Poll: Who here Libreboot?
I don't use software (or anything for that matter) made by trannies
simple as
Jesus fucking Christ you guys. There isn't even an actual "libreboot," it's just a pre-compiled Coreboot ROM without any binary blobs. STFU with your "muh trannie" garbage
This. When people care more about politics than pragmatism.
Why is Jow Forums on every board now?
are you new here?
Because Jow Forumstards are the new furfags.
Jow Forums didn't start leaking this badly until after 2015, are you new here?
Jow Forums is Jow Forums
your shitty Jow Forums only exists because of us
now sit down, shut up, and bend over
Lmao, no, not at all.
Y'know. Jow Forums meant absolutely nothing until post-2015. But, Jow Forums is despised as a leaking cesspool of unoriginal thought.
Your entire collective (ironic, considering you all want to be individualists) political agenda is from fucking macro images, you loser.
Uhh, yes? That's literally all that Jow Forums is.
Thread after thread if the same macro images, with the same macro message, with the same inane macro comments, over and over again.
None of this would have happed if some groups on IRC and discord didn't publicly organize raids on Jow Forums. It wouldn't have caused this kind of shitposting in the first place.
Stop confusing pol with your life, NPC71165006
The worst thing about it is that the mods don't do anything to stop them, despite it directly contravening global and board rules.
I'm using it on my haxx0r lappy (x200), all of my other computers are too new to support it though.
(you) reparations
Whoa, so original. Oh wait, that's another one of your unoriginal Jow Forums thoughts! Awesome, you vacuous loser. Lemme know when those ShareBlue Shills steal your last HuWhite woman!
Fun fact, idiot, I used to be one of you pieces of human shit. I learnt that it was all bullshit, and you will too.
your autism is showing
Praise Kek, amirite, brothers?!
cool it with the antisemitism
Election cancer should leave. You included.
Eggsdee, lets go and steal a flag, amirite? :^) We're so counterculture now! Woooo!
Greatest ally.
He's your President, whether you like it or not.