What's the best file manager for linux?
What's the best file manager for linux?
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emacs dired
emacs Dired and GNU midnight commander
For me it's Konqueror.
Ho ho ho ha ha, ho ho ho he ha. 'Ello, my old chum. I’m gnot an gnelf. I’m gnot a goblin. I’m a gnome. And you’ve been, GNOMED!!!
satan's chosen file manager
Ranger. They're all shit though
This but nnn
>using a file manager
Why not just admit that you're a stupid nigger?
emacs dired and spacefm
set CDPATH to enable cd'ing directly to any dir in ~.
Open terminal pane in Dolphin (F4) and cd, and so does dolphin.
I just use pcmanfm.
Krusader, of course.
Thunar because anything it can't do is better done in a terminal
Dolphin is divine
st nnn
GNU Midnight Commander.
>terminal application
>open archives like directories
>ok-ish file viewer (with integrated hex-editor)
>keyboard-driven, but also allows for mouse input
>comes in chad blue, but is skinnable
>F2 brigs up completely customizable user menu. Missing some functionality? Just add it.
The only thing I don't like is that tthe keybindings are emacs-style by default, and some are inpossible to change. For example, I mapped movement to hjkl, but now I can't type those on the command line. I'd like to focus the command line with ":", which would disable all other keybindings.
If I ever have time, I'm going to make a fork that allows that. How does Vidnight Commander sound? Anyone wanna do the logo?
So far Ranger, but I wish they would port it away from Python.
I've tried them but they lack some really basic features Ranger has, I probably will wait they become decent.
that'll be 1500 dollars and a release under the GPL3.0
bash shell
lh is close to ranger and written in go.
i'd love dolphin if not for the kde dependancies
Explorer.exe through WINE
Fuck I mean lf. I can't even spell a 2 letter command.
I find `lf` to be pretty great.
Only thing it lacks is image previews.
>no working search function
Literally better off with winblows than thunar kek
Ls and cd
Ranger + thunar for tasks where having a GUI is more effective.
pcmanfm is also not a bad graphical file manager.
I'd really like to know why the fuck Thunar thinks it needs a daemon process. Its a fucking file manager.
FTP from Windows
Fucking finally, jesus what happened here
Vifm might be what you're looking for.
Dolphin, Nemo or PCManFM. Can't decide between the three of them.
same, but i use mostly zsh with st... most of the time i REALLY need to use ranger, is when i want to change my desktop background or when I'm quickly switching directories, multiple layers at a time
what makes "lf" better than vifm?
To save resources and reduce loading time you nigger, same reason urxvt and Emacs have one
Accept no substitutes.
nnn is literally faster than ls
nvim with dirvish
You mean GNU? Linux is just a kernel.
Gaymergayte + Amerikkkan's 2016 election = redditniggers and boomers running amok
>fff (Fucking Fast File-Manager)
>A simple file manager written in bash.
Something doesn't add up.
this one? github.com
can you give me a link?
nevermind, i found it.
Does this have working previews?
It's a standalone binary with no dependencies.
It acts as a daemon, so you can copy in one instance and paste in another.
That said, I have no experience with vifm as it always seemed inferior to ranger in terms of usability.
bash or whatever shell you like.
>all these kids posting fucking overcomplicated shitty file managers when FUCKING SHELLS EXIST THAT DO IT 90000x BETTER
Fucking hell, maybe you should all go back to Windows.
Wow, user. You're so hardcore. I hope one day I can be as cool as you.
I mean, if you're fucking dumb enough to use a clicky-clicky GUI file browser in FUCKING GNU/Linux, then yeah, I hope you can be as "cool" (sane, normal, having any intelligence at all) as me one day by just using a fucking shell.
>prime Touhou
It's litereally the most average Touhou possible. There is nothing "prime" about this.
PCManFM and Dolphin.
Terminal. If you really need a Ul then PCmanFM is the only one I could recommend.
CLEX, xplore, pfm, Ytree, lfm, ROX-Filer
that's actually good
Emacs has one because it's bloated as fuck.
I never use console on gnu/linux
People like you are just as retarded as GUI-only fags.
only if you're already using KDE, I can't be bothered to install the 100 dependencies.
Gotta be Dolphin
a man of culture, I see
MC is also good
As a developer I don't see anything remotely as workflow friendly as nnn. It's very well designed, packs tons of features and doesn't register in top output. And with the latest release you can literally extend it to do anything!
The handicapped lot, so to say ;)
Which features are you missing? If it's image previews, integrate sxiv with nnn (or use it as default image viewer). It can browse, show thumbnails,, copy path and set as wallpaper.
I like pcmanfm, but spacefm is more modular, as in, I can implement lots of shit, but I don't know how. I kinda wish pcmanfm acessed smb filesharing and mounted as a partition, because it would make using mpv and pictures on the server easier
>nnn is literally faster than ls
I doubt I have ever used any serious utility that is nearly as fast as nnn. The performance numbers are overwhelming: github.com
Better question, what file manager won't shit itself trying to open a folder with >100k images and thumbnails on.
> prime Touhou
> average
I don't get it.
Try Dolphin, PCManFM and Thunar. Not sure about >100k pictures, but all of them handled 30-40k images well for me.
the terminal, work on every OS.
>and thumbnails on
irrelevant for my use cases. From when did preview become a file manager requirement? Image viewers are not maintained anymore?
>From when did preview become a file manager requirement?
Since Windows 95.
>irrelevant for my use cases.
Good for you, user.
>From when did preview become a file manager requirement? Image viewers are not maintained anymore?
There's a difference between viewing images one by one and getting a quick overview over the contents of your dir.
>There's a difference between viewing images one by one and getting a quick overview over the contents of your dir.
True. And I use sxiv -> right click for that.
> Since Windows 95.
And yet an orthodox file manager like mc doesn't have that.
it's ugly
>it's ugly
far far better than the slow cow ranger.
but ugly
but ugly
to ugly eyes, for sure.
it's like that classmate who is very smart and kind but she's also a landwhale.
It's just "bash". You're saying "bourne again shell shell".
I can relate to that from good old school days. ;) Hehehe!
How do I make it so pcmanfm can display pdf file previews?
nnn in navigate-as-you-type mode. Nothing beats it.
For images, yes. But what about videos or documents?
the only good gui ones are rox-filer, xfe, caja, pcmanfm/pcmanfm-qt and gentoo. everything else can fucking die
>Don't memorize keys.
Speaking as a nano user, I'm interested.