>bug free
>screen tearing to discourage people who buy bad hardware
>minimal memory usage
>tiling by snaping windows to left right or corner of the screen
>you chose linux cause you wanted to customize everything, right?
>the most customizable desktop environment
>come home autist
Bug free
Other urls found in this thread:
I love this DE.
who are you quoting?
for me it's xubuntu
Boys use xubuntu 18.04. Men use xubuntu 16.04.
I see you're using shfckee...
I'm happy with WindowMaker. The comfyness and ease of use of a DE with the lightweightness of a WM.
>screen tearing to discourage people who buy bad hardware
It tears on ALL hardware.
Works on my machines.
this all applies to mate besides the screen tearing part since it actually has a working compositor
>use registry cancer to store configs
if they doesn't do this i would switch to it right now
this is the massive downside with the desktop. not many options are shown in the regular settings. it's not gnome level but it's still somewhat limited. you have to dig around in dconf to really be able to customize the desktop. I don't know why they choose to show some of them and not all
You only get screen tearing if you are too stupid to set up compton and disable the native compositor
One of my instructors pronounced it "ecks-faiss." According to the wiki page, you're just supposed to say the letters.
yeah but you can't make more than one dock in multiple different virutal desktops mate, resize it, change the buttons on the dock however you want, and add your own buttons that do custom things.
x fssssss
It's trash. I used to use it before I discovered AmiWM, Worker, and NEdit along with other basic utilities.
Intel iGPUs have a tear free option you need to enable manually in an Xorg configuration file. This fixes the issue forever on all desktops or window managers.
XFS is best FS.
Radeon teared for me but was easily fixed by editing xorg config. amdgpu never teared at all for me.
>actually using any window composition whatsoever
enjoy your input lag retard
>crash when copying files
xfce is nice, but I hate what have they done to the xfce-goodies.
The weather applet is ruined.
Can it run KDEConnect?
anything can run KDE connect
just install KDE connect and the KDE connect indicator
>>screen tearing to discourage people who buy bad hardware
I thought xfce was supposed to be lightweight, for toasterfags
>>screen tearing to discourage people who buy bad hardware
is this supposed to be a feature?
He's talking about Nvidia cards.
You need a shit load of KDE dependencies.
I get screen tearing with intel GPU as well.
Does anyone know what's new in the new version and when it's released?
>screen tearing
Xfce 4.13pre1 doesn't have that problem
why are you using it if you do not know how to config it
the Tear Free option does fix tearing on intel gpus
but at the same time it introduces other issues (i.e. flickering, input lag, stuttering)
around August 11th
Correct. But you can.
love this DE