (w3 standards) HTML, you'll need to edit the beginning too, othereise you don't need to edit either

You can record a vim macro to do that.
But then my clipboard manager can do that anyways.

Attached: CopyQ.ZrQKyH.png (954x1044, 166K)

>average notepad-user reading comprehension
how are you going to write text if you can't even read LMAO

emacs is emacs reborn
it's still in development

They're on it.

Attached: CopyQ.dPxZMs.png (557x452, 32K)

I knew copyq did it, but I never actually tried it.
So I didn't realize how fun it was.

Attached: ssr.webm (1680x1050, 2.88M)

Emacs is definitely the comfiest one.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-29 00-46-46.png (686x663, 117K)

That already exists. It's called Guile Emacs. Nobody uses it.

If I set an autocommand to use pandoc yes.

you mean can i write click on a text file and change its file extension?

Your IQ can't possibly be this low.

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God KDE is so based

>your current text file
Well technically emacs copies the text of files on the disk into a temporary buffer for editing.

No, because it is a text editor, not a text to html converter. Duh.



Why would I ever use (((Emacs))) when it doesn't have the backing of such intellectual philosophers as Uriel, Anselm R. Garbe, Luke Smith and Szabolcs Nagy?

Attached: serious_programming.png (641x429, 204K)

>appeal to the authority
I guess you are homosexual because some big name is a fag too.

>appeal to autism
think it was in jest dude

Because they are all retards.
Also, you're a retard as well, because the title refers to the talk below it on that page, not above.

But these philosophers actually understand the true nature of software. They understand how C was created from raw assembly to give the programmer the bare minimum high-level tool necessary to write all serious programs. Anything else is essentially a cheap imitation of C. This leads to ultra-minimalist software like Vim and Mutt being preferable to non-cat-v-compliant bloatware alternatives like (((Emacs))).

Attached: slcon2013.png (1000x750, 1010K)

theres some "toHTML" function in vim that generates html including syntax highlighting and formatting. it's pretty cool but i don't see why you would ever need that.

they look very uncomfortable having their pictures taken. i can relate. i guess im a suckless sperg now.

I know this is bait, but I'll point out the following for anyone else here biting:
>we already had higher level languages long before c. entire operating systems were made with them long before unix
>c is an imitation of algol and b, while languages that came before are their own thing
>vim and mutt are bloated abominations. retards believe they are "minimal" just because they run in a terminal
>extreme minimalism isn't good, but pseudominimalism, that is, using software that pretends to be mimimal but isn't, and insisting it is, is mental illness
>large doesn't necessarily imply bloated, especially if it's well designed and modular. see pic related

Attached: 1554312236197.jpg (1200x900, 209K)

>intellectual philosophers
>Luke Smith

Attached: 1472541315316.jpg (500x655, 53K)

Why would I even want it to.
If I want text I write text
If I want html I write html
What's next an editor that exports text as C code or some asinine bullshit like that?
Literally a worthless "feature"

one sleevejob, please

>I write html
Spotted the slave-laborer.

Keyword want
Is English your first language?

I do have a personal site written in static html1.1 which I link to in my resume. I don't do webdev or development like a code monkey slave. I'm currently doing R&D and validation but I hop around the industry because my skill set is fairly diverse from esoteric wizard level stuff to common server administration skills.
I pretty much chose the work I do.

>I do have a personal site written in static html1.1 which I link to in my resume. I don't do webdev or development like a code monkey slave. I'm currently doing R&D and validation but I hop around the industry because my skill set is fairly diverse from esoteric wizard level stuff to common server administration skills.
Cool. Where do I subscribe to your blog?