Honest to goodness, if money isn’t an object; Apple’s ecosystem is unparalleled. This coming from myself, a UNIX developer.
Honest to goodness, if money isn’t an object; Apple’s ecosystem is unparalleled. This coming from myself...
>Apple’s ecosystem is unparalleled
it's a walled garden of pure fucking cancer that cooperates daily with the NSA and FBI. consider suicide, tim cook.
Okay, good luck with Microsoft and Google then, pal. Literally DARPA honeypots.
people who dont like apple have no taste and only value raw numbers over everything else
Based Holy Trips. Pic related is $500 on eBay and has a 2K display and PCIE SSD. There’s no excuse anymore to be using office PC garbage
>DARPA honeypots
darpa isn't the ones doing the surveillance, you stupid cunt. it's the NSA.
xD you guys are my heroes
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shiny thing = gay. Am I gay for driving my Rolls Royce? No. Is my daughter gay for driving her Mercedes? No. It’s class.
>One button mouses
There's no justification for this.
>deflecting this hard
unparalleled stupidity
Modern Rolls royce? Modern Mercedes?
These are terrible cars with awful tacky styling for tasteless arabs.
You're gay for trying to show off on an anonymous image board. Why don't you use that money to see a therapist instead, you sad fuck.
it's 2019 you can come out now :D
people are very accepting
stop giving him (You)s please
DARPA started Google and Microsoft to create a controlled VRstyle hub, we now know as the internet. They’ve admitted this, it’s literally in their white papers. Google makes no apologies for being DARPA.
>asking a schizo poster for source
>UNIX developer
No, you're an iToddler. I work on software for real UNIX SysV distros like Solaris, HP-UX, and some legacy UNICOS systems. MacOS isn't even POSIX compliant and uses inferior GNU tools anyways. The kernel is literally named XNU (X is Not UNIX). Yet here you are, talking out of your ass.
By the way, the best operating system for new developers is Ubuntu. It makes all the tools you need easily accessible with a good community and decent docs. Neither Windows nor MacOS does this.
>Am I gay for driving my Rolls Royce?
Yes. If you purchase things that place form over function you're a massive faggot. If you can't take your entire car apart yourself in your garage you're fucking bitch. If you order steaks at a restaurant instead of cooking them yourself you aren't a man. I bet you don't even eat meat. You probably walk around with a purse full of s o y lent.
You're fruit and a vegetable. iToddlers BTFO
Absolutely based
where's satania?
what happened to satania posting?
Nah, you just value style over substance, and are willing to pay a premium for the style. But that's ok. It takes all types. I don't place value in image, which is why I drive a used Honda Fit and use a used Elitebook 8770w. I get to where I'm going with the same reliability and at the same speeds (and probably better gas mileage) than you, but I don't look as cool doing it. And that's fine, too.
>taste = jamming computer components into spaces so tight they overheat
Based poster. What do you drive user? I drive a Supra Mark IV with a biturbo engine. I even remapped it myself.
She got BTFOd
oh hey im a unix developer too
i own 15 macbooks
Dude look up ThinkPad thermals...Apple is not alone
Its aesthetics and nothing more.
The amount of dubs refuting you and the trips are mind boggling.
What laptop has good thermals?
Asus or HP believe it or not.
2007 Dodge Charger. It's a pretty nice car. Haven't had a single issue with it since I got it in 2008.
Meant for
You drive a donkey Rakesh. Go back to your designated shitting street.
Reminder that this iPajeet shill outed himself.
>makes fake celebrity account
>sends himself messages for "le ebic trole xD"
>forgets to remove his sim
>exposes himself as a literal pajeet on vodafone india
>actually tries to pull a "i-i-i was just PRETENDING to be a pajeet" "i-i-it was just a joke!"
>even tries to hide it with airplane mode
>finally resorts to removing his SIM
How the fuck are shitpad thermals relevant? Apple is the only manufacturer that has a fetish for slim trash to the point where their entire "desktop" and laptop lineup consists of it.
Call me when you have functioning window server, frog
tfw was too stupid to learn CS and become an NSA employee just so that I can see all the celebrity nudes for free.
>good luck with microsoft and google then
what if i told you that you don't have to use applel, microshaft, or goggle?
Apple's hardware ecosystem is garbage though...
is this bait or shilling?
What's funny is not only are Apple products typically outclassed in performance by most other high end brands but they're not even close to top-dog in aesthetics and premium quality. Their products break like nothing because of ass backwards design decisions, they're made of non-premium materials and they're non-user repairable.
Apple products are the Beats by Dre equivalent to the computing market; overpriced, shit quality, shit performance and ugly but somehow worshipped by normies who don't know the difference.
In all my years of experience here, I'm more inclined to believe that the majority of posts people yell "shill" at are just mentally deranged people desperate for attention. I wish I was joking but that seems much MUCH more likely than someone paying even a small amount for a large amount of shill posts.
believe it or not, there is real shilling in Jow Forums/nel, and sometimes you can see the evidence in a very clear way.
for example, I once saw THE SAME THREAD, WITH ALMOST THE SAME RESPONSES in multiple boards... I left a comment in that thread, and some user confirmed to me that the thread had been posted elsewhere, too.
there have been times where anons found even more clear evidence of shilling.
>The kernel is literally named XNU (X is Not UNIX
I don't see the issue, UNIX is a family of operating systems, not display servers. OS X doesn't even use X so I don't see what that has to do with it either.
That's not evidence of shilling, that's only evidence of coordination. People have been open about coordinated shitposting for multiple years now. I remain unconvinced that it's not people acting like shills for the sake of chaos. Either gaining attention, purposely frustrating the userbase, or false flagging (getting caught as a shill to make the people you're "shilling" for look bad).
The "discord trannies" may be the latest nomenclature but this has existed for a long time before. There are multiple channels dedicated to lowering the quality of targeted boards. You underestimate the power of mental illness and the freedom people who hold it have. They're typically on benefits with unlimited free time. When you consider disorders like OCD start with obsessive, it might make more sense to you.
Combine this with the lack of identity, lack of the benefit of the doubt, and lack of knowing if people ribbing are being sincere (appearing as part of the same group) or not (mocking them in a way that is ambiguous to others). It's impossible to really say one way or the other but I still lean towards people being stupid for no reason rather than for profit, given where we are.
you're right... if it's still 2007
today? their hardware is a joke and the creeping walled garden can fuck right off
>lagdroids will never know this feeling
i have an acer that stays super cool somehow. i've heard the fans running maybe a dozen times. the keyboard is actually really nice too.
i often pretend to shill for things i don't like to make the people i disagree with look retarded. i often shill rust here like a moron in order to scare people away from using it.
I really wish people didn't do this. Regardless of it being an unfair tactic and classic FUD that confuses a good amount of people. It concerns me the most that it gives people ammo AGAINST anonymous discussion and makes people want to add identity to everything. I really can't blame them but I obviously don't want that. There really isn't anything you can do about it besides tell everyone to not trust one another. Which is sensible sure, but doesn't make for a great community imo.
Jow Forums exists entirely as a joke as far as i can tell. if i wanted an actual discussion i would go to hn or irc.
>Jow Forums exists entirely as a joke
It really is a shame that this opinion has grown and become reinforced. Jow Forums is simply what it is, an anonymous forum.
There is of course this >>>/global/rules/6
There exists space here for people to be insincere but that doesn't preclude people from being serious either. It's completely dependent on the person using it, what they wish to focus on and engage with. I'm not going to pretend like I don't hate when people try to cast it as 1 or the other (or even something else). It's always been (somewhat ironically) pretty diverse here, and organically so. It only seems recently that people are trying to cast it as the internet's toilet, "made" for shitposting.
>new money
>shiny expensive thing makes me classy
stunting on an anonymous imageboard is probably the exact opposite of having class
>Jow Forums is historically contrarian
>hates everything normies love
>Jow Forums became increasingly normalized
>seeing non-samshit/googlel android phones everywhere now
>mfw Jow Forums literally made me want to buy Apple products
t-thanks guys...
i once took the time to do research and compile links to create a thread about FPGAs that got rapidly slid while 3 separate desktop threads remained in the the catalogue at the same time. we currently have 2 separate desktop threads in the catalogue for some reason. on any given day it seems 1/4 of the threads here are the exact same intel vs amd threads complete with benchmarks that would make a statistician cry. /dpg/ used to have actual programmers who posted code and helped solve each others problems, now it's just idiots calling each other pajeet. internet communities all go through the same life cycles and i don't see a reason Jow Forums would be different. the friendly linux question thread or whatever it's called is the only place i behave myself just because the posters there are usually well behaved themselves.
>is the only place i behave myself just because the posters there are usually well behaved themselves.
Remember that misbehaving on purpose is a self fulfilling prophecy that causes the same grievance you expressed. While the opposite should also be true.
Only as a collective can we improve the quality of the board. It has always been the responsibility of the posters and not the moderators. They really are powerless.
Does posting the same MacBook picture and shill sentance seem fun to you? It doesn't to me. I've seen a lot of repeated posts about other things but they've been kind of quirky and fun. They are posting shill stuff, they are shilling, they are shills. It doesn't matter why they are shilling, if it's for money or fanboyism.
I'd be a lot more inclined to think it was a troll/false flag if they were posting something preposterous, but they aren't. I know several Jow Forums people (confirmed irl identities) that are Apple fanboys. And of course, the media pushes the exact same talking points as the shills. Outside Jow Forums it's literally everywhere.
You're acting as if the post itself is the value. People do it for the replies. Also it doesn't matter what we think, we're not posting it, they are.
Also I want to point out people have been posting "fuck jani" spam for over 10 years.
>money buys class
>my consumerism makes me classy
jesus fucking christ, get a soul you money-laiden moron
post link fgt
It's spelled "childish".
>me like expensive and shiny because expensive and shiny
If you're driving a Rolls Royce and don't have some specific affinity for them, it's basically a dead ringer that you don't know what you're doing in general. Same goes for any other "shiny". The level of thinking involved is way too shallow. I couldn't trust someone like that to hold on to money, let alone make any kind of decision. The fact that your daughter would have a Mercedes, likely a modern one, conveys that you probably have the same rationale and insight as a teenage girl. Buying a Mercedes is asking to replace your shirtsleeve at record pace. Grandchildren be damned.
It makes you a massive faggot, ooh look this piece of shit is epensive im gonna buy it! I dont understand how someone can be so retarded. Are you one of those retards who buy modern art i.e empty canvas for millions? I bet you also own painting made by someone squirting paint out of his asshole and i bet you think you are so cool! Kys...
Sometimes I wonder if insecurity is a mental illness.
I value my freedom, you licensing hoarder
Appletard subhumans aren't people.
>what's gnu
>what do you mean free software
>am i gay for showing off stuff from my imagination?
no, you have surpassed gay a long fucking time ago. you're a tranny already
HP? hahaha go fuck yourself.
>Mercedes is class
The only people who think this are classless fucking troglodytes. Mercedes is vulgar.
Sticky keyboard poopy heads getting pixel bleed on 1200 dollar iPad pro’s