This guy is coming to your home, and asking nicely for your email/phone number to update his webserver db

this guy is coming to your home, and asking nicely for your email/phone number to update his webserver db..
he said that his company have a backend system malfunction, and some of the users data that are meant to be used by him had been corrupt.
how do you answer him Jow Forums?

Attached: (474x742, 32K)

"Fuck off creep, i called the police"

Kill it with fire cuz that's a fucking lizard.

Attached: 1558953332616.jpg (410x496, 24K)


i would poke him in the eyes like Moe does to Curly or Larry

Attached: Moe.jpg (268x188, 8K)

Chills in the testes

Attached: 50c046041e54ecebf6ec4030b59133a3.jpg (1200x1600, 289K)

I show him my pig farm.

>how do you answer him Jow Forums?
blow his head off with a shotgun, like any reasonable person would.

Sorry but I don't believe in a non anonymous online presence.

You cannot kill the zuck that easy, your data will be his one way or another.

Attached: 32628jtdh6e.gif (518x263, 1.04M)

>Chills in the testes
Chills in the testes


Attached: 1556994978298.jpg (466x388, 28K)

Turing test him, then say goodbye and send him on his way.

Invite him inside, roll a few d20s then cart out the sodium pentothal.

great answer

I escort him back to the oven his ancestors escaped from.

Attached: AH.png (450x399, 186K)

you kill the thread i dont like you back to Jow Forums

>sorry user but that answer isnt consistent with baseline responses

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>you kill the thread i dont like you back to Jow Forums

Attached: 20190528_234336.png (218x218, 20K)

the police will ask for your details and give it to him Because he promised them 1,000 fake likes

> zuck is a t1000
well, the terminator was able to destroy him so.. there's hope for us. we can bring down skynet!

>how do you answer him Jow Forums
First I'll put my pants on. Then
I'd offer him my finest cuts of Velveeta, and proceed to tell him that I don't use his service, because
>no friends
>no gf
>no job
>all because I smell like Velveeta


Attached: stupid.png (800x1000, 409K)

Man these spam bot threads are really getting surreal.

>intelligence of an anime poster

rim my filthy asshole cockzucker

Kek, this image is prime shitposting material.

do you ever think that killing yourself might be the answer?

>do you ever think that killing yourself might be the answer?

Attached: 2C08AB80-F5E0-4B01-AEEA-7CD5539F22F4.jpg (199x253, 9K)

good man

Nice thighs..
How much onions sauce should i need to consume to get to this perfect shape?

Your childhood involved pedophilia?

is this the lizard mode?

facebook > skynet
is the ultimate AI botnet sys a simple primitive steroid base cyborg dont have a chance

Attached: mark-zuckerbergs-first-hoodie.png (442x473, 253K)

he literally can't enter my country without being arrested lol

north korea?

Hey whats 1/0?